
[(Magi POV)]








`Whe..where am I?.` I then stand up



I then started to look at Darkness that surrounds me and then.


"AAAHHHHH!! AAGHHHH!!! HAAAAAA...!"I screamed and dropped on my knees while clutching my head in pain.

A few minutes later. My head stopped hurting, and my mind started to get clearer, every minute. I then slowly stand up.

`Why did my head hurt?.` I thought to myself. And say. "What the Hell's Going ON!!?" I screamed and asked but no answer came.

I look around me again. And see that I'm in a cave like place. "What The Hell!?." I screamed.

"How did I get myself in a cave all of a sudden!?." I asked myself while racking my head. Trying to recollect what happened.

"From what a remember correctly. I was fighting Drake's in the sky a few minutes ago and suddenly I'm here! How!??." I questioned myself.

"Is this a prank? Or a joke maybe...?" I say as I look on the ground.

`No. It can't be a prank or a joke right??...*Sign* this is such a headache!!. Did they extended the server shutdown?.` I thought. While trying to open the setting menu And then.

"What the....I can't open The Menu!?." I say and started to panic. "Wa wait." Then I smelled something.

"Smell!!?. That wasn't in the game!!." I say in disbelief while clutching my chest. I then felt my heartbeat. "Wait I just felt Pain REAl! Pain in my Head! a few minutes Ago right!? and now I can Feel my Heartbeat!?.... Ok this is definitely not! in any shape or form. Normal in the game." I say with a worried and panic tone.

"Unless this is...N..o no no No NO!." My eyes widened as I got to a somewhat. Long shot of a conclusion to my current situation.

"OKAY! Okay ok...lets just stay calm and Think positively and logically of my current predicament." I say as I try on calming myself.

After a few minutes of calming down and rearranging my thoughts. I look around me again and see the rocky walls, ceiling and floor of the cave, that I'm in.

"Wa wait.....It was just Darkness a minute Ago. But now I can see so clearly. How!?." I said with a questioning look.

Even though it's suppose to be dark inside the cave. I could see clearly as if there's a sun light here. A few minutes later I started on testing my body sense's.

"I have all my 5 sense's but I have this feeling of there's more. But I can't seem to use it like something is blocking it." I say with a pondering look while thinking of the possibilities that. "This is no longer a game. It just can't be a game anymore." I say while narrowing my eyes.

`How could this happen?, How did it happen?, Why did it happen And Who or what did this?.` I thought.

"I need more information. Information is key to almost everything after all." I say with a grin.

"Do my skills still work or do I even have skills?." I questioned. "After all I don't have my Menu anymore." I say with uncertainty.

"Well it's not like if I say 'Open status' it'll appe-." My eyes widen. To my surprise it actually showed up.

{• Status

• Name: Magi

• Race: half Elves/Demon

• Level: 970

• Title's:

• Dream Chaser

• Far away

• Rift Walker

• Infernal Naval

• GlacialForst Royalty

• Duality Caster

• Time killer

• Chaos Pack

• Confused

• Chaos Sentry

• Shadow Fire Emissary

• Light Caster

• Dark Caster

• Endless Doom

• Neutrality

• Stubborn

• Archfiend Of The Abyss

• Nature's Calling

• Cleverness

• Main Class: (Force Planet/Max/Ulti Skill: Dimensions Break/Ex Skill: Collapsing Core)

• Enlighten Classes:

• (Grand Magus/Max/Ulti Skill: Orb Of Absolute Zero/Ex Skill: Permafrost)

• (Disaster/Max/Ulti Skill: Catastrophic Disaster)

• (Annihilator/Max/Ulti Skill: GrandAnnihilation)

• (Storm Riader/Max/Ulti Skill: Storm's RageEx Skill: Calamity WindStorm)

• (Warlock/Max/Uli Skill: Chaos Explosion/Ex skill: Purgatorial Hell FlameEruption)

• Special Class:

• (Eternal Chronomancer/Max/Uli skill: Fourth Dimension/Skills: Speed Of Time/Time Of Speed/Eternal Time Lock/Speed Abrasion/Passive: Chronoternity: Eternal)

• Sub classes:

• (Magician/Max/: Active skill's: Fire bullet/Ice Spear/Wind Dagger/Scud Soul/Rock Impact/Lightning Bolt/Fast Spell/Full Blaze/Water Pole/Eneblitz.

• Passive Skill: Magician Calm Mind: Recoves MP at a certain rate when staying still. Increased activation rate by Dex, Int.)

• (Elemental Mage/Max/: Active skill's: Elemental Protection/Mine Spark/Tetra Ray Blast/Willowing Elemental Cycle/Ex Skill: Penta Elemental Rays.

• Passive: Elementalist Fundamental: Raises basic status and higher affinity to Elements)

• (Lost Speller/Max/: Active skill's: Blizzard Fall/Prominence Burn/Flash Detonation/Black Rift/Ex Skil: Lost Meteor

• Passive: Lost Spell Cast: Speed up Casting)

• (Soul Force/Max/: Active skill's: Soul Bind/Lighting Force Smash/Soul Explosion/Soul Force Slash/Ex Skill: Hailing Soul's Of Swords)

• (Archwizard/Max/: Active skill's: Rumbling Earth Chain/Tempest Thrust/ Dark Collision/Ex Skill: Lightning Hail Judgment)

• (Wind Bearer/Max/: Active skill's: Wind Riaden/Tornado Blast/Wind Blast/Repelling Cyclone/Ex Skill: Tempest Vortex)

• (Dark Lock/Max/: Active skill's: Curse Bullet/Dark Bind/Hell Lock Guide/Ex Skill: Hides Judgment

• Passive: Dark Pain: When hit by enemy Said enemy will get debuff curse low rate. Rate increases the higher the Dex.)

• (Glacial/Max/: Active skill's: Ice Coffin/Glacial Storm/Sub Zero/Frozen Skin/Ex Skill: Niflheim)

• (Ignite/Max/: Active skill's: Flame Dive/Withering Blast/Burning Ward/Flame Cage/Searing Heat/Combustion Blaze/Ex Skill: Miniature Sun)

• (Blood Sorcerer/Max/: Active skill's: Blood Pulse/Mirroring Arcane/Cursed Blood/Crimson Ritual.)

• (Dark Caster/Max/: Active skill's: Speed Of Darkness/Legion Strike/Shadow Bolt/Dark Pulse/Dark Pact.)

• (Light Caster/Max/: Active skill's: Illuminate/Light Blast/Sun Strike/Speed Of Light.)

• (ArchFiend/Max/: Active skill's: Eyes Of The Abyss/Abyssal Contact/Mark Of Death.)

• (Chaos Slayer Mystic/Max/: Active skill's: Enigma/Enmity/Corruption Surge/Spell Disruption/Ex Skill: Pandemonium.)

• Stats:

• HP: 4.870.069 / 4.870.069

• MP: 2.850.450 / 3.570.450

• ED: 960.000 / 960.000

• Strength: 16.000

• Attack: 256.000~276.000

• Intelligence: 78.000

• Magic Attack: 1.680.000~1.780.000

• Spirit: 24.000

• Vitality: 38.400

• Physical Defense: 4.800.000

• Agility: 12.000

• Mentality: 48.069

• Magic Defense: 2.800.069

• Dexterity: 87.420

• Critical/Penetration: 87.420

• Sense: 21.000

• Stat Point: 750

• Equipment's:

• Hide Equipment's On/Off

• Mevius God Awakened Hood: On

• Mevius God Awakened Necklace: Of

• Mevius God Awakened Robe: Of

• Mevius God Awakened shoe's: Of

• Mevius God Awakened Bracer: Of

• Mevius God Awakened Cape: On

• Mevius God Awakened Staff: Of

• Mevius God Awakened Ring's: Of

• Complete Equipment Set: Special Effect

buffs are activated.

• Equipment Buff's:

• Physical Damage Reduction: +650%

• Physical Damage Amplifier: +340%

• Nullify Incoming Damage To Level 1~200

• Magic Damage Reduction: +650%

• Magic Damage Amplifier: +1080%

• Casting Speed: +150%

• Spell Cool Down Reduction : +80%

• Movement Speed: +135%

• Debuffs Resistance: +90% }

I just look at my Status and I then see that I leveled up. "How convenient. I must have leveled when fighting a few thousand Drake's." I say while remembering the one sided fight.

"Well then. It's a good thing that I can see my Status, and nothing much change." I say as I look around me to see if there's an opening somewhere.

"Looks like I have to do some exploring" I say as I casted multiple Skills and buff"//Widen Magic: Moving Wisp// //Illuminate// //Haste Magic Speed Of Darkness// so they do work"

"This feels weird..." I say while I'm inside Darkness it self. "So Casting '//Speed Of Darkness//' literally merge you with Darkness it self. While the other 2 skills didn't change. Very interesting." I say with an intrigued look on my face.

I then look at my current state and say.

"From what I remember '//Speed Of Darkness//' just makes me move a lot faster in the Darkness. But now it merge me with the Darkness around me." I then try moving around to my surprise.

"HOLLY S***!!" I say as I moved around like I'm instantaneously teleporting to place to place. "This Feels Amazing!." I say with glee plastered on my face.

"I Can 'Feel!' that 'I'M' moving. Not the Character I used in the Game. I can 'Feel' things now. This isn't a game anymore This IS REAl!!." I screamed with certainty and smile on my face...

[(Magi POV Ends)]


Hello author here ^-^/

I hope the chapter is in your liking and enjoy reading my Novel. Even though my grammar and Writing is lacking.

Thank you for reading Have a good night/morning bye ^-^/.

{Author out}