“The fair?”

Katsuki smiled a ruffling midoriyas hair. "Well come on then" he chuckled grabbing his hand and pulling him inside the cafe. "Hello table for two please?" The waiter nodded. "Hey kacchan"

He looked around and the well decorated cafe, couples, loners and kids. Talking and laughing.

"Yes Deku ?" He hummed looking at the smaller boy. "What are we gonna do after?" He asked following the blonde who followed the waiter.

"What do you want to do after ?" He hummed a bit before sitting down then watching the other sit down. The greenette bit his lip before fiddling with his fingers. "I don't know. ."

He chuckled hearing katsuki shuffle in his seat. "I heard the fairs in town" he added looking up at the greenette who seemed flustered. "What's wrong ?" He asked tilting his head. He took off his beanie staring at the boy.

'It's been two years! And I'm getting this flustered?! How could he be so cute he looks different!!'

Looking up at the confused blonde.

'He's even cuter like thaaaat!!!'

Looking down the greenette huffed before looking back up. "Sorry I spaced out" he chuckled nervously.

The blonde smiled before looking away. "Did you hear what I said though ?" He asked making the greenette jump. "No. ."

The blonde chuckled before repeating "I heard the fairs in town" the green haired boy smiled softly before nodding.

"Wanna go there?" He asked before clicking his tongue. "Sure!" Jumping a bit the greenette blushed with excitement. "Alright, i gotta use the bathroom I'll be back" Katsuki noted before standing. "Ok" was the greenettes only answer before watching the blonde walk off.

He smiled at the fact his child hood friend is back home. He missed him. . . Spacing out he was snapped back into reality. "Helllo? Sir?" It was a waiter. "Oh sorry. ." The green eyed male chuckled nervously before rubbing the back of his neck. "What's a pretty guy doing here alone?" He asked ignoring his job. "Actually my date is in the bathroom, but please do your job"

He said bluntly before looking at the menu. "Whaaat, I bet your date doesn't look as hot as I do" the male cooed making midoriya a bit uncomfortable. "Actually—" looking behind the waiter seeing katsuki ruffle his hair and walk back to the table he smiled. "He's on his way back now"

With that katsuki sat down and looked between them. "So my date doesn't look what?" He said smiling. Katsuki was damn right confused but he didn't ask. "What can I get you. ."

The waiter pouted and pulled out his pen. "I'd like a coffee and a strawberry lemon cake please" midoriya swung his feet forward placing an innocent smile on his face. "Can I have just tea please ?" The waiter nodded before walking away. The greenette laughed a bit before hearing "so"

"What happened" the blonde asked "he was flirting with me and I said I had a date and he said you probably didn't look attractive and then you walked out the bathroom"

He smiled. "Oh" he muttered before looking at a different table. "What's wrong. ." Reaching out to the blonde he touched his hand. Making the male look at him and smile. "Nothings wrong" rubbing the greenettes thumb he sighed. "I just miss talking to you"

Smiling the greenette got up then sitting in the seating booth with the blonde. "Hm?" Katsuki ruffled the boys hair before hugging him. "How was America's kacchan?" He asked hugging back. "It was fine I stayed in Milwaukee Wisconsin and did stuff" he answered letting go of the other. "That's nice. ."

"What'd you go to college for?" He hummed watching the other sit up. "I went for art and stuff it was pretty boring if I say so but it was worth it" he smiled

Being spaced out from the greenettes quirkyness and cuteness he smiled. Leaning on the table he stared at the green haired male before being snapped back into the real world.

"Here's your..strawberry lemon cake.. coffee and tea.."

"Thank you" bitting his lip katsuki pulled midoriya a bit closer resting his hand on his waist. "Have a nice afternoon. ."

Watching the guy walk away katsuki removed his arm making midoriya jump. "Hey Deku" katsuki bit his lip before looking at the other. "Yeh ?" Swallowing some of his cake he looked at the blonde "when do you wanna go to the fair?" He asked "how about at 8? In the mean time we go to your house or something and watch a movie or just- sleep-"

He hummed the word sleep, since he didn't get much of it. "If we're going to sleep save the coffee since you look pretty tired" he added drinking some of his tea. "I guess.." he smiled. "We got an hour, to your house then?" Midoriya asked feeling a bit guilty about going to the others house but the other shrugged.



Opening the door to the apartment katsuki welcomed the boy inside. "You must of been here for a while for your house to be set like this.." he muttered looking at the furnished house.

Setting a alarm for 8 katsuki fell on his couch. "Come on you're tired and we can sleep" he smiled flipping over and holding out his arms. "Kacchaaann" he pouted taking off his shoes the greenette sat on the couch only to be pulled into a hug. "Can't get out of this"

Nuzzling into the others chest midoriya chuckled. "You're a bum" he muttered making the blonde tilt his head "what?"


"Tell me"


Being pulled up midoriya stared at the blonde with a smile. "Deku what did you say?" He asked again but sat on so the boy was sitting on his lap.

"Nothing~" he cooed wrapping his arms around the blondes shoulders. Moving closer both males stared at each other. "I'm so tired..kacchan I didn't say anything.." he whined moving closer. "Fine" he groaned as the greenette laid his head on the others shoulder.

"Sleep well" Katsuki cooed rubbing the boys back.