The lowest form of money in this world is bronze. 100 bronze coins are equivalent to 1 silver coin. 100 silver coins are equivalent to 1 gold coin. A thousand gold coins are the base price for a single low-density blue EC. 100 low-density blue ECs is equal to 50 high-density ECs.

A hundred high-density blue ECs are equal to 1 low-density green EC. The same sequence follows for the purple ECs.

The Avanti family had seen enough proof for the afternoon. The purple EC that Alex showcased, eliminated most of their doubts.

A million gold coins, that was the worth of a single low-density purple EC, but this is only the base price. It is usually purchased at a higher price if the currency being used to purchase it is gold. Not that the Avanti family couldn't afford a million gold coins, the problem was from the ECs themselves.

ECs are rare natural resources that are said to be essential to cultivators, blue, green, and purple; each being rarer than the other, respectively.

You might be a Millionaire but that doesn't mean that you could get your hands on such precious resources, even top organizations in the western continent hardly own green ECs. Last night Alex had gifted out 3 green ECs and that alone spoke in volumes of his background to the Avanti family, now he just presented to them a purple crystal.

Oliver looked at the crystal with greed in his eyes. He thought Alex was going to give this one to him too, but unfortunately for him, Alex didn't. Alex returned the purple EC into his storage ring. With a smile on his face, he then said;

"A few green ECs don't mean anything to me. Keep it and accept it as an apology from me, for my previous improper actions." Alex finished.

"Then we would do as you say," Lawrence said.

"If there is anything that you would need during your stay with us, please do not hesitate to tell us. We would try our best to satisfy your necessities." He added.

Alex only grinned and nodded in response. He turned his attention back to his unfinished food. Camron said nothing until he had finished eating.

"Alex." He called out. Alex had also just finished what was on his plate.

['At least he had the decency to wait till I was done.'] Alex thought.

"Yes. Don't tell me that you also have a question." He replied.

"Haha. No, I just wanted to inform you that we would be heading to the Severance academy in 6 days. The entrance screening exam will be held 7 days from now." Camron informed.

"Oh, okay. That is good news then." He said with a smile.

"Wait you are going to the Severance academy?" Arabella blurted out.

"Yeah, he is," Camron replied. "Is there anything wrong with that?" Alex asked Arabella.

"No. Actually yes. I mean someone of your standing could definitely go somewhere better, like a different continent in this realm. Why the severance academy? Why the Western continent in particular?" She probed.

"Stop that Arabella. He said no more questions." Ivy scolded. They were all expecting Alex to get annoyed, but much to their surprise he didn't. Furthermore, he even gave a reply.

"Because I was asked to get stronger here by…. By my family." Alex answered.

['By your family? I thought they were just lizards to you'] Al said playfully.

['Well it is all I could think of at the moment.']

['If you say so rabbit.']

"Get stronger? How will you be able to get stronger here, where you literally have no competition if we strictly look at it from the bloodline perspective? There is no class-2 bloodline family that is based in the western continent, meaning that your presence is an overkill here."

['She is right though if we look at it from that perspective.'] Lex second Arabella's thoughts.

['You think this rabbit cares? He is satisfied just by relying on a power that is not his.'] Al interjected.

['What do you mean by that?'] Alex questioned.

['Haven't you been showing off all day? The Dragnel brother's abilities that were passed onto us. You haven't even shown interest in ways that you could increase your cultivation realm.'] Alex stayed quiet. He didn't know how to respond to Al because it was the truth.

['Don't forget that the bloodline suppression at its current level; the first level of the Blood awakening stage, will not work on people that are in the third level of the Blood resonance stage.

What would happen when you meet those kinds of people? Grace said that even trying to advance in the bloodline level might get us killed, due to the bloodline we initially had before merging with the Dragnels'.] Xander reminded.

[My point is that you shouldn't rely on these abilities. We can do that, but you shouldn't. It would be much better if you could develop yourself first, rather than develop their abilities only.] He added.

Alex felt guilty after listening to what his alters said. He also felt weak and he hated the feeling.

'They seem to know how to use reality to hit me in the balls. But they are right. I am relying on the Dragnel brothers' abilities.'

['I so much hate to say this, but you guys are right. I want to be strong, not just strong, I want a strength that I can truly call mine. I won't use what Dragnels has gifted me with to enter the academy.

Be it the rune inscription knowledge, alchemy, and weapon Dao – I would not use any of them. I will rely on my cultivation. It is the only thing that I feel is mine, even if it was also given to me by them. But hey, I have to start somewhere right.'] Alex made his resolve and steeled his will.

"Alex. Alex. Alexander." He heard Camron called his name. "Huh?" Alex replied.

"Are you alright?" Camron asked.

'Damn I zoned out whilst speaking to the alters.'

"Yes, I am. Sorry, I zoned out whilst I was thinking of something. To answer your question." He looked at Arabella.

"I don't plan on entering the academy using my bloodline. Nor do I plan on using the status of being an Etruscan rune inscription, or a nonpareil, or an alchemist. I will enter as a simple rank-5 Origin realm cultivator. "

['He couldn't do it without showing off.'] Al mumbled.

"You are also an alchemist!?" Sara exclaimed in surprise.

Is this why your cultivation realm is low? You focused on other things rather than cultivating your QI." Sara asked.

"Ehhh. Yes. Yes, that is exactly why my cultivation realm is low." Alex lied.

['You Alex, you are a lost cause.'] Al stated and sighed. Alex ignored Al's comment.

"Well, I'd better get back to practicing. I need to make breakthroughs. If you would excuse me." Alex nodded and got up from his seat. He started to make his way to the exit but stopped halfway through.

He turned, smiled, and said; "Thank you for the food. It was absolutely delicious. You have an excellent chef."

['Ooo, you are getting pretty good at acting like a civilized person.'] Lex chuckled.

['Hahaha, very funny.'] Alex said with sarcasm. He left the dining hall. As soon as he left, everyone in the room felt like they could finally breathe normally. The staff around all swallowed their saliva.

Camron was about to follow Alex but he stopped when he heard his father speak.

"Reginald," Lawrence called out.

"Yes my lord." Reginald who was standing behind Lawrence's chair stepped forward.

"You also felt that right?" Lawrence asked.

"Yes my lord, I did."

"Tell me what you think of it."

"I have never felt the suppression of a Class above the Class-3 before. But I can say with all confidence that his bloodline class is above the class-3 ancient bloodline. The suppression of a class-3 bloodline cannot restrict every movement of a cultivator of my realm. His suppression didn't only affect us, it affected inanimate objects. And he only released it for a second.

If you would look closely at the walls, table, and utensils on the table, you find little cracks on them. It could be a class-2 or class-1 bloodline – which it is? I am not certain of it. But I am sure that he is above the class-3 level…" Reginald explained.

Everyone present here in the dining looked closely at their surroundings. Searching for cracks around.

"I think the suppression we felt was different from what you and the Madams felt my lord. I dare to say that if it was the same, you would have been crushed to death. It was like the pressure only targeted those that cultivate." He added.

"Meaning that he released it on purpose?" Lawrence asked.

"I do not know my lord. But what I do know is that. That young man is the most terrifying person I have ever encountered."

The whole room remained silent for a while after Reginald finished speaking. Lawrence rested his elbow on the table and used his hand to support his chin

"It is a good thing that we did not offend him. Cease keeping an eye on him. Since he said that his family sent him here to get stronger, then he might have someone keeping an eye on him already. It would be better if we do not also offend the individual by invading the privacy of his highness." He said.

"Even if you hadn't commanded it, I would have suggested it, my lord." Reginald bowed and stepped back to his previous position.

"I knew that he wasn't an orphan." Sara blurted out.

"That's enough Sara. This is not someone you should be curious about. Do not go looking for his troubles." Lawrence said sternly.

"Yes, Father." She was feeling dejected after being warned by her father.

"In fact, no one in this room should dare offend him. If you do, even if we are not in danger of being wiped out by his family, you will incur my wrath. Is that clear?"

"Yes!!" Everyone present chorused. After listening to the warnings of his father, Camron went ahead and left the dining room.

"Alex. Wait for me." He called Alex who was a few meters away from him. Alex stopped and waited for him to arrive beside him. Before Camron could speak, Alex beat him to it.

"Camron, apart from cultivation pills, what other ways are there that could help me increase my cultivation level quickly and efficiently?"

"Huh?" Camron uttered in confusion.