Eps 19 : Bumi

"The man start his life when expelled from Alam Swarga"

"you think the man got kicked out"

"must be where they might be in Alam Fana, it is better in Alam Swarga for what they are to Alam Fana"

"continue from where the meaning of the word from the someday man will go to heaven"

"it's just talk from the elders"

"if indeed so, the word is derived from the previous elders"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"the point man was not expelled, but sent down as a punishment, human remains could be in Alam Swarga after completing his sentence"

"then what is the punishment"

"regretted his actions and responsible for"

Came fire a solid in the presence of both of them

They both went back to stand by

The door was opened by 2 guards.

"where are you from"

"Alam Sarpa"

"again what"

"I find an amazing thing"

"I'm tired of having to sit on this throne to replace you sis"

"get out of my way, now give it back to me"

"take it and go forward"

Quickly the older brother is engaged and make a foothold before burning flaking and redirects his punch to the little brother, but the brother caught it easily, and then the older brother draw and hit the chin of the brother, to stare at the sky palace.

The sister was transformed into fire and move into the presence of the brother and then transformed into a human back, and said,

"as usual full cunning is also greatness "

The brother was kneeling and permission to go out, through the door the guards were deep in conversation in the fuel with menyentilkan a small fire to guard the and burn it up into granules of the fire and then eat it.

'he should be able to restrain themselves so as not to take the troops around'

"subus here" he said calling

Come granules of lava formed a human form succubus facing the king.

"yes my king"

"how to know about his man named Arif"

"ready my king"

After seeing the exam of the Undead first of Alam Sarpa Netolsmax was curious on the Arif, he decided to search for info about him.

(exam 4) After the fourth participant from team B passed the remaining 2 participants, namely Arif and Putra, but in the cycle that is in Natural Putra, going to failure and make her none, Arif was asked with respect to Prejin to make his sister's Putra became Undead, also Putra tested again.

Hear that request Skyjin angry and upset with the approach Arif, and then strangle the Wise saying "what you don't know your boundaries, you that the creature is a lowlife, than yesterday I see you talk just ask"

Arif was silent listening to the jeers from Skyjin, Prejin only view from the bench "already, if not please continue"

Skyjin hit Arif, but his punch was stopped by Arif as Arif throws Skyjin far back. "I just begged why is it so hard"

full upset Skyjin back with anger wants to kill Arif, easily Wise avoid the blow, but Skyjin devouring movement Wise with the shadow of his hand appeared from below, Arif difficulty moving, while Skyjin want to burn him alive Prejin stop him, and assented to the request of Arif, the Son was tested again with the body Undead and are to kill the jinn attack humans in the hotel.

Arif also entered the exam, the Prejin also asked Skyjin to refrain

"why do you even keep it"

"he is not a man, from the beginning he's mysterious, did you just throw"

"but I got him on the ropes."

"but she only fell silent instead, he is silent does not mean losing the rather defeatist, I feel the energy other in addition to maya, whether it's where or which rare it"

Putra woke up in front of the hotel, the sound of his mind that asked him to kill jin in the terrorize, and be the last chance of Putra, the head of Putra was in pain because given the events of earlier that failed to save his new family.

Putra decided to kill the whole jin crazy that terrorize humans, the raid was on start, the time entered in the forest Putra heard the sound of rustling in the bushes

"What are you doing here" (sheek, srak) the sound of the bushes

"sorry, do bro, clay a girl"

Putra was surprised "Wise, you are Wise, right, long time no see, how are you" Arif with confusion, why does this person feel know me, but I don't know him at all "sorry bro, may bro the wrong person my name is Arif" "yes know I, I'm Putra of the don't remember me"

"sorry bro, I should be back soon" Arif went back to the hotel

"he snobs forget, wait for the smell of this right" Putra also

ran after the pungent smell and find the dead body of a girl, the Putra was immediately picked up the girl and bring her to the hotel, in the middle of his journey, he in the troop by-eyed creature 5, Putra of one put of the corpse and the pursuit of the creature "hey where you going JIN rotten, damn you" Putra was forced to use his Maya and attack JIN and then JIN angry and strike back Putra "hem.., hooked also you" Putra avoid the attack of the JIN, with a jump but JIN is actually removing the pus from his eyes, but the Putra at a glance disappeared and was behind JIN, then he pulled out his dagger with the channel's vanity and Killed of JIN.

After killing the jin Putra was in the state passed from the exam of the Undead and cards Undead can be extended through the kill jin, and the Time of card Undead is limited, so often kill jin'gila to extend because if not you're gone. Hear the voice that the Putra felt relieved, but keep to mind about the Wise, because in his mind he can be a second chance for sure because of the Wise, because he alone bravely facing the leader of the nation of jin, the Putra was re-doing his journey while looking for his friends.

"So what should I do"

"learn to see"

"see... does that mean ?"

"yes, see something invisible"

"look at this" D5 is doing a strange movement where his hands spinning round with jump jump

"again what is" Arif said with a puzzled

"that's because you can't see"

"I will teach view, to basically learn first eyes positive eyes negative and adventitious"

a new "listen to me, it looks like fun"

D5 was stomping right leg to the ground and slowly the ground began to crack-addled male, and terjatuhlah Arif in Arda. Shout has also been filling every corner of the hallway to avoid the pain, Arif was relieve of his body and drifted by slowly.

"where is this, really dark"

From a distance it looks thin rays flashing, Arif was to him, the closer Arif runs, the rays of the red even more bright when it is close to the light suddenly Arif surprised, D5 jump at him while laughing, "almost dislodged my heart because last"

"bwahahah, that was one of a kind eye, but I will not teach about the eye, much more great D3 because he is my teacher, I will teach about diagram to elementary because I'm a diagram like you"

D5 was lit on fire from his index finger while following this path

"we are in the earth, you know, the monsters that come out of Arda"

"the earth is not the name of the planet"

"planet... what is it"

"where we are in the universe"

"oh that, it's called Arda, not (bumi) earth, Bumi it... how yes, to explain it anyway the earth that the monsters from the ground"

"now where are"

"looking for the early Bumi, later there is the core of the Bumi, there is the center of gravity within"

They both deal in the darkness of the basement, getting down, getting heated up, the situation is not profitable for humans, but because they are both a diagram to elementary they can adapt with the atmosphere below.

To a depth that didn't know they stopped because of the heat outside of their reason, D5 was using his power to deploy the air as the shape of the nasal passages and search for a new Bumi born.

Finally Found it place of the new Bumi it and with a quick move while wiping the ground in front of the and slowly the soil is eroded Arif was following from behind while amazed because the force D5 which is so incredible.

Once in place the Bumi was born, D5 also separates the Bumi from the shells of the roots of the binder and the angry earth new up soaring to the surface of the D5 was chasing him and stop.

The Bumi is previously shaped stone Giant, but it is filled with lava all over his body "what may this is still new," said D5

The bumi was on a rampage and destroyed the forests around it, then insert his arm into the ground, and the trees were in control.

When the tree moves to D5, Arif accidentally stumble long roots and make it tangled by the roots of the.

D5 who saw it immediately moves to Arif to save him but Arif burn his body and the roots of the burning Arif immediately burn the roots of the big tree called banyan.

D5 was interesting Arif and took him away as far as possible

"why don't we just burn"

"it's a banyan..!! be dangerous"

With panic condition D5 see the banyan Arif also assume that it is not an ordinary tree.

They both went back to the banyan and see the gestures the banyan.

To be continued....\