"Sheila wait for me. I'll come to save you very soon. Sheila, SHEILA!!!!"

Alex shouted as he woke up, with tears flowing down his cheeks. He was breathing heavily as he tried to sit up.

"Why can't I move my body? Hasn't the poison worn off by now or that bastard is still trying to punish me." Alex said as he unconsciously released his killing intent.

He felt a deep urge to kill Kain, brutally. He has never felt the urge to kill this much.

"How could a mortal possess such dense killing intent?" Alex heard a voice he couldn't recognize.

"Is he some kind of demon incarnate?" He heard from another voice that he couldn't also recognize.

"Doesn't matter what he is, he smells like a mortal. We descended from the celestial plain realm to find a bearer to carry our bloodlines, the idea of passing it on to a human feels like an abomination already, but a mortal human? We agreed to stoop low but not this low. The least we agreed on was an Earth realm cultivator. Are you sure that your artifact still work?" Another unfamiliar voice said in annoyance.

"Don't insult my clan's artifact, I also have something important to pass on too. It guides and shows the best possible variable in almost any given situation. I'm sure that it worked, I just don't understand why it chooses a mortal." This time the unfamiliar voice sounded feminine.

'Wait this doesn't sound like a language I know, why am I able to understand what they're saying? Is this a side effect of the poison that was used on me?' Alex thought to himself panic-stricken.

"Voss go and search through his memories." One of the unfamiliar voices commanded.

Alex saw a man that looked like he was 5ft tall, had wrinkled scale-like skin, long white hair that swept the ground as walked towards him, and was over 180 years, coming close to him. The man's beard was also long. The man looked like he had no eyeballs. His eyes were pitch black, it looked like he was staring into a dark void. He felt very conflicted, he couldn't understand why he would hallucinate such.

"Oh God, I know that I've never asked for anything, and I know that I haven't been the perfect human but at least leave me a manual for crazies. Cause I feel like I'm turning into one" Alex complained.

"Hey stay away!" Alex said.

"Hey!! Big blind old lizard, keep your distance dammit!!" Alex said as he tried to break free from his bonds, but to no avail, he couldn't break free.

"Hahahaha." Voss's companions laughed.

"Nicely said, kid." The female amongst them chuckled as she said.

"You talk too much kid," Voss said.

Voss placed his index finger on Alex's forehead, suddenly Alex could feel himself reliving all his memories. The good and bad ones. He relived the moment when his parents were killed, he felt all the pain he used to feel but only that this time it was more like it happened again.

Tears started to drop from his eyes. The pain he used to feel from hunger, all the crap he had eaten, the tears he had shed. Suddenly Alex was in the "HALL OF JUDGEMENT" once more.

"Please stop." Alex pleaded as tears continued to roll off his cheeks.

He had Sheila in his arms once again.


Immediately Alex he shouted out, a crimson light as thin as a strand of hair appeared from within his eyes. The hair-like light formed a circle the size of his pupils and hovered on top of his eyes. Alex killing intent manifested once more but this time it was directed at Voss.

Voss quickly put distance between him and Alex. He disappeared and appeared a few meters away. The abnormality happening to Alex left as quickly as it came. The mysterious bind on Alex had been broken. Alex was now struggling to breathe. He had to use all the strength he had in him just to inhale.

"What was that!" the voice that commanded Voss to search Alex's memories asked with a stunned expression on his face.

"Quickly Daemon, help him!!" The female shouted at the man that commanded Voss.

Daemon quickly appeared beside Alex and tap his chest. Alex gasped for air, breathing in and out heavily, and having a coughing fit.

"What just happened?" the female asked.

"That felt like a bloodline power awakening. I did not imagine that the suppression I felt from it was much stronger than the one you guys give. But… How can a bloodline just awakening possess such oppressive capabilities?" The female added as she stared at her companions.

"We also felt it too grace. It felt like a word from him could end us. But that doesn't make sense. We have pure dragon blood flowing through us and with the level of cultivation we've attained, a bloodline awakening shouldn't be able to suppress us." Daemon said with a frown on face.

"Voss, what did you do to the kid?" Grace asked.

Voss was about to speak when he suddenly vomited a mouth full of blood.

"I didn't do anything, I only went through his memories. He hasn't had an easy life. Going through his memories put him through the pain and sorrow from the past again." Voss transmitted what he saw from his mind to theirs.

"True, he hasn't had an easy life but that doesn't explain his bloodline awakening. There are many people that have gone through the same if not worst and they didn't awaken such kind of bloodline. He comes from a lesser galaxy with scarce Qi. How is this possible? " Grace said.

"I think it's exactly because he comes from a lesser galaxy that he could awaken something like this."

Daemon said as he stared at Alex.

"Grace, your clan's Artifact might just scarier than we give it credit for."

Daemon looked at the palm-size artifact in grace hands.

"You know that the universe has its own rules. Like why the powerful aren't allowed to stay in a lower realm for a long period of time. And how everyone would have to face their tribulations if they plan to go against the universe rules. This kid was already reaching his peak in his galaxy. If you check closely he doesn't seem like a normal mortal. He managed to achieve all this without sufficient Qi.

His tragedy was his tribulations. Then he is brought into a galaxy with an abundant amount of Qi and faces these tribulations again, only that they hurt a lot more than they did the first time. He faced his tribulations twice, will any of us here want to face every tribulation we've been through when we were making breakthroughs?"

Daemon asked his companions while feeling guilty for what he had just put Alex through.

"Daemon, his bloodline didn't contain much power per se. It smelt like death. Like its only purpose was to kill." Voss interjected.

"Messenger Of Death!" They all chorused…

"We might have doomed this galaxy all because of our selfish reasons. Is this the universe reprimanding us for crossing its boundaries" Grace said as she looked at Alex who was still gasping for air on the floor.

Alex gradually started to breathe smoothly. He got up from his knees and sat down. Alex started to take a look at his surroundings.

'It looks like I'm in a cave.' He thought.

He looked up and saw that there was no ceiling. The roof looked like the night sky, filled with stars.

'I'm definitely in a cave, since when did caves have stars in them?" He thought again.

He turned his gaze to the people he thought he had been hallucinating. Apart from the two lizard looking men he had contact with, there was another lizard looking man, making them three.

He looked at the last person.

'She looks like... How could there be anyone this beautiful in the universe? She has long slender legs, wasp-waisted, her skin looks so soft and ice-like, and her breast is the right size for her body. Sea-nymph ears, a dainty nose, slender eyebrows, velvety eyelashes, and long silver-colored hair. A very shapely figure. All in all, she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.' Alex said in his mind.

Alex turned his attention to her eyes and he saw her looking back at him, smiling. Like she knew that Alex had been checking her out.

"Too bad kid, I'm over 100,000 thousand years. Are you sure you want to check this old lady out?" Grace said playfully.

Alex turned his head and looked elsewhere, his complexion turning red. He felt a bit embarrassed.