Chapter 20

Lucien look at Fana as he saw her fall asleep. After sometime, he stops the car and park at a petrol stations to refuel the car. Along the way he also buy 2 set of bento from the restaurant next to the stations for dinner.

He went back to the car and found out that she is not there. Lucien begin to panic and look for her. He was acting so recklessly as he goes around the restaurant to ask if they seen Fana.One of the staff point out side and asked,"Is that the one you been looking for,Sir?" Lucien turns around and saw her casually walk back from the store that pointed by the staff.She bringing some thing on her hand and wave at him signing him to leave. After he thanks the staff, he went to get her.

"Hey,Lucien! I just went to the store and buy some snack. You don't mind, right?", I show him the snack I bought from the store and a magazine of weekly anime. He take the magazine and tease me,"So.., are you gonna eat this too?" O feel so embarrassed and try to take away the magazine from him but Lucien rise his hand high up above me. I pull his sleeve with all my strength and says ,"He-heyy!! Give me back!!"

Lucien try to mimic me with his mickey mouse voice saying,"UwU, give me back! Oh my gawd~" I puff my cheeks in anger and turn away walking toward the car that he have park on the side of the street. I was so angry with him and didn't even notice that theres a group of mans, drunken near the parking place. As I go across them, one of the men hold my hand and asked me with a drunken voice,"Hey, pretty lady! Why are you *hiccups* going so fast? Come.." Before he even manage to finish his sentences, a strong force hit right in his fat face that looks like a piglet.

"Ouch!!" He moan in pain as he rubs his nose that's punched by Lucien. Then, his 4 friends come to see him and ranges in anger. "How dare you hit our big boss face!!", one of them scold Lucien and rushing towards him with his fist ready to punch him. He dodge the fist and grab his back collar then he kick his leg. Smoothly, he take down him with a forceful blow of his knuckle that land on his stomach. Then that 2 man strike him together at the same time with their bare hands. Lucien runs towards them and he grab on one of them their shoulder and use it as support himself to kick the men next to him. He hit right on his face and he falls down groaning in pain. Lucien grabs the shoulder he is holding and kick his leg making him unstable and fall down, kneeling on the ground.

Then he hit his neck and he fall unconscious. Lucien look at the last person who is trembling in fear and looks like about to pee himself, standing there watching his friends got beaten while holding his can of beer. Lucien walk towards him and lean close to his ear."Boo!" He scares him and he pass out in fear then fall right into Lucien's arm. Lucien looks that men in disgust and push him away immediately.

Lucien turn around and look at me asking,"Are you okay?" I was in daze quickly gather myself and replied,"Ye-yess! I am fine as you can see!" Then he sigh out with relief and smile at me. He walks towards me and give me a big hug. As I smell his familiar scents, I feel relaxed and I hug him back saying,"Thank you for being my hero today..."

Then he hug me even harder and says,"Maybe I should leave you and let you get play by them for being naughty today. You even make me worry about you when you go alone without telling me where are you going." I feel a bit guilty about that and I know it was my fault for using his money to buy things without tell him and I also didn't tell him where I was going.

"Um..I..I am ...sorry..." I apologizes to him with feeling embarrassed, I stutter a lot while apologising to him. Lucien pets my head and say with a soft tone,"It okay, but remember theres no next time..." I just keep on burying my face on his chest unwilling to let go because I was to embarrass to see his face that moment.