chapter 9

[ Welcome new adventurer~ to CORE~]

I heard someone speaks inside the whirlpool that slowly changes to a virtual space. I stared at the person--or rather the artificial intelligence that spokes to me, A doll-like a teenager with chestnut hair and big sky blue eyes stared at me wearing a sailor uniform.

[hello~hello~ I been waiting for a new adveturer~ and it seems your the first one for this new program! how great!]

their voice echoes as they jump up and down in happiness yet I can't grasp such enjoyment this AI might have at this moment.

[ ehhh? why a low mode? aren't you suppose to be excited?! you're the first adventure for this type of sequence after all~]

"What..." what sequence is this bot talking about?' I thought as I look at the virtual space around us. "how do I get out of this?" being forced into this makes me dislike this system more.

[this is generation 9 system suit your wearing is only one of its kind! unlike its previous model, it's more extreme in specs--]

I walk around the place as the bot speaks about the pros and cons of the suit I'm wearing, searching for a way out of this place only leads me to circle this place over and over again.

[--then you can choose what world you want or be in full random!]

"what?" I was in the part of the room where there's a red bottom in the wall. shiny red bottom--my only curiosity weakness.

that red is red as spicy chili and it's calling me to press it!

[ please don't push that--]

without even hearing what the AI begging behind me as he hurried to run to my direction, seemingly forget that he can teleport here with data and 1n0.

i press the red bottom and nothing happens.


--end of volumn one--