
I hope you'll like it

Anyways Have a Good Reading my readers!.


Inside a large Forest a cave can be seen if you are close enough to it. But it is Hidden by the trees and rocks that surrounds it. And a Huge amount of Mana is seeping through out of the entrance of the cave.

And because of the Astronomical Amount of Mana escaping the entrance of the cave. Any of the inhabitants of the Forest tends to stay as far away possible to it. Knowing that there are danger's of getting near the cave.

The said cave is know as 'Gadharas Sealed Cave'. It is where a Powerful Bahamut was sealed by the 9 Hero's and there companion's. And it is also where many kinds of Monsters resides.

If you go inside and deep enough in the said cave you could see a big opening area and in the middle you could see Huge Pillar of Glowing Crystals that is Illuminating the cave Walls and there seems to be something big and ominous inside the Huge Pillar of Glowing Crystal.

And if you go much deeper where endless Darkness is all you could but see....

[(Magi POV)]

`How long have I been inside this Cave now?` I thought to myself while sitting on the floor of the cave.

`I did do some exploring and I encountered a many unfamiliar monsters that I haven't seen. They we're all pathetically Weak Even though they look 'Menacingly Dangerous'. I was expecting more but I'm not complaining....

I'm also not too keen on showing myself to 'any' people if there's any at all. I already know that this isn't a game anymore aside from the Status Screen that I can somehow use. And I also don't know what would happen when I somehow managed to die.

Would I resurrect or just stay dead?... And so I'm not risking it to go out of this Cave and then to just Die!!. I'm prioritising myself before anything else, my Safety Comes First!.` I say in my mind while clutching my fist.

"My only problem right now is Information but I don't want to go out of the cave because of my Damn paranoias.... Damm IT!. I don't know where I am. And If I'm even in Oneiron Alethe anymore. I can't use Mail, Massage, Guild contact and the GM Call Function. And am I the only one who got somehow transported Here?.

I also can't use //Instant Teleportation// Spell to my House or to the Guild Base!. //Instant Teleportation// Spell should be able to Teleport me to my Check Point like the Guild Base and my House even if I'm on the other side of the World or even inside a Realm.

And I don't sense any Skill or Spell that's stoping my Spell to Work!." I say a bit agitated by the thing's that I've discovered and other possibilities while being here.

I then just look at my surrounding while thinking. `It's already been a few days or maybe a week?.... I think?. I also don't feel any hunger or the need to eat. It's weird and strange that I don't need to eat to survive or is it because of my race?.

I am an Half Elves/Demon. From what I remember, Elves do need to eat food but me also being a Demon makes it so I don't need to eat. I think?... Anyways that also means I have indefinite amount of time on my hands. I mean being a Half Elves/Demon practically makes me live as long as I want right?.` I thought with uncertainty.

"*Sign* I guess time will te-." I was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise above the place I'm in. And then the cave shook and debris started to fall on the floor of the cave.

"!!?" I then immediately casted //Elemental Protection// and //Speed Of Darkness// to avoid any debris and go to the way out of the area I'm currently in.

"The Hell!?. Is there some kind of Battle going on or is it just a natural occurrence that is happening right now?." I say with a questioning and worried look on my face while I'm inside the Darkness and speeding to the way out of the area.

Huge debris of rocks keep on falling while I make my way out of the area....

[(Magi POV Ends)]

(1 Week before the current events)

In the City of Aghanon. A group of Renowned Adventurer's can be seen entering the the Guild Building.

[(Adventurer's POV)]

The adventurer's that are inside the building are being very lively today. ,That is because 3 of the 6 Renowned Group of adventurer's are coming here to do a cooperation job request.

Those kinds of job request are rarely ever given to adventurer's and whenever it is given it is always something big.

An Adventurer looks towards the private table where big shot group's sits like the Group Black Drop is currently sitting and discussing there plans And Smiled then shouted.

"Hey Merns how've you been!?." Said Alsen Varis 25 years old. He is 6.3 feet tall, Short Dark Red Hair, Deep Red eye's with Handsome Mature Oval face and a Fit Muscular body. Wearing a blackish Red enchanted Mithril armor with a Red Cloak and two big great Swords strapped on his back.

Behind him are Crosmire Cross 27 year's old. He is 5.9 feet tall, Blonde short hair, Green eye's, handsome square face and a Lean body. And wearing enchanted Brown Green Woven Mithril armor with a Longbow strapped on his back.

Marjolein Vistaras 24 year's old. She is 5.7 feet tall, Straight long Dark Brown hair, Black eye's, Pretty Heart face and a Petite body. Wearing a Dark Blue robe with a black Crystal wand and other Magical accessories.

Zac Leb 23 year's old. He is 5.7 feet tall, short Brown hair, Ember eye's, Average Square face and a fit body. Wearing a Woven Mithril armor with a Black Lance.

Barth Leb twin brother of Zac. 23 year's old 5.7 feet tall, Short Ember hair, Brown eye's, Average Square face and a Lean muscular body. Wearing a heavy Drake scaled armor with a Big Meteor steel Shield strapped on is back.....

"Good to know that you're here and your group." Said Merns ignoring his question.

"Now that's just cold of you" Said Alsen jokingly while approaching the said table with his group.

"*Sign* ..let's just focus on the job request that they sent to us shall we?." Said Merns with an helpless look.

"Fine fine... So then. Have you already told your group the details of the job request that we are partaking?" Said Alsen with serious tone while looking at them.

"Yes I already did. I take that you have also have informed your group?." Said Merns looking at the approaching group of Alsen.

"Of course. I have already done so before coming here." He say looking at Merns with a small smile then looking at the other approaching group and saying. "How about you Averan how was your trip?".

Averan just closed his eyes and nodded slightly while approaching them. Averan Crow Age unknown. He is 5.11 feet tall, Short Mat Black hair, bright Red eye's with a Handsome Diamond face and a Lean body. And is wearing a fit Black scaled Dragon steel armor with a enchanted Odachi strapped on his back.

Averan just sits down first before her companion.

Alsen then looks toward Vivia. As if saying 'how about you miss?'.

Vivia then say. "We have a long Journey ahead of us, so let us make this quick." And with that she just sits down besides Averan.

Vivia Cyles 20 year's old. She is 5.9 feet tall, long straight Silver hair, bright Gold eye's with a cute heart face and a Lean curvy body. And is wearing a enchanted Dark Violet robe with a Black Diamond wand on her hand and a few other artifacts.

The two other group agreed with her. And then Merns Started the discussion...

10 minutes have pass and they then conclude the discussion finished.

Merns then say one last thing before they leave the Guild building "We should arrive at the forest of fairy's within a week or less. So be prepared to what we will encounter in that Forest. It's been 250 year's since the last Adventurer ventured I'm the said Forest."

"We sure will. I'm not planning on leaving the world of the living 'yet'." Said Alsen with a smirk while his group just laughed at him.

"`Yet` that's a good way to put it Leader" Said Crosmire with a chuckle.

"Heh.. whatever let's just get going so we can send those 'Pest' where they belong." Said Alsen looking at the two group with them. While they just look at him with a Smirk and laughter.

Alsen then just shouted to them. "Come on let me be a Hero for once!."

"You can be a Hero all you want when we get there. Then Marjolein will have a new story tell when we arrive back here, so do your best Mr. H.E.R.O" Said Crosmire teasingly at Alsen. The group just laughing at him and Teasing him for wanting to be a Hero. They do want to see him become one but until then they'll just keep on teasing him.

They then soon departed for the long journey...

[(POV End)]


Hello Author here *-*/

I'm sorry for taking so long to upload a new chapter. And I did my best on making it readable as much as I can. If there are Grammatic errors I'm sorry ;-;

I also encourage you to be as brutally honest in the reviews as much as you can. And *NO!!* I'm not a 'Masochist'. I just like to see what my reader's Honestly think of my Novel that is all \^-^/

Anyways have a Good day/evening ^-^/

{Author out}