EPS 20 : Beringin | the MONSTER FULL of desire

D5 who saw it immediately moves to Arif to save him but Arif burn his body and the roots of the burning Arif immediately burn the roots of the big tree called banyan (Beringin).

D5 was interesting Arif and took him away as far as possible

"why don't we just burn"

"it's a Beringin..!! the danger is"

With panic condition D5 see the banyan Arif also assume that it is not an ordinary tree.

They both went back to the Beringin and see the gestures the Beringin.

The tree is ordered the grass around to looking for a man to burn his body.

"find him gigigigi, rotten man that brought him here"

"how is this"

"we're looking for a way to kill him without the knowledge of the other trees"

"open D5 a diagram"

"yes I know that, but we must respect our fellow creatures"

Arif was tired of waiting for long swiftly ran towards the Beringin tree and burn the grass and then freeze the tree about which path he advanced over the other trees, but the Beringin, tying it with quick, D5 who saw it began to burn the branches the Beringin the binding Arif, Arif was the more bound and hurt, D5 who can not bear to see it increase the heat the fire up to a purple and then burn the tree, the more heat the tree wither, but not with Beringin, he is the enlarged view of large body make her hair more dense and bind to D5, they were both bound, Arif was not moving deciding to stop Time for 2 seconds, and no more quickly Arif is above the Beringin trees.

"The time stop" aloud Arif said.

He caught the flow of water from the river leading to the Beringin, by blindly slamming D5 and throw it and then pull it back, he continues to do. And laugh at the actions of the one who splashed water into the tree, while the water of her hair, the D5 was aware of and trying to move his body up regardless then help Arif splashed the water.

After the body of the banyan splashed a lot of water, quickly Arif froze her, her every move rebel up to the difficulty, D5 also stop the movement to tie it in to the ground, while the Beringin slowly freezes come the earth attacked Arif and hit right hands to the Beringinbroke the ice freezes, the Arif was trying to retreat, but himself on the handheld by the Bumi, feel the pain as a result of his grasp, D5 was throw a big rock around and use the wind to ease the movement of the Bumi, and then threw it far into the woods, and exchange his existence with the earth, when the Bumiwas thrown far away, D5 was chasing him and leaving the Beringin, when the pursuit of Arif that were in his grasp D5 collect the rocks to swap the right stone with the Bumi, the game of mutual exchange continues until the Bumi was thrown far away, until the end of the grips off and Arif was using the wind to land and then draw Bumi to the direction D5, D5 also bind the Bumiinto the ground.

Come the trees interfere with the two of us, the Bumi managed to get out of the ties in the ground and catch us, we were taken to the Beringin and ridden with her hair the Beringin but Arif want to finish soon, fastens himself to the her hair is getting thick up to the top of the hair thickness and then cut the hair, to blow the fire, finally the hair of the Beringin has become a thin elongated, Arif regardless due to his slash and make the movement of the Bumi stalled by pulling the foot of the Bumi into the ground deeply, then splashed water into his Beringin and freeze quickly, when the Bumi came out, Arif increases the heat of the fire and splitting the head of the Bumi , then pulling with the wind and tossed by the wind deep into the forest.

When banyan freezes, Arif was using a small flame from his index finger to melt the D5 is stuck in the ice, and then cut the hair of the Beringin become small, and the desire Beringin trees have vanished, the desire of banyan tree is made of thick hair to cover the forest, but because of the desire of these trees have vanished, the tree was a lost soul and wither quickly, and then grow Beringin trees small.

"finish is also"

"actually, why do we have to go to the ground to find the Bumi, and fight with him"

"we need his head"

"yes but I throw"

they were both looking for a head of Bumi was thrown far into the forest.

In their journey they find the Giant stone shine bright, because blocking the way Arif was destroy the stone, D5 see her surprised "why did you destroy"

"blocking our path"

"it's a rare stone"

"what are the benefits"

"stone that can be used to estimate the weather"

Arif was collecting chunks of rock and turn over to D5

"what is the name of this stone"

"turquoise" D5 make a ring of twigs and laying the shards of the stone as a gem.

They both went back to continue the search for the head of the Bumi , Arif began to fatigue running decided to look for it through the fly, and browse to the next quickly, as a result, Arif was found and gave it to D5, they were both prying eyes of the Bumi, and ask for Arif eat it.

After eating Arif feel nausea and find a nearby river to defecate, D5 was approached Wise and said "don't spit it out, it's to know the form of you mana"

"what is it where"

"the energy that you use to issue thank"

After excreting them both back to S3 and the other.

D5 running in the background Arif while assessing how much the amount of mana in himself, 'ordinary people anyway, 100% for user elements is definitely a little more, and diagrams like me 1000%,

how much do you think' D5 was dropped because it was surprised to see the amount of mana in a self-Arif, "ma..maa..na you 0, but how can"

Arif who was eating the fruit just as surprised to "cook, how can"

"use your finger in between your eyes and look at you on the river"

Arif immediately went to the river and look in the mirror to see the amount of mana in itself

"yes blank how can"

"during this time, you wearing the energy of what"

Arif tried to use on the D5 "had a D5 there, (700%), though mine's not there" with the fast Arif back to the S3

D5 also catch up with him slowly.

Once there Arif fatigue and "a minute, huh,huh.." D5 say about where the blank on the Arif.

D3 was trying to check it out, "themana was empty, but he had bin very much"

"how can that be" said D5

"maybe humans in the future are indeed so" said the S4

"no, it's him" said S3

"what you teach" said D3 asked to D5

"no, just play the elements by Beringin and Bumi strange"

"Beringin, he was against it, totally outside of reason, yes" while embracing Arif and laugh it off, the S3 was pushing Arif to D3, "now it's your turn"

D3 was brought Arif, to the edge of the river "we will learn what yes"

"D5 never said D3 will teach the negative and the positive, oh yes the adventitious also"

"okay I'll teach it, for adventitious easily, stay put positive and negative together"

"so adventitious that the combined"

"can say so, but it is rather difficult because of the collide"

To be continued...