“So you two slept together”

Pulling the blonde upstairs midoriya smiled. "Deku we shouldn't.." Katsuki whined trying to change the drunk boys mind. "Why not.." he hummed

Turning to look at the blonde, midoriya stopped.

'Yeah we probably..shouldn't..' he bit his lip before walking into katsukis room. "But I want to.." he muttered catching the blonde off guard. "Maybe next time" he smiled picking up the boy and laying him on the bed. "It's late and I need to sleep, we both need sleep" he corrected him self taking off his shirt.

Midoriya being the boy he is stared not paying attention to katsukis words.

Katsuki was pretty toned if you asked midoriya. He wouldn't expect less from the taller male either. "Deku?" He was snapped out of his day dreams by his name being called. "Yeah?" He hummed bitting his inner cheek. "You gotta change so you can sleep sweety" he smiled mockingly making the greenette go "oh"

Thinking about something midoriya was handed a shirt. "Go ahead and change" Katsuki sat on the bed turning away. "I won't look" midoriya giggled before nodding.

Changing midoriya slipped on a shirt, bigger than his size so it was like a dress on him. "Jeez you wear such a big size" midoriya said slipping over his socks. "You're just small hunny" he chuckled before turning to face the greenette.

Getting into the bed midoriya made eye contact with the tired blonde. Who yawned and said nothing. "This feels so wrong.." he sighed making midoriya jump a bit.

"Why?" Laying down midoriya frowned. "I haven't seen you in..years and, I'm in bed laying down with you, this doesn't seem wrong ?"

Katsuki sighed watching the greenette get emotional. "Guess the alcohol didn't wear off.." Katsuki chuckled pulling the green eyed boy into a hug. "Stop crying you baby"

He chuckled softly watching the greenette snuggle closer. Looking down he received a kiss. Warping his arms around the smaller males waist he pulls him closer.

As for midoriya as he's being pulled closer and upwards, he wrapped his arms around katsukis neck.

Biting his bottom lip asking for an entrance, katsuki stuck his tongue into izukus mouth slowly getting on top of him. Izuku knew what he was doing, and he loved it. Feeling the abs of katsuki, midoriya moaned at the slightly movement of katsukis leg.

"Deku.." katsuki pulled away leaving a trail a of saliva that connected to the others mouth.

"You sound like how you did in high school kacchan" he hummed watching the blonde ruffle his hair. "What?"

"Nothing!" The greenette removed his hands from katsukis chest and laid there. "Dumbass" chuckling katsuki bent back down. Kissing the greenette again, doing the same as before.

Both wanted to go into more sexual activities but katsuki wanted to wait before anything, midoriya on the other hand was half drunk. So he had no control of his words, he'd almost told katsuki to fuck him right thin and there when he was changing.

But he would of gotten emotional when katsuki said no so he decided to do this instead. Tugging on katsukis pants midoriya pulled away making a pouting face. "Deku" his voice was stern making the greenette pout more. "Kacchan"

"I know this is the alcohol making you speak you don't actually want that at the moment"

Katsuki was part right part wrong, this was the alcohol yes, but midoriya did want it, but he'd never say anything if he didn't drink the alcohol in the first place.

"You don't know that!" He puffed out his cheeks before turning his face. "Maybe next time, ok?" Katsuki placed a kiss on midoriyas neck making him giggle.

He smiled and nodded. Watching the blonde lay back down he snuggled back into the males chest.

Hearing his heart beat made the male calm down "good night kacchan" he muttered receiving a forward kiss and a ruffle to his hair.

"Night Deku"


Yawning midoriya woke up to a door bell. He groaned and turned facing away from katsuki. Well actually katsuki wasn't in bed, but he didn't notice. "Deeekuuu~! Get up!" It was a male voice. Midoriya had a head ache and didn't feel like dealing with noise or anything. Hearing the door open he looked at the human walking forward.

"Oh, hey kacchaaan" he moaned softly sitting up. "Ow.." he growled a bit before rubbing his head. "Here" being handed a cup and a pill midoriya took it right away. "You ok?" Katsuki hummed kissing midoriyas cheek.

The greenette smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah, just a head ache" he notes watching and feeling the blonde sit behind him he leans back. "Wanna meet my friends from Wisconsin?" He asked wrapping his arms around the greenettes waist.

"Sure!" He jumped a bit. "Be careful" Katsuki cooed kissing the boys neck. "Sorry" he chuckled nervously. Pulling out his phone katsuki typed in his pass word. "Your pass words my birthday?" Midoriya tilted his head as the blonde pulled up his contacts.

"Yeah, so I don't forget" he answers rubbing the greenettes leg. "Kacchaaan stoop!"

He giggled feeling the others hand move up. "Oh, you want me to stop? Yesterday night you were saying different" he cooed making midoriya blush.

"It's not my fault!" He whined, feeling the males hand move to his waist and under his shirt felt amazing do to the fact he'd never let anyone touch him this way.

But katsuki was different, they've known each other for years so midoriya didn't care. Yes he'd have a blush attack and try not to turn lewd.

"Kacch...an.. st..op" the face he made brought pleasure the blonde but he had to come to a stop when his phone started ringing for a video call. Answering it midoriya looked at the phone and became embarrassed at the fact he was being touched around his chest and stomach and almost caught by katsukis friend.

Katsuki even started to play with his nipple making him hold in a moan.

"Oh so your midoriya ya?"