"What's that sound?" Most of them around the finish line question.


They saw a streak of light shooting out of the cave, their eyes all followed the light till it stopped beside a young man. That young man was Camron…..

Camron flinched when an unknown light from unknown origins to him, landed right next to him. He was about to jump backward and put a little distance between him and the unknown entity. He stayed in his position when he heard a voice that he was familiar with.

"That was a refreshing thing to do." The familiar voice came from the cocoon of light.

"Alex?" Camron questioned. He stretched a finger out to touch the light,



He quickly retracted his finger when he got shocked by it. He heard Alex chuckle from within the cocoon.

"Don't let your curiosity always get the best of you," Xander said to Camron.

['Let's switch back Alex.']



As soon as Alex switched he felt a different rush of power coursing through his body. This rush was almost similar to the one he had when he manipulated the fire element. This time instead of the fierce feeling of heat, he felt a raging need to explode, like he needed to make every move as fast as he could.

['This feeling, it's almost similar to the way I felt when I manipulated fire. Huh? Fire, how did I forget about it!? Damn it, I forgot that I could use that. I didn't have to switch.']

Thelight started to retract and disperse, the only thing that was left now was thread-like streaks of lightning still flashing out of his eyes. He raised his hand and face palmed himself.

['Am I having some kind of memory lapse.] He then recalled that it was Lex that first suggested switching.

['Lex why did you suggest switching? You know that I can use a part of the bloodline abilities.'] He questioned.

['Hahaha, You flimsy puppet.'] Al mocked.

['Quit it Al. I suggested you switch with Xander because there was no guarantee that if you used the fire abilities you wouldn't have burnt some of the people around you to death.'] Lex explained.

['There was also no guarantee that Xander wouldn't have electrocuted some of them to death.'] Alex retorted.

['His control over lightning is much higher than the control you have over the fire.'] Lex pointed out.

['We'll finish this argument later.'] He removed his hand from his face and looked at Camron who was staring at him with a stunned expression on his face. Alex frowned his face.

"What?" He asked.

"It's nothing. Just that, you used the lightning element. No, it was like you were the lightning itself. I thought you were a… you know what, forget about it."

He raised his hands and shook his head in submission. He remembered what Alex just said about his curiosity..

"Good." Alex grinned. He looked around as he felt a lot of eyes on him.

['Sh*t, we had a flashy entrance.']

['It couldn't be helped.'] Xander said.

He ignored all the eyes that were on him and took in the imagery of his surroundings. They were in a forest, with a lot of tall trees. There was no building around where they were.

"Camron, are we in the right place?"

"Yes, we are. When the appointed time limit for the race is over, someone would be here to guide us to the school grounds."

"Oh, okay."

['I wish I had something I could use to tell time. Even an old school wristwatch would be fine.'] Alex reminisced.

['Did you forget about the skin crawler? it has a time interface.'] Xander reminded.

['Sh*t, that's true.'] He facepalmed himself once more. The skin crawler mask was in his jacket, he kept it there before he went into the Hall Of Judgment. And now the jacket is in his storage ring.

['Tsk, tsk, tsk. You might be having a memory lapse.'] Al joked, but Alex didn't see it as one, he thought that it was as a result of having voices in his head.

['Remind me about it once I have some privacy.'] He could still feel a lot of eyes on him.

They had been standing there for over 15 minutes and no one else had exited the cave, the time limit that was giving has almost reached. "Alex, what happened to those people that choose to cause trouble by obstructing those weaker than them? You didn't kill them right?" Camron was scared that had murdered gruesomely once more.

"Of course I didn't kill anyone. Probably." He whispered the last part. "They all got stunned by the lightning I released and choose to lay on the ground for a while."

"All of them!!??" Camron shouted, attracting more attention to where they were. He noticed his mistake and toned his voice down.

"You electrocuted all of them?" He asked in a hushed tone this time.

"No, not all of them. I think." Camron just stared at him and continued to blink quickly. Alex's uncertainty left him confused.

"Just forget about it." Alex shrugged it off.

Camron sighed and hoped that he didn't kill anyone. Soon a few people started coming out of the cave, most of them were limping. Most of them had disheveled hairs, some had their clothes burnt and some others some parts of their skins.

They all looked like they were hit by some kind of disaster. Even the group that attacked Alex and Camron came out at the same time, with their hands on their shoulders, supporting their selves.

Camron turned his head and looked at Alex with a smile on his face. He was relieved that Alex didn't kill them. "You actually didn't kill them." He uttered.

"Do I look like a f*cking murderer to you?"

['Well aren't you?'] Al asked.

['I am.'] Alex answered.

['Then why are you trying to act like you are innocent?']

['Because he doesn't know much. F*ck you Al.'] Alex added.

"Hahaha. Well, I wouldn't want to call a spade nothing but a spade. I have seen you kill, gruesomely so yeah you are a murderer."

['Hahaha. Touché.'] Al laughed at Camron's reply.


Alex said and folded his arms in defense. Soon after these sets of people came out of the cave, people in red uniforms appeared. One of them stood out the most because he was wearing a black uniform, meaning he was an early-stage Nirvana realm cultivator.

He stood tall, at the height 6'0'' ft. He has a red short hair, thin-arched eyebrow that was also the same color as his hair. A diamond-shaped face, sharp jawline, and a fair skin complexion. He looked like he was just in his early 20s.

This individual caught everyone's attention with his uniform and good looks. He had the females around swooning at him. This individual noticed the oddity of some of the participants. "What happened?" he asked. None of them knew how to answer. A girl from amongst them raised her hand, drawing attention to herself. She too had been affected by Alex's lightning.

['You monstrous beast, you electrocuted a pretty girl!?'] Al cried out.

['I did no such thing. This is all Xander's handwork'] Alex replied.

['Shut up. You still can't take the blame for your actions.'] Al wrongly blamed Alex and insisted that he was the culprit.

['I can't deal with your foolish antics at the moment.']

"Sir what happ…"

"Call me Duna." The individual in the black uniform interrupted the girl that was about to explain what had happened in the cave.

"Duna, Sir Duna. Some people chose to form an alliance and obstruct those weaker than they were, they aimed to make the weaker ones fail the test. While I was battling with one of them I saw a very bright light appear numerous times. It came as flashes at first then later on it became prominent and bigger as it gathered in a single location. The next I know, it exploded and streaks of lightning flew randomly and struck everything around it." She explained all that she saw from her perspective.

"Did you all see the same thing that she saw?" Duna asked.

"Yes, it is as she explained. We saw the light that she was talking about. It was pink in color." Many of them, that saw it second her explanation.

After listening to her explanation, the people that arrived at the finish line before Alex did all turned their attention to him.

Alex noticed the stares but chose to ignore them and act clueless. Camron glanced at him.

'An area of effect attack. His efficiency with the lightning element is even that amazing.' Camron thought.

The rank-6 nascent cultivator that got hit by his attack first, located Alex. Alex also looked at him the same moment he did. He raised a finger and placed it on his lips. "Shhh." Alex silently indicated. The rank-6 cultivator nodded his head vigorously agreeing to keep his mouth shut.