Chapter 32 Yuuki's Real Family


"What Family?"

"Oh Ken! I'll tell you! My family has found me! Or rather I found them! Whatever it is I am happy to finally find my roots."

Yuuki is so thrilled to be sharing her story with Ken.

"Did Daisuke know this?" Ken asked.

"Not yet I haven't informed him yet."

Both Yuuki and Ken know that Yuuki is adopted by Daisuke. But Yuuki does not know her family.She could not remember anything from her past life. But she knew that Daisuke Arizawa adopted her. She did not expect that her vacation here will help her find her family.

"But how did you know they are your family? What if they were lying to you?"

"I was reluctant at first because I don't know them and I don't remember my family. But they saw this locket.This locket was with me when I was still a child."Yuuki explained.

"What if that locket is just similar to their lost child?"Ken asked still not convinced. Of course he will be happy if Yuuki really finds her long lost family. But there he could not help but worry.

"No this locket is one of a kind it is customized. I was curious back then how to open it and even ask you to open it and many locksmiths in Japan but no one could open it.But the man who appears before me tells me that he is my father and showed me how to open this. This locket could not be opened without the two other lockets which my real mom and dad has.Inside the locket was my picture my name and the picture of my parents. According to them the locket was customized for each of their children. And besides they also took me to a doctor and asked for a DNA test, they even asked me to check the result itself.And the DNA test result is 100 percent correct. They are my family and I am their child."

Then Yuuki brought out the DNA results and showed it to Ken.

Ken saw that everything is cleared in Yuuki'w life.

"So when are you going to introduce me to them?

"Of course I will. And you wont believe this!"

"Do you know that my family is very wealthy!" Yuuki says and though you can hear the excitement of her voice she almost whispers the word wealthy.

Ken's eyebrow rises at the information he heard.

"Who are they? If they are wealthy I might know them or my family might know them." Ken conclude.

"My father is none other than Alphonse Eduardo Angeles." Yuuki said in a whisper making sure that no one heard her speaking the name of the tycoon.

Ken was so shocked to hear the information. Of course he knows the business tycoon. The man was insanely wealthy.Mr Alphonse Eduardo Angeles owns a chain of hotels not only in the Philippines but around the world. The tycoon also owns different firms and real estate properties.Aside from that he heard the man also has ventures in Diamond Gold, and other mines. And also own a car dealership. Ken also heard the tycoon runs a clothing store that sells in Europe and Asia. Truly the man is one of a heck business magnate.

That's why the old tycoon is widely known both in the Philippine and other countries.For whatever the tycoon handles it turns into a prospering business.No wonder people are trying to get their hands on their daughters.

Ken worries easily as he hears Yuuki's family background. There is no point in doubting the man. And his father even vouching for the whole family.But he worries for Yuuki's safety coz she will be the target of the greedy men.

"I think you have heard him right?" Yuuki asked.

"Yes I know him, I heard a lot of things about him regarding business. And besides my dad knew the man, I think my dad and your dad are good friends."

Upon mentioning his dad Ken remembered his betrothal to this family.

"Oh what a coincidence!" Yuuki exclaimed.

"This means that we could still see each other!"Yuuki happily says.

"By the way come to my welcoming party."

"Sure, when will it be?"

"Well according to dad, they plan to have a welcoming party for me next week.They wanted it to be the best party since I have been lost so long.But because of the previous party they have,it might not be as glorious as the party they had last time. But dad promises he will try his best to make it memorable and splendid."

"I will be there." Ken assures Yuuki.

"Thanks Ken.It really means a lot to me if you are there. Though they are welcoming I still feel shy around them.But don't get me wrong everyone is sweet and caring to me but I am afraid that I made mistakes and tarnish their name." Yuuki said sadly.

"Oh just be yourself and you'll be fine."

Ken comforts Yuuki.

"You know all of my sisters are beautiful.They look like a princess from a faery tale book."

"All of them?" Ken inquired.

"Did you meet all of them?" Ken asked Yuuki for he knows that Katkat is one of Yuuki's sisters but he remembered that Katkat is no beauty.Not even a plain Jane but to put it bluntly Katkat is a horrendous girl.He shrugged as he remember the girl appearance.He really does not know how come that Katkat got that face whilst her sister are all beautiful.As in insanely beautiful.

That's why the men of old and young want to be part of the Angeles clan.

"Yes I have seen them all."Yuuki interrupted Ken's thought.

"They are so pretty specially Cai she is a heavenly beauty appeared on earth. But most of the time she hides herself."

"What do you mean?"

"She tends to hides her real appearance. She wore disguises to hides her beauty."

"Is there a girl who do that?" Ken asked as if Yuuki was telling a lie.

"Well Cai does that.But I dont know her reasons."

Ken did not ask anymore Yuuki might think that there is something more to his question.

Their dinner continues and shared their experience and each vacation they had.

Day past Ken shop a gift for Yuuki's welcoming party. He was so busy looking at the glass window when something caught his attention.

There again that very fragrant but not too strong scent. It smells like fresh air and flowers and enchantingly savoring smell. Then his eyes shifted and there he see the owner of that scent.

The girl who hunts him even in his dreams. Now he could see her face clearly.

The girl has a beautiful smooth and clear skin. Her body is sexy and alluring too. Though she was covered from head to toe. He knows that beyond that old fashion clothes is a covered beauty. He could even see the way she breathes and the way her chest moves up and down as if begging him to sucked those twin delights.

He chastised himself, because he was behaving very rudely. The girl really affects him so much. On cue the girl head look up and their eyes met.