Chapter 20 The Enchantress and the Magical Tree

" What is an Enchantress?" Yuki ask.

" Isn't it a folklore?"

" To many people it is a folklore or tale but believe it or not they do actually exist."

" Are they endanger?"

" If we would not hurry then they are." June says.

" What does this Enchantress does." Yuki now more curious.

" The Enchantress hunts men, women, children or old. They suck the people life force.Though many says enchantress hunts children for they have a longer life force but they rarely hunt children, and same goes for the old people for the simple reason.That older people had a few life force."

" Then their favorite hunt is in our age brackets!" Yuki stated.

" Yes, they like adult one, the Enchantress enjoys sucking the life force of man while in ecstacy for it is sweet and so tasty to them.And most of our age indulge in sex so much this become their target.And when the life force is taken the person will going to die."

" Oh no they are really in danger! Haru really loves womens he can't say no to them. I do not know about Akita and Ken."Yuki says speeding up.

" How about us? Are'nt we in danger?" Yuki ask.

" So far we are safe looks like the counterpart of the enchantress is not here. Because if its here we will be in more danger than the guys."

" What do you mean?"

" Enchanter loves virgins."

Yuki did not say anymore.Her sister thought that she was still a pure.But Eiichi took her first time back in Yaeyama Island. They have done it thrice while in there.Now Yuki is worried about June. Her sister is still a virgin looks like she was wrong on thinking that something happens between Ken and her sister while on the lovers island.

" How did you know about this?" Yuki ask wondering and she change the topic because she does not want June to know her secret.

" Concentrate on running, now is not yet the time to answer your questions.We really need to move fast." June says.

She explains everything while they are running and at the same time guide Yuki while they are running.

Yuki see another skill of June.They had been running for about thirty minutes but she was never trip on any branch. June could see clearly at the dark and guide her well.

On the other hand Ken was taken where Haru and Akita is. The wind that swept him suddenly vanished.Now he see both of his friends are having sex. Because he was still so far Ken did not recognized the girls. Ken will questioned the two then was shock after seeing who the girls are. Akita is having sex with Rima but Haru is having sex with June!

His June!

Ken blood rises up to his head and Ken walk fast and grab Haru's shoulder and launch a punch in him. He felt Haru's face in his fist it is a solid hit but it did not bother Haru at all. Ken threw another punch that made Haru stagger but he stand up does not mind him and kiss June again.

Ken is so really really mad that he kicks Haru's back and going to punch him when someone grab him at his back.

" Ken don't I'm here!"Says the voice behind him.

Ken turns around and saw June naked. June hugs him and kiss him. She felt her hands on his clothes then her wife tore his shirt.He was so shock at the action of June but he is not yet recovered by the onslaught of feelings when June hold his hand and guide his hands on her body. Which Ken gladly oblique, he really likes his wife actions. June is so wanton of him she even help him to remove the last piece of his clothes.

Then Ken came back to his senses he look back and saw Haru still having sex with his June. Ken angers rose up again, but stop when the hand touch his face and make his face look forward.Then he saw June infront of him again, he will going to ask but June kiss him some more.

" Don' t mind them! Only look at me! I want you now!" Says June in between the kiss.

Ken was mesmerized again and do so what her wife ask him. He did not know that the Enchantress takes a hold of them, and they were on a trap.

It was an illusion that the Enchantress creates to satisfy the need of this mens, and once these mens are satisfied she will take their life force. And because its been a decade since she had been trap in this forest and never got a hunt she will play and toy them first before she suck them dried up.

As June and Yuki runs, June saw something that caught her interest that made her stop from running.

" What? Did you find them already?" Yuki asked.

June did not answer Yuki. She knows that the three men needs their help but she could feel that this very big tall tree needs help too.The tree looks old and dying but June could sense that the tree could still live more but something is taking its life force.

Then June investigate the tree.

" June what are you doing?" Yuki could not help but ask.

June just motion her to quiet and continue looking.Then June finally saw it.The thing that prevents the tree life force is in the necklace.The necklace was caught entangled in the roots of the tree. June carefully move it and finally when she took it she felt the tree life force beam.The tree is finally free from the necklace chokes.

June examine the necklace and found the stone in it. To human wearer this stone will bring badluck, the stone is also deadly in a magical tree such as this but to her the stone will be very useful.June got a white hankerchief and hide the necklace there and put it in her pocket.

June is now looking for the secret passage of the tree but Yuki saw it first.

" June! Look!!!!" as Yuki see a shimmering thing at the hollow part of the tree.That hollow part looks like a cave that an adult will fit in.

Yuki became curious and enters that hole and June followed. Yuki could not believe her eyes for she see a very magical place.She had never seen like this before.

Inside the tree are shimmering lights like christmas lights but these are magical vines.The light in the vines that touches them looses it lights but it hums a very sweet sound. The sound produce a concerto sound that anyone would hear it relaxes. As the sound fades the light will return and gives a different color. The place became more dumbfounding as the vines light changes its color .

Yuki was so astound at the bewildering scene, she could see different flower everywhere as they deeply goes inside.

" June this is so beautiful!!!" Yuki says.

After saying that word Yuki' s word was repeated sounding her voice which surpirses her more.The sound came from a tiny yellow flower. Yuki touch it petals and the petal of the flower changes to gold.

June see the dancing eyes of her sister as her sister navigate this magical tree. And June calls her and touch one flower.The flower fly and dance around them and explode in the air like fireworks.Then it ashes falls into the ground and grew more little flower.

" Wooooow!!!!!" Yuki was taken by its beauty.

They continue to look around forgetting the things they are going to do. Then Yuki saw a very crystal clear water. The water is so clean that you could see its bottom filled with strange like fish.The water was surrounded by stone like figure.

June recognize the stone as they approach she see the unwinged faeries.This faeries are loyal and a servant to royal faerie. June notice that the faeries are crying.

June move fast, she gets the water and pour out in each stone.Though the magical tree is awaken its magic is not enough to support the unwinged faeries.Looks like the tree is the home of this creatures.

As June pour out the water she notice the stone absorb it but nothings happens. The stone is still dry. Then June saw the a magical large fish swimming. Its skin is brilliant with a very long tail of horse and fins like wings and it has a horn. June swam and wants to catch the fish and as soon she touch the fish the fish change its form and became a very beautiful princess.

The princess emerge from the water and kiss the stone one by one. And as she kiss the stone the stone wake up from its slumber. Slowly the stone chunks falls to the ground until the unwinged faeries emerge from it.

Just as thought of June there is a royal faerie living in it.This royal faerie is now flying around and hugging each unwinged faeries.

Then the Faerie Queen looks at June and fly towards them. She touch June face smiled at her put her forehead on June's forehead.

As they forehead touch both June and Yuki disappeared from that magical place and was transported on the place were the mens are.

June eyes widen as she see the tree men making out with the a ugly creature.The men were too absorbed that they not see them.

"Ken!" She uttered.