“Look at me”

Waking up to see a blonde staring at the tv midoriya pecked his cheek to gain his attention. "Oh hello" the blonde hummed looking at the smaller boy.

"Did you not sleep?" He asked rubbing his eyes. "I'm wasn't tired" he adds "well. .lets go!" He smiled pushing himself off the other male.

Nearly falling he got up. Making the blonde laugh. "Kacchaaaan"

He whined before watching the blonde get up. "You're adorable Deku" he smiled walking closer just the lift the boys chin. "Am not" he whined again. "Don't say that" he growled before walking to put on his shoes.

Crossing his arms the greenette pouted and stood by the door. "Piggy back ride" he demanded. "But we gotta ride the motorcycle to the fair dummy" he hummed a bit before opening his house door. "Oh right that thing" he hissed

Midoriya didn't like the motorcycle katsuki owned, it was like a dog who didn't like anyone but their owner. "Deku you'll be fine, if not we can walk" he sounded a bit disappointed. He liked riding the motorcycle unlike midoriya. Pouting he didn't want to make his date upset and he didn't want to die.

"Fiiine we can ride the motorcycle there" he smiled picking up a helmet. "Where did you get these helmets from, they look amazing"

The helmet midoriya was holding was red and orange it was stripped and painted flames around it. "The old hag made it as a goodbye gift a few years ago" he answered "you really shouldn't call auntie a hag she's a sweet mom!"

He smiled after having the helmet placed on his head. "Can't change what I say Deku" he hummed putting on his own helmet "hmph" being picked up and placed on the motorcycle midoriya looked at the blonde who was also getting on the motorcycle. "Ready"

He nodded and there they took off

Running around the area midoriya grinned with happyness as if he'd never been to the fair before. Which he hasn't, he never got the changes too.

"Kacchan! I wanna try this!" Pointing at a food stand people were being handed fired onions, they looked like flowers with sauce in the middle. "A blooming onion ?" Katsuki hummed. Midoriya nodded and ran towards the stand.

Staring in awe midoriya watched a male fry a flower cut onion. And another make sauce, "please! I want ooone" he whined looking at the chuckling blonde. "Go ahead" he smiled watching the greenette bounce and order the food he wanted.

Paying for it bakugo held the plate and watched the greenette break a piece off.

"Mm.." moaning slightly he smiled. "You like it?" The blonde haired male smiled watching the greenette go for another piece. "Uh Huh!" He smiled again.

"Hey Deku" the blonde stared as the greenette wipe his mouth, "yeah?" He hummed looking at the blonde, "are you able to drink?"

Catching the boy of guard katsuki watched as midoriyas head tilted to the side. "Yeah, but I choose not too" he answers making the blonde nod. "Come on! There's more food and drinks and rides to discover!!"

Sitting at a table katsuki had a alcoholic drink while midoriya was eating a corn dog. "Whatcha drinking?" Midoriya being the curious boy he was looked over his corn dog seeing katsuki on his phone while drinking his drink.

"Something you wouldn't like" he mocked a bit looking at the boy up and down. "Awe come on, I wanna try it!" He whined watching the blonde look up from his phone. "It has alcoholic drink, who knows if you can handle your alcohol well" he smirks taking another sip.

"I can!" He pouted again making the blonde smile. "I thought you said you choose not to drink" he adds making the greenette bit his lip.

"I don't. . But I probably could take it unless it's—"

"It's not strong I think you'll be fine"

He chuckled handing midoriya the glass. "Yay!" He took a sip and stopped, pulling up and cover his nose and wiggling his feet. "I..it burns!" He whined making the blonde hold a laugh. "Now I can tell you haven't drink before" he said making the blonde look at him.

"You've drank before. . ." He said getting a bit loopy, the blonde nodded and watched the greenette take another sip. "On occasions yeah, let parties and celebrations" he says watching the greenette.

"Oh! Who were your friends in Wisconsin?" Midoriya asked holding the cup and looking at it. He'd was acting like he'd drunken' a potion in a game and was trying to see it clearly.

"I had a few some girls some guys" midoriya stopped, and looked at the blonde "did you like any of them. ." He asked looking like he was about to cry. "What? Hell no, they were either married or dating, I was the single one at the time" he added. Midoriya went oh and back to drinking the beverage in front of him.

"Deku chill, I don't know how you take alcohol you can't have to much" he sighed before taking the cup back making the boy start whine. "WhY?!" He growled lowly making the blonde stare at him. "I just said why"

It was clear to katsuki that, midoriya can't handle alcohol. . The drink he had wasn't strong but you'd get drunk off of it drinking it continuously. "Kaccchann! But I want it!" He whined again. Making the blonde stare, "Deku, no"

"Kacchan, yes"



"N. O"

The greenette pouted and turned away "your acting like a baby" he chuckled softly making the green eyed male pout more.

"Deku" he hummed getting out his seat. "Nope! I don't want to talk to you!" Katsuki stared at the boy. He shook his head before picking up the boy and walking out of the fair. "No! I don't want to leave!" He kicked and squealed nearly kicking katsuki in the face. "Deku"

Not looking at the blonde midoriya continued "this is gonna be a long trip.."

Getting off the motorcycle bakugo picked up midoriya again making him whine for the 37th time that night. "Put me down!!" He kicked again before being flipped. Now midoriyas legs were wrapped around katsukis waist and his head rested on his shoulder while his hands were around the males neck.



"Look at me" he demanded and making the greenette groan. Sitting up and looking at the male midoriya smiled.

"Kacchan you're pretty" he smiled, his flushed cheeks made his freckles stand out. Chuckling softly midoriya ruffled katsukis hair seeing how soft it is. "Hey Deku" Katsuki spoke softly making the greenette look at him again. Placing their lips together katsuki kissed the greenette in front of him.

Getting a kiss back katsuki pulled away and opened the house door and closed it. Putting midoriya down only to be brought into a more heated and passionate kiss, making katsuki moan slightly. Pulling away midoriya moved his arms around katsukis neck and smiled.

"Let's take this upstairs shall we?"