Chapter 21 The Sleeping Enchantress

Ken likes her wife wantonness of him and it made him glad that she initiate this time.But as the passion prolongs Ken felt that something is off.

Her taste is different, June is sweet like honeys and berries but this time he could not taste that sweetness but instead June taste like an acid metal. Ken minds wonders is this the girl he had married.Her smell is different too, he thought maybe June havent take a bath yet but then he remember in the van her smell are like fresh flowers.

Now his mind is racing than his heart. Could it be that this girl infront of him is an imposter! Then he had a chance to look at her body.

Oh boy! He had been fooled! June body is much more smoother and her skin is so snowwhite with pinkish tint and this infront of her have a paler skin. The bossom is not even the same and every other area. Then he look and saw Haru kissing June too but because the girl is facing him he also her body. Both of this girls has his wife face but not the same body.This is not June! Didnt 'taste like her, did not smell like her!

All of a sudden his head became clearer and he heard something in his head that made his eyes looks around.

Then he saw there June with Yuki! Her eyes are so shock and full of hurt and is that anger and jealousy he sees? Ken was not sure but one thing he is only sure this girl in his arms is not her wife.

Ken push the girl away and kick her in the stomach. And because the Enchantress weakness is in their stomach and was not yet done sucking their life force it staggered and disappear.

Ken approach Yuki and June who was still shock. Yuki sees the illustion and saw Haru making out with June who is also beside her whil Akita is with Rima.While before Ken attack the girl she also see that Ken was kissed by June too!

" How can this be?" Yuki who first to get back to reality ask.

" Your seeing an illusion." June said but she is still angry at Ken.

"Umm, Ken I think you better put your clothes on!" Yuki remind Ken as she see his thing saluting in them.

Ken hid his embarassment.And ask for June's jacket.

" My clothes was torn." He explains.

June gave her jacket to Ken still not uttering a word. After Ken barely covers himself. He told them what happens when he tries to pull Haru.

"They are so attach to the Enchantress we need to harm them an the enchantress at the same time to unlink them." June discuss.

" Enchantress?!" Ken ask wondering at those words of June.

" They are the called Enchantress that you guys are making out!" Yuki answers.

Ken is still not believing the words of this girls but they need to stop this insane thing. So they walk first toward Haru and give them a wound.

The Enchantress shriek as it got wounds on the stomach as per June instruction.Haru finally wakes up from the illusion after feeling the pain of the wound in his shoulders.He is going to complain but Ken stop his words by giving him a shirt that is already torn apart.

Haru would like to ask what's happening but June and the others are moving forward to Akita. Haru notice that like him Akita is also naked and having sex with Rima, which he wondered because Rima was not with them!

He also see that Ken is butt naked like him. When his finally done fixing himself and the guys approached closely to Akita who does not mind having sex infront of them they heard a very strong wind howls.

The sound that the wind makes is like the tornadoes as it cycle nears them.Then in a very swift move Yuki and June was taken and now Haru, Ken and Akita was left.

Akita who did not understand what was happening was drag nakedly by this two guys.They run after the tornado as they run they saw the wind ejected Yuki. Ken run fast ahead and catch Yuki before Yuki falls on the ground.

" Yuki can you stand up?"!

Yuki nod her head and tell the guy that June is still inside the wind.

The men could not follow the swirling wind. It moves too fast and disappeared along with June.And in Ken's anger he shout June's name.

His voice filled the entire forest. And as if answering to his cries the forest flower one by one suddenly lit their path.

The men look at each other, their eyes must be still asleep for seeing this magical thing to happens.

But Yuki exclaimed and said in a loud voice.

" Let us follow the flower!"

All of them follow the path then suddenly the flowers stop giving light as if afraid of something.Two blocks from where the flowers led them they see a disfigure tree. The tree was near by the sulfuric metal like lake.Its black and disgusting.As if the place loses its life.Everything in it are dead, trees, plants, lakes and no signs of insects or other animals.

One smell of it Ken could tell that the enchantress has taken June in here.

Ken signal everyone to move in caution, then everybody saw June.

June was tied in the tree and she is unconscious below her are the enchanters both want to touch her but could not able to do it.The enchantress wanted to touch her badly for they could feel her life force and her purity are different, but they could not do so.Everytime they touch her they were electrecuted which bring them pain but makes them more eager for they felt her more special than the other they have taken.

As if on cue the enchantress smelled them, instantly all of them where bound in the tree.

Ken try to escape but the vine became more tighter as he move.

" Don' t fight the vine you will only be exhaust to death!" He warned his teamate as they are all in the same situation.

Everyone listen to him.The vine did not choke them but the Enchantress use the vine to take all of their clothes.Now they were all naked.

The enchantress went with them and subtly touch the guys well endowed body. Haru and Akita once again lost in desire. Ken's mind remained sane.

He is so worried at June because there are still plenty of enchantress surrounded her. The enchantress are now more eager to touch her.The enchantress used the vine and whip June cloths.Not a single cloth remained in June and the eyes of Haru and Akita who was drown in passion now feasting on her wife's body.

Ken wanted to pull the eyes of these man as their eyes roams in his wife body. Ken saw it their eroge phallus protrude.

June was awake at the coldness she felt then she saw Yuki and the others naked and tied on the tree. And because they are facing her she could see the mens reactions to her naked body.

Suddenly the Enchantress spoke.

" You are one of us!!!" It is a statement rather than a question.

"Let them go!" June demanded.

"Let them go!" the enchantress repeated.

"After were done awakening you, we will let them go." The enchantress spoke and come nears again but this time as he tried to come near her he was force out.

The other enchanter saw it. And come closer to June.

" She is branded!!!!The other one exclaim.

" How can it be she is so pure yet branded!"

" We are going to die if we force waking her enchantress nature." The female said.

" Who branded her?" ask by the other one.

" She was branded by him!" The one who tried to touch June came back and pointed Ken.This Enchantress saw the unbreakable bond between June and Ken.He knows that this kind of bond is dangerous but the lust he is feeling is greater than his fear.

Ken did not understand what brand this foul creature says.

Everybody look at Ken and back to June again.

" Lets suck him dry and kill him so we can awaken her!" Wickedly suggested by the girl enchantress who pretended to be June earlier.

The woman this time copy June's body perfectly and come closer to Ken.

The others also shift form according to Haru, Akita and Yuki's lover. Haru desires June so one of the enchantress shift and copies June face and body. Rima for Akita and the other one became Eiichi for Yuki.

The enchantress walks and temp the team. And June seeing them losing to their desire became wanted to escape the tree but she couldn't.Something tells June that her friends are in danger.

Yuki is now is crying in pleasure while Haru and Akita is close to their peak of passion.Then June saw Ken, as she look into his eyes she saw strength and control.Ken even mouth her the words I love you.Ken's mind and love for June is so strong that the Enchantress could not even affect him.

The Enchantress heard the secret of the heart Ken.Her eyes widen after discovering it and using the vine she hit Ken's eyes that are looking at June.

Ken screamed in excruciating pain.And June saw it!!!

June screamed so loud that her voice creates big waves of vibration that push all of the Enchantress back.June was set free as his friends are.Then June use both her free hand to unleash her power.A light and wind appeared on her both hands as she gather enough strenght and throw this power on the Enchantress who are now trying to run for their life.

The Enchantress knew that this power could kill them all.But their efforts are put in vain when they runs as fast they could but the power still reach them.A flash of lights filled that forest.

The Enchantress shriek then was all vanish nothings remains left.

June who release her power in that area did not vanish the land but at her power reverse the place into a very magnificent place.

The sulfuric lake turns into a very clear water and all the dying plants grew and gives particles that looks light dancing in the thin area that added to its majestic looks.

Haru, Ken, Akita, and Yuki saw the death of the Enchantress and now in their eyes the forest transform. Their is in still shock when they saw June cloth in very a pure white flower dress and their eyes almost pop in the after seeing her beautiful real face.

Haru is the first one recovered from the shock.Then he see June falls.

"June!"Yuki shouted.