Chapter 38: Ending this adventure

Lucemon:"So the others have betrayed us."

Daemon:"It seems so Master Lucemon."

Lucemon:"Not only has that human Issei defeated and captured most of us but 'they' had to be reincarnated haven't they." A solemn look came over his face.

Lucemon:"Not only that they just had to be partners with those detestable digi destined don't they!" Lucemon spat out. Displeasure was clear in us voice.

Daemon:"My Lord you should get some rest, I've already completed the perfect digimon. With some preparation we should be able to create a trap."

???:"*Snooooree!* A resounding snore came from the end of the table. It was Belphemon in his Sleep Mode.

Lucemon:"And he's still asleep!"

Belphemon opened his eyes as his snot bubble popped as a huge blast slammed into the giant floating castle.

Issei:"So Deigo how does it feel to be a WareGarudamon."

The three digimon were pissed.

Belphemon:"[Dark Sigh!]" the chains on his body threw off a dark flames.

Issei:"Meilee." she came out of the digivice and entered Fighter Mode and punched him in the face, with a resounding shockwave sent the Digimon flying.

Meilee:"I'm going after him." she blasted off after him.

Daemon:"Come MetalLeviamon Arkadimon!" The Arkadimon was in its Ultimate level. Leviamon's body looked mostly Mechanical it had two cannons on its back along with one connected to its tail.

Giro:[What!? thought Leviamon left!]

Lucemon:"He was a coward, we couldn't risk him coming back and starting a rebellion. The Holy Knights and the Olympus twelve haven't been sighted as of late, of course I can't have any loose ends. I was always the cautious type isn't that right Beelzemon, or should I call you Giro."

Giro:"Bastard!" He came out of my digivice and entered blast mode as he shot towards Lucemon with his cannon ready to fire.

Lucemon grabbed the cannon and punched Giro in his face.


Lucemon:"Tell me something why are you fighting now? Weren't you the one who was so far in his own self loathing that you gave yourself an eating disorder. Why are you fighting now?"

Giro:"Because a small part of me still believe we were fighting for the right thing, a peaceful digital world, one where everyday isn't a hell where we just gave up living and just submit to being food for other digimon to digivolve. One where bastards like us aren't the rulers trying to enslave the innocent and our friends. I may have sinned! But I'll repent here and now!" I could feel Giro's feelings it was a burning feeling in my chest I couldn't explain it.

Issei:"Giro!" he looked at me who was on WareGarudamon.

Issei:"I'm here to help you pal!" he smiled and digivice shone with a light I didn't reco. but felt familiar.


Giro:"BEELZEMON SUPERIOR MODE." Beelzemon gained ten more wings along with metal armour similar to his Xros wars counter part but different he had two cannons at his hip like Paildramon.

Issei:"Reload Sheng, Rio, Riza."

Sol:[Why aren't we getting reloaded?!]

Issei:"Simple you can't win, and something is obviously going on here the Olympus twelve and the Holy Knights exist in this timeline and they aren't in the digital world, there must be a something going on here and things look bad."

Hack:[These are Mega level digimon we are just Ultimate.]





Issei:"Omega Deal with Daemon Riza deal with MetalLeviamon. I'll personally be hunting Arcadiamon."

Daemon:"How do you have information know my project?"

Issei:"If you wanna find out then you have to kill. SPIRIT EVOLUTION!!!"

Issei:"EMPERORGREYMON !!!" I bought Magna Garurumon for this.

We dashed towards our respective opponents I used my sword and fired a flaming flying slashes at the the artificial digimon. It took the countered with a slash of its hand dashed towards me.

Omega:"[GreySword!]" he dashed towards the demon lords digimon of wrath.

Daemon:"[Slash Nail!]" he swiped his nails at the Jogress digimon their attacks clashed destroying the land scape below them.

Riza:"[Digitalize of Soul!]" Riza fired multiple bolts of energy at the altered digimon but it did no damage.

MetalLeviamon:"[Levia Blaster!]" the cannons on its back fired and energy wave. Riza quickly drew a magic circle for defense. Riza summoned his battle Oryuken and slashed at the betrayed digimon. The ex demon lord digimon was sent flying back with with a slash mark.

However it recovered mid air with hover pads under its body as it fired even more lasers from its body.

Elsewhere Meilee was standing over a mangled Belphemon who was knocked. She grabbed the Digimon and slowly started to carry him to where Issei was.

I clashed with Arcadiamon again. I should watch out for his [Dot Matrix] that's a one shot and I don't have a UlforceV-dramon with his broken Ulforce.

My Danger sense however sensed something and I dodged to the left and saw a piece of rubble turn into zeros and ones. So my Danger sense can pick it up good.

The Digimon tried to attack me with its tentacle but I delivered a five slash combo and defeated it. As it was about to disappear it stretched it's tentacle but it wasn't attacking me it was Daemon!?

Issei:"Oh shit! Omega let's finish it!" he nod and charged a [Garuru Cannon] while I fired a [Flame Edge] from my Ryugonken. Both attacks were fired and then combined.


Both attacks hit dead on the smoke slowly cleared and revealed a battered and half disappearing Arcadiamon in its Mega form.

I returned to to my normal form and summoned a purple ring around it.

Issei:"Digimon Capture complete!"

With Giro and Lucemon, the both of demon were zipping around the battle field Lucemon fired multiple bolts of light and darkness while Giro was firing energy bolts from his guns on his hips.

Giro dashed over to Lucemon and punched him in the face suprising him with his speed. The Digimon was sent flying in the ground.




Giro:"Because what you no- we are doing is wrong Ophanimon wouldn't want this." Lucemon's face was then died in imaginable pain and anger.

Lucemon:"Shut the hell up! [Ultimate Sacrifice!]" he created a magic circle in the form of an orb and fired it at Giro.

Giro:"Shit! [OMEGA IMPACT!!!]" A magic circle was drawn infront of Giro as he fired from his guns, to which they amplified his attack as his attack completely swallowed Lucemon.

Lucemon:'I'm not dying like this!!! I REFUSE!!!' A huge black orb rose over head. And crashed down into Lucemon as he absorbed the ball.

Giro:"The hell!" I flew beside Giro with my dragon wings.

Issei:"He's digivolving."

Giro:"Into what?"

Issei:"Simple Lucemon Shadow Lord Mode."

Giro:"Eh?!" Omega, Riza and Meilee came to our side, I already captured the other demon lords. After a giant flash of Darkness the demon dragon digimon showed itself.

Giro:"How do we beat it?"

Issei:"That giant orb it's carrying it's called 'Gehenna' it's where Lucemon true form is located. That giant Dragon digimon is only a shadow but Gehenna acts as a defense and is nullifies all atatcks so the only the chance of beating it is..."


Issei:"You Hack!"


Lucemon(Shadow Lord Mode):"[Tide of Despair!]" he spew dark flames from its mouth.

Issei:"Shit here he's attacking!" Omega however dashed forward and used his [Brave Shield] on his shoulder to block the attack.

Issei:"Listen Hack you Riza and Omega are digimon that are apart of a special group of digimon known as the Holy Knights which protects the digital world, they serve Ygddrasil.

Issei:"Riza is an Alphamon who as the power of the Alpha-Inforce it gives him the power to replay whatever fight he's going to be in and allow him to come up with different strategies. Omega has the Omega-inforce. You have the SOS generics it allows you to ignore the physical limits of the digital world."