Chapter 31 Ayaka

It has been 3 weeks since the heiress party where Ken meets Ayaka.And its been 3 weeks that he has been confused about what really happened to her.

Ken still remembers the night of the party when he brings Ayaka home and asks her about what happened? But Ayaka avoided his questions or somewhat changed the topic. If he insists Ayaka will burst out crying that will lead to comforting her.

He even wants to bring Ayaka to Yuuki but the Ayaka is either busy or not around.He plans for them to meet but till now it has not happened yet.

He even talked to Yuuki and mentioned Ayaka, but Yuuki did not believe him, it was so impossible that Ayaka was alive. But either way she was glad that Ken rumors in women subsided. Because she hasn't seen him date and approached other women.

But Yuuki also wondered if Ken was stating the truth. If he was stating the truth she would be glad that Ayaka is alive. After all Ayaka was like a sister to Yuuki.

Again he plans to meet the two girls so he invites Ayaka to dinner. But before that he brought Ayaka to the mall. And let her shop. And now he is watching her going to and pro from different shops. The girl seems to enjoy it very much. They already have so many shopping bags.

Ayaka guided him and asked for another thing to buy for her.

Ken was not annoyed but rather he became curious about the girl. Ayaka was not like this before. They already have a 5 year relationship so he knew many things about her.But now he observes so many changes in Ayaka. In Japan they used to shop together but the girl did not spend too much money nor asked for money from him.But right now the girl has already spent half a million pesos of his money. The money was not a problem for him. His filthy rich and owns a lot of business venture.But he wonders if people change if they die and are resurrected again.

Aside from these changes he also noticed many changes on Ayaka. The way she dresses the food she likes, her gestures towards him. The way she talks and addresses him and the way she kissed him. As if he was seeing an entirely different person. Yes the voice is there the face is there the body is there.But totally different from before.

Ken could not put into words but he was not even excited about kissing her.He was not even desiring her in any physical way.

There was even a time that Ayaka initiated and invited him to her bed.And he was so thankful at that time when her secretary called him for an emergency meeting.

Ken does not know but he was so relieved at that time. He even gave a bonus to her secretary that made her secretary doubt him.And jokingly said if he was sick at that time.But he just said thank you to her.

He does not know why was he acting like that towards Ayaka but kissing her makes his stomach threw up.Ken and Ayaka does not have sex since they met at the party.They hung out together they date together and when he ask question Ayaka threw tantrums that mostly lead to a lovers quarrel, which never happened back in Japan.Though she will visit him at the office and give kisses and they made up but no more than that. He could not imagine what would happen if that intimate act happened.

He doesn't want to feel that way after all Ayaka is her girlfriend but he does not know why as if his feelings for her are not there. He really wants to save their relationship only if Ayaka will talk to him.But Ayaka chooses not to open her thoughts to him.

Ayaka breaks his thoughts by calling out his name. And pointed the jewelry in the glass compartment.

"Please buy this and this." She said sweetly.Ayaka is looking at the sparkling jewelry.Her eyes twinkles just like the diamonds in the jewelry.

Ken easily agreed. He is so guilty that the girl is so into him but he could not give his feelings and thinking of different things

" Ayaka I'm famished, let's have dinner. I already booked us a reservation together with Yuuki."Ken said while they are waiting for the sales lady pack the jewelry.

"Oh is that so!"

"How come you did not tell me earlier!"

"Why is there a problem? " Ken asked.

" I really really really wanted to go with you guys but I have a schedule to catch up."

" I have a photo shoot later on." Ayaka said looking very guilty and sad.

"Is that so? Well I guess it should be me and Yuuki only."Ken said regretfully.

He knows that Ayaka schedule is also hectic due to her modeling carreer.Ayaka found a modeling job here in the Philippines and she enjoys it so much.

" Yes, I am really sorry. I am going to make it up to you guys." She apologetically says and gives Ken a kiss it again.

Ken nodded his head. Looks like today's plan is cancelled.

He brings Ayaka first to her photo shoot. And went to meet Yuuki at the restaurant he reserve.

Yuuki was so excited to see Ken. She huggeg him tightly. She has so many to tell him.

" So where is the girl you were telling me?"

" She wont be joining us tonight, she has a photoshoot." Ken explain

" Photoshoot?!" Is she that busy? Yuuki ask feeling annoyed.

" Did you order already?" Ken avoided Yuuki's question.

"Yes I did, I ordered for both of us."

"Why do I sense that you are not happy?" Yuuki ask.

Ken looked at Yuuki in the eyes and said.

" I really don't know. I don't know if that girl is really Ayaka, that's why I wanted you to see her. I just don't know." He said totally surrendered.

Yuuki saw that Ken really could not answer her so she did not press the topic.

She holds his hand and comforts him." "Gave her time Ken maybe she is adjusting to this place."

Ken nodded his head and changes the topic.

"What are you going to tell me?You sound so excited while we were talking on phone."

Yuuki's eyes brightly shines at the question of Ken.

" Oh that!" she excitedly says.

" You won't believe this! I found my real family!" Yuuki exclaimed.