Chapter 22 The Princess of the Faeries

Haru runs toward the direction of June but Ken is much more faster.Now Ken is holding his wife and carried her like a bridal type of carry when suddenly beautiful people appeared and surrounded them.

Haru and Akita pose readying to fight but these beautiful people both girls and boys kneels down to them.

Haru observe these people features, the people cloth in leaves and flowers had bronze skin color and their eyes have have the same shade of green like Harlequin.They have a pointy ear. And they have a tattooed on their faces.

Haru are waiting for this people to attack but none of them dare to move until more appeared.This time the people came are tall and have fierce like warrior countenance and just like the first set of people this too kneels down to them.

Ken who is now annoyed by these people questioned them.

" Who are you? What do you want from us?"Ken demanded.

But nobody answer, the people remained silent and suddenly a gentle wind blows followed by many fluttering butterflies.In the butterflies appeared a pretty white skinned girl.

Her appearance is the same as this people but her eyes is more greener.Her head is adorned by wreathe of fresh flowers with different alive insect that when she move head the butterfly and other winged insect fly then goes back to her head. She is dress in white lily flower.She is so regal and majestic, that when she step on the ground the people stand up and their wings opens and flutters to salute their queen.

" I'm sorry for stopping you but we need to give thanks and acknowledge the Princess who save us."The queen says.

"Who are you? And who's Princess are you talking about?"

The Queen notice that Haru, Ken, Akita and Yuki are naked so before answering their question she wave her hand in circling motion Then suddenly the team the team is now fully cloth.

" I'm Queen Elizande and this are my people, we are called elfian and this forest is where we live."She introduce herself.

" And the Princess I' m referring to is her."She motion her fingers to unconscious June.

"Princess!!!" The team chant in unison.

" Yes she is the Princess of the Faeries of the Faeries.She had save my Kingdom from a hundred years curse."

" Curse? Hundred years?!Kingdom?Faeries!?"

Akita ask for he could not believe what he is hearing.

" Yes hundred years!You are all mortal do not knew us, faeries existence, sometimes there are special people who can see us but they are very few. And yes we live longer than you do."

" Ok ok, given that she have save you and us from those vile things.How can you prove that she is the princess of your kingdom?" Ask by Akita.

Before the Queen opens her mouth to answer June came back to her senses. Ken who felt her movement help her to stand in two feet.And when June is finally steady the Elfian including its queen curtsy to her.

June was not used this gesture so she said to them to stand up but they remain in their position.

"Oh!! Bummer!June almost exasperated.

" I order you to stand!" June said in desperately.

Then the Elfian stand and when they look at her suddenly the tall elfian's became blind including Haru and Akita.

" What happened?" Yuki ask

" I do not know!" June answer as she could see the eyes of some tall elfian goes white and same for Haru and Akita.

"Princess if they have offended you please forgive them!" The queen ask bowing again to her.

" I did not do anything to them." June also wondering what happens.

Then June heard it. The wind whisper in her ear what is happening to this tall people including Haru and Akita.

"The wind whisper to my ear what's happening to them. I could not help it since it was the law of nature punish them. But they will soon be ok."

" What did they do to you, so they punish like this?" Yuki ask curiously.

" The tall people are the curse enchantress, and as for Haru and Akita they both saw me naked that is why they are being punish." June explain.

" But how about Ken? He did see you naked too!" This are the enchantress!!! I thought they are dead!?Yuki exclaim.

"Ken is my husband." June says looking at Ken asking for help.

" Yes she is my wife, we married at the Yaeyama Island.The ritual that was done there was a marriage ceremony. I did not know that time, your father Yuki just tell me after the ritual. And forgive us for not telling you!" Ken explain.

" Oh my! So many happenings this and that.My head is going to burst." Yuki holding her head.

Then Haru, Akita, and the tall enchantress was lift in the ground. They all float in mid air, unconscious. The wind slowlys swish around them while putting them down carefully.

All of this things Ken and Yuki saw with their wide open eyes.

The queen bows more lower.

"Truly you are the Princess of the Faeries. This only happens when the highest Princess was violated."

" And thank you for saving us from the curse." The queen added.

"How long have you been cursed?" June ask the queen.

"Its already hundred years since it happens.Its my fault.I fell in love with the Prince of Enchantress. As the Queen of Elfian I have obligations to my people but I could not stop my heart."The queen sadly start her story.

" It happens when in my third moonlight night that I happen to saw an enchantress. It was my first time seeing a man virile man and the moment I laid my eyes I could not help but be enchant. Every midnight I went to this lake to see him bathing here. Although I knew that we are different and the tought of me being seduce by him is his character, I still risk looking him afar. But soon he discover me.

Then he knew my desire for him. Though he saw it is against the law of nature we bought dive in our desire. We see each other and have sex every night, and in the night of our passion he said something incredible and impossible."

"He told me his feelings that he love me.Upon hearing it I also confess my feelings towards him. From there on we love each other more.

But soon our forbidden love face its nightmare. My mother awakes from her slumber and tells me to marry Prince Oden.

But I told my mom I cannot for I love Benro.My mom was so furious but could not push me through the wedding so she lock me up. "

"When my guard fell asleep I run away.Benro was waiting for me in our meeting place but sadly we are found by his future wife too. "

" Benro futures wife is a very powerful enchantress, she could not accept our love and relationship. So we are both held and was taken to the tribunal. The tribunal gave us our punishment but the enchantress feeling wronged and resentful curse us all. Using sll their power they destroy this place. Benro protected me from the curse so I was just put to sleep and my kingdom into stone. But because of the strength of the elfian warriors they have became the slave of enchantress and become enchantress. And Benro became a dust just to save us."

" That is so tragic." Yuki says.

" Your power and purity has awaken and freed us. Thank you again Princess." The queen said.

" I know Benro I could not see Benro again but restoring our kingdom is now my priority. I owe you these my life, Princess. "

" Please dont say that, we happen to see the tree and it is calling me for help so I unbond the tree I did not know that you are and your people are inside."

" You were just lucky! " June added.

" No! I believe that destiny brought you here, and thanks for freeing my warriors now they will no longer hunt.And forgive us if we did not help you earlier for I am still gathering my strenght."

"Well were all ok now!" June says as she saw that the tall warriors are getting up.

" Then please accept this us our thanks to you and I also ask forgiveness if we violate you and your friends." The queen stretch her hand.In her palm an earrings appear.

" This is the earring of my mother queen the symbol of our strenght and power. I do give this to you as a sign of my humility, owe and thanksgiving." The queens says in an authoritative voicem That while she speak a power surrounds her swirling and went to the earrings.

"No, I can't accept this!"

"This is your treasure!" June exclaim, but she can't undo it anymore the earrings has its own life and take her as her new master.

June bows down at elfian queen as she cannot reject their offering.

" I humbly accept your treasure."

When June said those words the Elfians all bow down too and disappear from their sight.