"Why was I brought here?" Alex asked, trying to change the subject.

The three lizard looking men stopped the conversation they were having and looked at Alex.

Alex had been listening to what they had been talking about. He listened but still found it hard to process and believe.

"And who in the hell are you guys supposed to be?" He was curious about his situation.

"Oh, we're very sorry about that, we were caught up in the moment. My name is Grace, Grace Melsilver. I am from the Silver Fox clan." Grace introduced herself. Alex gave a nod to her.

"I'm Voss, Voss Dragnel. From the Imperial Dragon clan."

Alex looked at Voss with hatred in his eyes.

"I am Daemon, Daemon Dragnel. I'm also from the Imperial Dragon clan."

'Daemon, the one that gave Voss the order to pull that nonsense on me.' Alex thought with a snarl.

He looked at Daemon with the same hatred he had for Voss.

"I'm Granoss Dragnel. I come from the same clan with the two blind lizards" The one that had been quiet since the beginning said with a smirk.

Alex observed the three men closely and carefully this time. Although they looked very much alike, there were noticeable distinctions. Granoss had a sword hanging by his waist, dressed in clothes that Alex couldn't recognize. It looked like a robe, but Alex felt like the robes didn't give such airs and charisma as he did. His hair was tied into a neat bun.

Daemon was dressed in the same clothes as Granoss was, but there was no sword on him. His hair was rolled up neatly and held in place with a hairpin. The hairpin had a dim translucent light coming out of it. And he had a ring on his finger. A black-colored ring.

Only Voss looked unkempt, but he wore the same robe that Granoss and Daemon had on. Their facials were the same, the same dark void-like eyes.

"Why was I brought here?"

Alex could feel that these were not people that he could take on. He doesn't believe that they were dragons and silver fox that they claimed to be, he thought that they were messing with him. Deep down his instinct was telling him that they were very dangerous people. So he spoke to them with caution.

"You Alexander, have been chosen to be the bearer of our bloodlines," Daemon answered.

"What are these bloodlines you keep on talking about?" Alex curiously asked.

"Well bloodlines in simple terms, refer to the powers within a person or beasts' blood. According to your memories, it is known as genes from where you come from. We plan on passing our powers to you through our blood." Daemon replied.

Alex raised an eyebrow and said;

"Why would you want to give me your powers? And I don't recall applying to be chosen."

"We have our reasons for doing things way. Sure it might seem like we are selfish beings to you, but we had no other choice but to use this approach." Grace said as she was feeling guilty.

Alex still had doubts about all they had said to him.

"The three of us, we brothers are dying. Just like you, we were betrayed and poisoned by someone we cared for. We were betrayed by our 4th brother. The poison in us is too lethal to be cured in a short time. Even without the poison, we would still be dying. We attempted to break through to the 'Minor God Realm' but we failed to pass our tribulations due to the poison in us." Daemon said with a sad smile on his face.

"That's one of the reasons why we look like old blind lizards right now."

"Minor God Realm?"

Alex asked as he was still confused and didn't understand half of what he said.

"Yes, it's a cultivation realm," Granoss answered.

"What?" Alex was still confused.

"Here let me make things easier for you Alex."

Grace said as she slowly closed the distance between her and Alex. Alex got up and quickly took a few steps back and instinctively entered a defensive stance.

"Don't be alarmed, I won't hurt you."

"And how can I trust your words?" Alex retorted.

"Because if I wanted to hurt you, you wouldn't even see it coming." Grace quickly appeared in front of Alex.

As soon she appeared right in front of him, Alex could feel some kind of power restraining him. He couldn't move.

He could perceive a mind clouding fragrance coming from Grace. He inhaled the fragrance and he could feel himself calming down. He kept on inhaling the fragrance. The fragrance made Alex feel like he was getting high.

"Be careful kid, she's a fox, they give out a fragrance that weak men can't resist," Granoss said.

"I can clearly remember you failing to resist my fragrance the first time we met. I guess you're also a weak man" Grace turned and said to Granoss.

Grace raised her index finger and touched Alex's forehead. This time Alex was ready even if he didn't know what she was going to do to him. Suddenly information about things he did not know about flowed into his mind. Cultivation realms, from weak to stronger realms;

Elementary Realm.

Body Refinement Realm.

Origin Realm.

Nascent Realm.

Disaster Realm.

Nirvana Realm.

Earth Realm.

Sky Realm.

Heaven Realm.

Spirit Condensing Realm.

Spirit Awakening Realm.

Spirit Transformation Realm.

Ethereal Realm.

Incipient Realm.

Emperor Realm.

Immortal Realm.

It took Alex a few seconds to go through the new information in his head. He realized that information had been passed to him instantaneously from a finger. He quickly grabbed Grace Hand.

"How did you do that?"

Alex asked. As he held onto her hand he noticed that her hand was very soft. He looked at the hand he held in his and blushed. He quickly let go and changed the question.

"What realm are you in?" He asked Grace.

"I'm a late-stage Emperor Realm cultivator." She answered with a proud smile.

"What about you guys?" This time the question was directed at the three brothers.

"The three of us were late-stage Immortal Realm cultivators," Voss answered with a blank expression.

"So above the Immortal Realm is the Minor God Realm?"

He turned his attention to Granoss and asked. He received a nod as a reply.

"If you are in the Immortal Realm, how could you be dying?" Alex was skeptical of them.

"I said that we were, not anymore. If you fail to overcome your tribulation when making a breakthrough, you will lose your life. Tribulations are the universe's way of reprimanding people that are keen on going against its rules.

Besides nothing in this universe is truly immortal, except for the universe. You can get as powerful as you can but you can't escape death. A never-changing rule of the universe is that all souls shall taste death. The only thing you can do is to extend your time."

"The only reason we are still alive now is because of a forbidden skill we used, we are not willing to die without leaving a legacy behind. And we were running out of time. That's why we had to selfishly bring you here." Daemon said.

"Oh, I see. Send me back to my world. I don't want your menstrual discharged blood in me." Alex said rudely.