As soon as Alex switched with his alter he entered an out of body experience. The spear that he was holding returned to his ring, then he heard himself say;

"Camron, you should leave here and go on ahead. I will thoroughly deal with these people and join you at the finish line." His voice carried a lot of dominance in it. Camron wanted to object, but the words couldn't come out of his mouth. He knew what Alex was capable of, especially what his bloodline suppression could do to all those that were here at the moment.

"Alright. I will be waiting for you at the finish line." He replied and sprinted away.

['Why did you send him away?'] Alex asked Xander.

['Because I am going to use an area of effect type of attack. It would be better if he doesn't get affected by it']

['You can do that?'] Alex was surprised.

['There is a lot that we can do. A lot.']

"Sending your friend away. Do you plan on retreating?" The silhouette that obstructed Camron asked.

After waiting for a few seconds and he still didn't get a reply from Alex he got pissed.

"Such insolence, I am talking to you, you illiterate." The silhouette angry said.

Alex only snickered in reply. He brought out a short sword from the ring. One of the twin twilight blades.

['Hey what are you doing. Can you attack them with a sword without killing them?'] Alex started to panic.

['Yes I can.']

['How sure are you?']

['Alright if it would keep you from nagging I would fight them without a weapon.'] He gave in to calm Alex down. He returned the sword into the storage ring.

"What's this? You mock me and change weapons and now you return the weapon to your storage pouch? Is the switch to your confidence malfunctioning?" the 3rd silhouette said. "Either way, you will pay for the disrespect that you have shown me. We were only going to break a bone or two, but now I think you deserve to have at least five of your bones broken."

"Come to me already. You are wasting my time." Xander taunted. He placed a hand behind his back and raised the other – making a gesture that signaled 'come at me'.

"You incompetent bastard!" The silhouette that attacked Alex first shouted in anger, Alex actions stepped on his pride. He raised his weapon and charged at Alex.

Xander smiled like it was what he had been waiting for.


The sound of lightning sparking could be heard by the three silhouettes and they didn't know where it was coming from. The one that charged noticed something different about Alex. There were streaks of pink lighting pouring out from the sides of his eyes. In the darkness of the cave, the pink lightning shined brilliantly yet incognito with every streak that it made.

Before he could finish processing what he was seeing, Alex had disappeared from his position leaving only a streak of light in where he stood before.


The silhouette exclaimed in pain. The pain came from his abdomen and his body lifted off the ground.


The time the pain came from his jaw. He couldn't figure out what was happening. One minute he was charging at the weakling that they just attacked, and the next he was in the air, in excruciating pain.



He shouted in pain once more. Xander had used his lightning to electrocute his opponent. After doing that he stepped aside and left the convulsing body to land beside his feet. All these had happened in a mere 2 seconds. He was too fast for his opponent to keep up with.

The remaining two silhouettes were left in shock and confusion. They just saw a light flash and the next thing their partner was on the ground convulsing next to the person they were about to deal with. One of them stepped back in fear. Recalling what Camron had said about Alex being a rank-7 nascent cultivator. They couldn't take on a person that strong because the strongest in their alliance was only rank-6 nascent cultivators.

['I thought you said that you were going to use an AOE type of attack?'] Alex said he had been patiently waiting to see how that attack would be effective.

['I am, just want to stretch my muscles a bit.']

['Is the attack going to work on that rank-6 nascent realm cultivator?]

['I doubt it would knock him out, but it should be able to leave him stunned for a few minutes. Without the weapon Dao abilities we can only fight those 7 ranks above us, even with it he will still be a rank above. I plan to direct most of the energy of the attack at him. If it doesn't do much to him then we can run, I doubt if he would be able to keep up with my speed.'] Xander explained. He bent his knees and brought his hands together.


The sparking sound that came along with the streaks of lightning that gathered around Alex's hands, was very loud, those that were having battles at other locations could easily spot the bright pink light from a distance. They all wondered what it was.

The silhouettes no longer remained as silhouettes. Because of the light that emanated from the lightning, Alex could see their features now. They looked like they were just 18-year olds that had been pampered and were used to being revered.

['You messed with the wrong person.'] Alex uttered.

"You messed with the wrong person, but I have to thank you for messing with us. If you haven't, I might have not gotten the chance to switch." Xander wickedly said to the two young persons that were a distance away from him. They could feel the dominance that came with the lightening Alex was gathering, it instilled fear in their minds.

The rank-6 nascent cultivator that exchange attacks with Camron was about to take off and leave the area, due to the fear that the lightning gave to him.

"Don't even think about bolting away, you started this."

The sound of sparks in the air ceased to exist everywhere had been graced with silence and darkness once more. Xander brought his palms apart and a second later they started to glow, a pink glow – the same glow that the lightning he created had. No sound came with this glow.

The rank-6 nascent cultivator already had his back facing Xander, and his partner was frozen in his position due to fear. Xander pushes his palms forward circularly moved them, forming a pink circle in the air. Suddenly he pushed the circle that he had formed in the air at the rank-6 cultivator.


It crossed the distance very quickly and landed on the rank-6's back.


It exploded upon impact. Streaks of pink lightning flew out like claws, randomly, landing on people and the ground.


The people that had been hit by the flying random streaks of lightning screamed out as the convulsed and spasm in pain. Many bodies dropped to the ground with steam coming out of their bodies. Some of them had their hairs burnt.

The person that convulsed the most was the rank-6 that got hit first. He was shaking violently on the ground.

['Hey are sure that this wouldn't kill anyone? They could have a cardiac arrest. Look at how they are dropping like flies.'] Alex panicked a bit, again.

['Do not worry about it, it won't kill them. Probably.'] Xander said.

['Probably!? The hell!?'] Alex wasn't okay with Xander's uncertainty. ['Alright let's switchback, you have done enough.'] He said.

['Wait, don't you want to see how fast we can move?'] Al asked Alex.

['That's true, even I want to know how fast Xander can move. Don't worry Alex, Xander has no intentions of taking over against your will.']

['Well alright, show us how fast you can move then.'] Alex said it like he wasn't as curious and excited as his alters were.

"Okay, hold on tight." Xander joked. He put a lot of weight on his right leg then pushed himself off the ground.


The place where he stood at before he took off, had a little crater on it. Just like before, his lightning created a sparking sound. As he ran he left streaks of pink lightning and dust behind him.

['Wooo!!! Now that's some f*cking speed.'] Al shouted in excitement.

['Hahaha'] Alex felt like a kid in a rollercoaster having a fun and joyful laugh.

Just a few meters away from the end of the cave, they could see the light. Xander increased his speed and they shot out of the cave, like a bullet.


Camron had been standing at the finish line for the past 10 minutes. A few minutes after he left Alex he ran at his top speed and reached the end of the cave in no time. At the end of the cave was a forest.

"Is he going to be alright?" He thought out loud.


Camron and the rest that were around the finish line heard the sound of sparks coming from the cave.