Chapter 31

I was there sitting all alone at the dining table. I stares at the glass of water that I have drink earlier on. I feels as if the world is meaningless to me.

*Ding Dong~*

The rings and I stands up to get the door. I slowly open the door and saw Ruby was standing there with some groceries.

"Hey, Fana! Feeling better now?" Ruby asked as she pets my head. I just give her a weak smile. "Yup, much better. I am sorry to chase you out last week. My bad..."

I hold my arm and force myself to smile. Ruby feels bad and hugs me tightly.

"Oh, Fana! You could tell me anything that's bothering you. I will always there to be by your side...."

Her warm hugs makes my heart overwhelm and I couldn't hold back my tears. I hugs her back and cry out loud.

"Ruby.....I don't know what to do.... and I feel empty ever since he leave me alone.. he told me that..... he will come back and get me.... in the end he leave me as if it was just a dream... "

Ruby rubs my back to comfort me. I hugs her as I let go all of my grief.

"Lets go and sit on the couch. I will make you some hot coco milk for you to feel better. " I nod and obediently sits on the couch in the living room.

After a while, Ruby brings two cups of chocolate milk and cookies. She hands me the cup and gently sits beside me.

"Fana...I thinks we should take a break. Lets go somewhere far and relaxes as much as you need." Ruby tell me as she holds my hand.

I put down the cup on the table and looks at her. I can feel that she really wants to have a trip with me. I hesitated but I nod in agreements.

"Sure..... lets go to the beach. I want to take 2 weeks of leave from the company. Can you help me with that, Ruby?"

Due to my surprise, she hugs me and says happily. "Sure! Anything for you! As long as I can get my old Fana back, I am willing to climb the highest peak and the deepest sea just for you."

I hugs her back. "Thanks for being there for me Ruby. You are my best sister in the world..."

I feels Ruby hugs me even tightly. But what I didn't notice was her expression have changed.

The next day.

"Fana, is that your luggage? You sure you didnt forget anything else?" She looks at me in confession as she sees me holding a normal hiking bag and a small sling pouch.

"Yea... think so..."

"Gosh! Did you want to stay there for the whole 2 weeks? Why you bring so little things?" She ask me as she carry her travel case.

I chuckle a bit and replied,"Well we can wash ours dress there, right? So I think theres no need to bring my whole wardrobe with me. "

"Okay, okay. Guess I am the only one to over load my bag I guess." She sigh and put her travel case in the bonnet with mine together.

I sits next to the driver seats and Ruby hands me a bottle of water. She used her favourite red bottle and fill it with luke warm water.

"Here, drink this. We will have a long ride to go."

"Thanks Ruby." I take it and drink it. Ruby smile to me and started the car. She sets the GPS and drive according the maps given.

I started to get sleepy and sleep soundly in the car. Ruby close the GPS system and change the direction.

"Hmph! You are a fool as always....." Ruby coldly scolded her and drive towards the head quarter where Zachary order her to bring Fana there.