Alex raised an eyebrow, wondering if Camron had forgotten that his family doesn't want him there.

"I don't think that would be a wise thing to do. I'll just have my lunch in my room as I did with my breakfast, just need to search for Beatrice." Alex said.

"I know that my family wasn't exactly welcoming last, but..."

"Oh really," Alex interjected with sarcasm dripping off every word.

"But trust me, they wouldn't try that this time. My father had already spoken about it this morning, none of them would go against his words." Camron assured.

['Why does this retard thinks that I will trust him?'] Alex thought.

['Well you already do, aren't you his friend?'] Xander asked.

['I-I.. do you enjoy making me speechless?']

['Maybe.'] Xander replied.

Alex scoffed then turned his attention back to Camron, he folded his hands across his chest.

"I don't trust you, but something tells me to believe." He lied through his teeth.

['Hahaha. More like an alter. Pussy.'] Al who had been silent for a while mocked. Alex grinned and thought;

['Oh so now you're done sulking.'] He chuckled.

"If you say so, Alex," Camron said as he grinned. He seemed to understand that Alex was lying.

Standing in front of the double doors again was Alex and Camron.


The huge doors were pushed open, gaining everyone's attention.

"Seems like we are early this time," Camron whispered. His family had just arrived not too long ago. They sat down the same way that they did last night and so did Alex and Camron.

Sara watched Alex as he walked to his chair, with a nice smile on her face. Even when Alex had taken his seat, she refused to avert her gaze. Alex noticed her eyes on him and turned his head to make eye contact with her. Not seeming to be bothered by Alex staring right back at her, Sara's smile only got bigger.

['Why is this b*tch staring at me like that?']

['Maybe she has a crush on us already. Kekeke.'] Al cackled.

['A crush indeed.] Alex dismissed Al's thoughts. He broke eye contact with her as he felt another person's eye on him. He faced Lawrence's gaze, staring at him for a few seconds before his stomach betrayed him.


His stomach growled and changed the awkward atmosphere. Alex closed his eyes and started cursing at his stomach in his mind.

['Can't you just chill for a bit, you bottomless hole I call a stomach. Argh!']

['Hahaha.'] His alters chorused.

"Hahaha." Lawrence and his family also joined in on the laughter. Only Arabella was not laughing, but she did chuckle for a bit.

"It is very obvious that you are hungry, so we would skip the greetings and get right into the eating part."

Lawrence clapped his hands and the maids entered with several serving trolleys. They came in from another double door that was at the opposite end of the double door Alex came in from.

The maids placed trays of food on the table and removed their covers. The aroma of several well-cooked foods filled the air.

"Well then, go ahead and help yourselves, everyone." Lawrence permitted. He then went ahead and made a plate of food for Ivy, his second wife.

"Thank you, darling." She held his hand and kissed it as she flashed a beautiful smile at him. Then he proceeded to make a plate for his other wives too.

Camron did the same and made a plate for Alex.

"Here you go, Alex," Camron said. Seeing what Camron had done, he felt very weird and conflicted. He looked down to where Lawrence was and saw how his wives kissed his hand after he had served them. He then turned his attention back to Camron, looking at him weirdly.

Camron noticed his weird gaze and asked;

"What's wrong?"

"Don't expect me to kiss your hand." Alex blurted out as he drew the plate that Camron served him, closer to himself...

Ivy, Lawrence, and Camron's sisters laughed at Alex's comment. While Camron only sat down there in confusion.

"Don't worry about it little bro, you'll find someone that wants you in the future." Sara teased.

"That wants me?" He questioned, falling deeper into confusion.

"Stop that Sara." Ivy giggled.

"Alright," Sara said with a smile. Everyone fell silent and faced their foods.

After a while, when almost everyone had finished feasting, Sara turned her gaze back to Alex.

"Alexander." She called out. Alex stopped eating and looked at her in response.

"I wanted to apologize for my rude questions last night. I came to your room this morning after breakfast, but much to my dismay you weren't there." She sighed.

Alex blinked a few times and gave her a nod. Signifying that he accepts her apology. He turned his attention back to his plate. Enjoying how the food tasted, he was interrupted again by the same person.

"Alexander." She called out again.

"What?" He answered in frustration. Raising his eyes to look at her, he found her still smiling at him like she didn't hear the frustration in his voice.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You already did," Alex replied.

"I heard that you are a fire elemental bloodline bearer. Is that true?" She went ahead and asked, ignoring Alex's rude reply.

['What is wrong with this girl!? Can't she take a hint?']

['A very curious one. She is not one to take no for an answer'] Al uttered.

['I swear if this girl annoys me I'll set her on fire.'] He fumed.

['Are you stupid!?'] Al asked.

['That wouldn't be a wise thing to do Alex'] Xander cautioned.

['Just take things easy Alex'] Lex said.

"Yes." He gave a short reply.

"Wow, that's amazing." She exclaimed. "Is your bloodline class really a class-3?" She asked again.

['This b*tch, she said a question, this is the second one.']

"No, it's not." His reply caught everyone's attention in the room.

"Really, then what class is it?" This time it was Lawrence that spoke up and asked.

['What is with this family and wanting to know everything? They look like they might die from curiosity']

"I'm a class-1 primordial bloodline bearer." He said and turned his attention back to his food once more.

-Clink! Clink!

The sound of the silver spoons hitting glass echoed out, the spoons they were holding fell. Everyone looked at Alex with doubt in their gaze, then they looked at Camron and saw how unbothered he was by Alex's answer. It was at that moment they realized that Camron knew all along.

"So you are royalty?" Oliver asked, recalling the green ECs Alex handed to him. He swallowed. Alex was about to give him a reply when his alters stopped him.

['I repeat, are you stupid!!??] Al shouted.


['Why would you be spilling everything about us just like that. Don't you know how to lie!?']

['Al is right Alex, you shouldn't be telling others about these kinds of things this easily. We are not strong enough to protect ourselves easily yet. You shouldn't be painting a target on our back.'] Lex scolded.

['What do I do now?'] He asked his alters, realizing his foolishness and mistake.

['Tell them that you are from a royal family. That way if they do have ill intentions they would think twice before taking action. I would also suggest that you release your bloodline suppression a bit, even if it's a gamble, it would serve as proof of your identity.'] Xander suggested.

Alex listened to Xander and released the suppressing powers of his bloodlines. He could feel his blood race, like dragons coursing through his veins. His hair started to dance like it was being hit by the wind, but there was no wind strong enough to do that here in the dining room.

For a second everyone in the room couldn't move nor could they breathe. The staff standing around had their backs and knees bent, they were about to hit the ground. Then Alex retracted his bloodline suppression as quickly as he released it. His hair stopped dancing and the weight that was on everyone lifted.

They had unsteady breaths.

'There's that same feeling. Like I would be better off dead. I hope father and mother aren't hurt, they are mortals after all.' Camron panicked.

"Yes, I am. Now please can you quit asking me questions, I am trying to enjoy this meal." Alex replied. To the Avanti family, Alex didn't sound the same anymore. He sounded like a domineering king.

"Y-Ye-Yes your Highness." Oliver stuttered as he replied. Alex faced his food once again. Arabella who was beside Alex stared at him with wide eyes.

The room was now silent, only Alex spoon hitting his plate could be heard. To the rest, they felt like it would be disrespectful to eat while he was eating.

['Now apologize for doing that and say that you lost it for a second there. That way they would understand that it wasn't your intention.'] Lex advised.

['And they wouldn't Attempt to know too much anymore. Then tell them to forget about it and not to speak about it to anyone.'] Xander added.

Following the guidance of his alters, Alex dropped his spoon and sighed.

"I am sorry for what I just did. I lost control of it for a second, it wasn't my intention. I hope that you would stop questioning me and I would very much appreciate it if you would speak of this to no one outside this room."

"As you wish your Highness!!" Everyone present chorused except Camron. He still had his doubts, Alex had told him not long ago that he wasn't from any royal family.

"Highness?? No, just call me Alex and stop with the formality, please. I am friends with Camron, I can't have my friend's family address me like that." Alex said.

['Nice finishing.'] Lex giggled.

['Please do not giggle in my head.'] Alex complained.

Hearing what Alex said, everyone on the table finally calmed down. They looked at Camron with pride in their eyes now. Who in the family would have guessed that the stranger whom Camron had brought home was a class-1 bloodline bearer, someone from the royal family. Lawrence grinned.

"Then we shall address you as Alex. Please forgive my family for the rude behaviors they displayed yesterday, I sincerely hope that we haven't offended you." Lawrence said.

"And I would return the green ECs you gave me." Oliver quickly added.

"No, No. there's no need to apologize. If I had been offended then I would have left your property last night. And keep the ECs, what would I want with green ECs when I have these." A purple EC crystal appeared in his hand. Alex smiled at their stunned expressions. Feeling good about himself.

['Can't you do without showing off?'] Al questioned.

['I wasn't showing off. I just gave them another proof. If they reacted as they did for green ECs, then purple ECs would do a lot.']