Chapter 37: Hunting Demon Lord Digimon (Part-2)/And a bit of training

Issei:"Anyway this is Riza, Meilee, Rio, Diego and Sheng." I said pointing to them. We were at the destroyed castle.

Issei:"And these are Sol, Luna and Ken. You've already met Hack."

Sol:"Sup dude!" said Sol stretching his arm wanting shakes Impmon's hand.

Impmon:"Nice to meet you." he shook the rookie Digimon's hand.

Luna:"H-hi nice t-to m-meet you!" She said blushing slightly. She's giving me Hinata vibes sometimes.

Issei:"She's not as out going as her brothers."

Impmon:"I see and where is Lilithmon."

Issei:"Here." I showed him a digiegg in an incubator.

Issei:"There is a magic circle keeping her from hatching for a while."

Impmon:"I see, well I got nothing to do guess I'll be going with you guys from now on."

Issei:"Sweet we'll give you a nickname Whaddya think about Giro."

-Another three weeks-

So it's been another three weeks inside here went back to my world and it was. barely a few seconds out there. Hack, Luna, Sol and Ken have all reached champion level due to the intense training and the amount of fighting I put them through.

Diego has also digivolved, but into something I would've never expected. It was a MetalGarudamon it was a fan evolution I saw once in my past life it was created by a guy name 'neoarchangemon', it was posted on deviant art back then.

He also created a few others like he gave Shoutmon a champion form called SuperShoutmon, he also redesigned Omnishoutmon and made a Mega which is called KingShoutmon. I was perplexed at first but then I thought, multiverse.

Anyway right now we're in a clearing I'm making barbecue for all of of us.

???:"Master do you need some help?" said a voice seductively. It was a LadyDevimon who was clinging to my arm.

Issei:"Lilly please let go I'm trying to cook." I said deadpan this is Lillithmon she's grown fastest out of everyone other than Giro.

Meilee:"Hey piss off!" said Meilee grabbing her arm.

Lilly:"Geez this is why I can't handle brats." she huffed and walked away.

Issei:"If you two wanna fight there's a clearing over there."

Ranna:((Aren't you like their parent, why are you letting them fight?))

Issei:"*Sigh!* I honestly think they need to let off some steam, digimon do love to battle. Well most of them."

Ken:"[Vanteon!]" Ken curls up in and rolled towards Sol like sonic the hedgehog. The Firamon however dodge to the left and fired his special attack [Fira Bomb!] as a counter, Ken however kept spinning and dodged the attack he kept going after Sol.

Issei:"Seriously those have grown pretty strong."

After some sparring we ate and I set up camp. I began meditating and circulating the mana in my body, I began to compress it making it purer and denser I then spread my mana throughout my entire body and used it to cleanse it of all impurities. A technique I thought of. It's due to a ton of trial and error and practice I should go take a bath.


Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor.V2/Digimon Tamer/Scarlet Dragon Emperor/

Lucky Star

Lvl:256/Next Level 4%












[Stat points:250/Munny:102,894,909/Gold:101,999,901]


So I've gotten a bit stronger, I took off the the Awakened Red Dragon Emperor title doesn't do much anymore my stats were already about to enter the 9000 range, but now I've broken passed them, I should get some sleep.

I woke up in the morning packed up we then set off again when I heard a scream I ran to the location and saw the digi destined along with an eight kid who had a Lunamon it was a girl with blond hair.

They were being attacked by a Groundramon.

Issei:"So he didn't take my advice. Reload Riza."

-Takashi's Pov-

We left file island two weeks ago after defeating Devimon, with the help of Locomon we were able to cross the ocean, after that we found Kyoya's little sister with a digimon. After that we travelled for ad few days when we ran into a strong digimon MetalTyranomon. Dracomon digivolved into again into a higher form and beat him but now he's on a rampage.

I thought I lost my friend for good when Grademon took his down with a single attack.

Issei:"Ya know kid you should really listen advice when it's given."


Issei:"What's with the San? I'm just 15 ya know, call me aniki are something."


Issei:"Let's go Riza." he nod.

Raito:"Just like that!" (This is Gomamon's partner. Sorry I didn't mention him before Joe is just forgettable.)

Issei:"By the way I suggest actually training your digimon. Reload Diego." A huge digimon I've never seen before came out of his Digivice. I never seen it before.

Gabumon:"Is that Mailbirdramon?!"

Issei:"Yep he digivolved see ya." he jumped on it and they blasted off like a rocket.

Takashi:"Train huh?!"

-Issei pov-

Giro:"Here is Barbamon's mining operation is going down." pointed the Devimon.

Giro:"I managed the territories outside the Dark Area, Lillithmon managed the marine areas, that job used to belong to Leviamon. Barbamon manages the raw materials we get for our equipment. Belphemon manages weapon creation and Daemon controls our information network. While Lucemon supervises all of us."

Issei:"I see well let's going." After that we annihilated the entire work force and set free the digimon slaves.

Lilly:"That was so boring!"

Sheng:"Of course it would be they just had an army of champions and just one Ultimate guarding the place or they underestimating us or what."

Hack:"No their just overconfident."

Giro:"Your right Lucemon is Prideful guy, in the old days he took pride in, us his allies and friends but now..."

Sol:"Pops what are doing." I was placing my hand on the ground my eyes were closed.

Issei:"I'm trying to find to find the chrome digi-zoid metals, well I found it but this vein is huge and I'm sensing different types." I opened my eyes.

Issei:"That's should be all of it." I raised my hand with a huge earthquake a huge amount of digi-zoids metal varying in colour rose out of the ground.

Ken/Riza: "What the fuck!"

A huge amount of it was floating above us I couldn't help but whistle at how huge it is. I then placed it all in my inventory.

Issei:"So he wants a new weapon or upgrade." Rio Meilee and Riza rose their hands.

Meilee:"I want gauntlets I like fist fighting."

Rio:"I want to upgrade everything."

Riza:"I want better swords."


-Three more weeks later-


A huge explosion went off Rio was wearing his upgraded armour I took inspiration from my [Scarlet Dragon Emperor Mode] he knows has boosters on his back which can form into a shield. But what was most suprising this is a new mode called.

Riza:"WarGreymon Blast Mode? Cool!" said Riza now an Alphamon.

Issei:"So give up Barbamon."

Barbamon:"How dare you. HOW DARE YOU!!!"

Issei:"Giro." Giro stepped up fully evolved and delivered a kick knocking out the Demon Lord Digimon. I then successfully captured him.

Issei:"So where is Belphemon?" we are now in the dark area so far Lilly, Riza, Meilee, Sol, Luna, Hack and Ken digivolved. During these few weeks other than training and sparring with my digimon or Bahamut. I was making weapons Meilee now Ophanimon had a new form called Ophanimon Fighter Mode. In this form her armour becomes white and gold. This is due to the Holy Gauntlets I made for her she infused some of her power into it and gave her this new mode.

For Riza he has a new katana when he digivolved he can now summon it along with his [Divine Sword Grade Alpha] they look similar. He's able to use his dual wielding skills when he was Grademon though he's an Alphamon.

Lilly:"His castle is this way it would normally take two days to get there from here right then is when we would have purchased yearly meetings."

Issei:"I see well let's get there in two days it's a three for one special."

And so we were going after Belphemon, Daemon and Lucemon.