chapter 8

☞︎don't you think its already a bad choice the moment you enter that place?

A mocking voice echo in the black and white tiles rooms. Normally countless of figures stood around here like titans but it was gone this time, yet a whisper of someone appears instead.

"Another one..." I sigh as I continue to search for the end of this place. I'll probably die again. Way to end a story in just a few chapters. 'I joked as stopped at the wall full of doors.

I never I understand this world of mine. A world inside my head or my soul? I never know what to call it as I can't just plain out explain it to someone out of the blue, right? Being here already out of ordinary.

I was about to tap one of the doors as my next action to be, yet my hand pause in midair as a voice spoke out.

☞︎for how shall you stay here? Wake up—

Before me, the world melts yet again to the abyss. my senses outside of this world slowly reconnecting to me as the eyes that view the outside world falter the image of a person who was about to—

"Can you move away? "I irrationally say to the girl, who seems to be leaning in with a kissy face. she quickly leans away with a blush madly written on her face. I seat up from what I realize a luxurious bed. ' ohh... I thought they'll send me to a hospital but then again--they might not want to get the news of someone stabbing a [ innocent ] person inside the building.' I thought as I look around the room, I notice its indeed not a fancy one and there are no windows and there's a machine in the corner. I notice a few robots that are holding medical stuff.

"its a good thing your doing fine after losing to much blood." the girl who starts to fidget her delicate fingers out of nervousness as well not making eye contact to me seems out of place.

"it's not about just blood loss why I fainted the first place." I mumble before I tried to get out of bed when she hurriedly stopped me from doing so. "you cant! your wounds might open up if you move so much!" she was about to touch me in the shoulder when I stared at her warningly which made her flinch away. "I-I'm sorry..." she sobbed as she starts to distance herself.

looking at her pitiful state makes me the bad man right? excuse me who was the one stabbed just now? ahaha... yeah. I'll play as the rude guy if that makes her stop her stupid dream being with me. "does crying turn back time? it doesn't, all that is done can't be reversed..." even it can be change, some people will be paying the price of the right answer of the wrong choice you change.' I thought.

not caring that I have an injury or that it's not really physically wounded outside but rather the wounds inside are still healing. I guess machines cant heal em. when I step out of the bed the door from open, showing the brother who wanted to kill me.

"tks...your still alive." he rolled his eyes in disappointment when he spots me standing. "well you shouldn't have been so slowly dramatic in trying to stab me to death... I mean, it's sound stupid when you trying to take time on it, which is pointless." 'slow death, kind of torture maybe if a person did fear death that is.' I chuckle at their reaction before I fix my clothes as I only have the bandage on my chest and my shirt is nowhere to be found.

"sigh..." I brush my hair and fix it in front of me since it's long enough to cover even so there's nothing much to be seen or hidden. I walk toward the door when that siscon brother doesn't move an inch away from it.

"you think you can leave just like that?" his eyes partially say that as I stared at them blandly.

"you can wear this dar... miss. marine." Coral run to the closet and take out a purple gaming suit, running over to me and shoving it to me in hurry, she shoved it in a straight that made my unopen wound throb in burning sensation... which made me shiver.


"..." I just rolled my eyes as I look at the clothes and was about to change to it when I realize those two were staring at me. "how bold of you." The person who's looks at me disgustedly yet pink tint on his ears can be seen even though he tried to brush it off.

"Don't we all have flesh and skin? What's the point in hiding it?" Those people think being naked is a problem when there's nothing interesting looking at people's body mass or figure.

"You sound as if your one of those [ Hypoactive sexual desire disorder ] people aren't you?" He seems to be surprised at first before he smirks widely and evilly.

hypoactive sexual desire disorder ((HSDD)), hyposexuality or inhibited sexual is considered a sexual dysfunction and is characterized as a lack or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity, as judged by a clinician. might be what he seems to be laughing at. How drastic people this time become, they already laughing at some disorders of others as if they don't have one themselves.

"will I'm not interested in a stalker, and a psychopath sister conflict brother" I told him off as I removed the pants I have and wear the leg part of the suit. I heard someone yell behind me yet nothing attacked me yet. Ignoring the trouble behind me as I put the suit up to my tights and upper body and I'm about to lock the front when I realize it just locked in place and it glows like crystal gems from top to bottom as if it gets activated.

"Ahh... what suit is this?" I mumble as I felt something weird going on as it starts to adjust it size to fit my body shape.

"Wait isn't that the prototype of the new version of [ UGVRS ]...!?" The brother I still don't know the name off screamed in alarm from behind me as something starts to click on the other side of the room where there's the machine lies.

"Oh! I forget~" Carol thought out loud before she made a "My bad" post.

"Why can't I move...?" I tried to move my body to only be in froze. The timer behind me keep counting down and the robots from the sideline approaching me with a hint of no backing away.

"If this going to end with me in another world... I will destroy this machine when I return..." I threatened them as I began to be dragged away by the robots to the machine.

"Darling! It's my fault! Take me with you!" Carol who seems to return to her usual self tried to leech on me but she was stopped by the robots.

"Noooo(/ T^T)/!! I want to come too!" She pouted angrily as she tried to kick the robots and trying to reach for me who is now up in the air in a tossing form by a big gangster-like robot and I was off—

The last thing I saw through the portal was Carol being held down by her brother which leads them to a mute heated discussion and soon they all become tiny dots to nothing.

I fall in the white Whirlpool and can't help but think...

That damn stalker of mine plan this!