[S2] Eps 28 : Survive part 2

"please teach me, all the Mahaguru"

"for the martial arts perhaps can but that it's Time..."

"I was master of death and Time"

"how can" surprise Mahaguru to hear the speech of Arif.

"I don't know, I just follow the S3"

The Mahaguru was silent for a moment and think 'what in want the the predecessor.'

"all right, I teach all that I'm good at, but I'm not responsible for that was obtained by you in the future."

Without conscious Arif approve and do not know what is meant by the Mahaguru.

Sang kehidupan are viewing Arif smiling grimace see the reaction of Mahaguru, he was standing on and off the screen clouds that show Arif.

Sang kehidupan looking down to estimate the landing, he leaped gracefully falls to the bottom leaving the clear to 3.

Slowly pass through the stack the cloud he was up to the bottom.

S3 with Vivien approached him to question him about a test in the face by Arif.

But the life does not say how these exams.

S3 and Vivien return to the house of Vivien.

"not waiting for him"

"no need, anyway sang kehidupan is not said he failed"

"so now how"

"I have to go back to the battlefield, to help them"

"need my help"

"no need, it's my world, later if Arif back, please bring him to me"

"just calm down, I will always wait for his return"

After packing up the S3 to go back to his world, and then out of the waterfall and walk up to the general and other.

After walking for a few hours, he arrived at the battlefield, past the pile of corpses that is his army.

"what has happened here"

S3 continued to walk through the corpse.

He piled some of the bodies and stood in it and looked around, you wouldn't expect the S3 ran quickly toward the general and the other within.

"how can this happen" said the S3 see the impossibility of this, by running towards the place the others are.

"that's right" with the panic and anxious about the action he should do, to stop this war.

After visit the tomb of his parents, in later days he tried to forget the dark times and go take care of the Academy back.

On one day Mr. Rex approached him and inform him about the existence of the Book sakti which is under the Academy.

Nagisa was ignoring the book, and let it.

But after hearing the struggle of D3 and his brother D6. He was curious on the book.

At night in his room he thought about the book.

"why the book is heavily guarded, and brother also D3 should be at pains to protect the book, what the contents of the book." Said S6 curious on the book.

He also go out and ask for help to the all roh to steal the book.

The next day the remaining one roh back to Nagisa and then reported that the buddies have failed and fall, in the theft.

Arriving at the Academy Sir Rex approached him and questioned him

"whether the roh is of you" Said Sir Rex.

"yes, I just want to know how safe is the defense of the book sakti the"

Sir Rex was walking with Nagisa while describes safety in have by the Academy to keep the Book.

But Nagisa did not listen instead of daydreaming yourself, once in his room he entered it and died Sir Rex.

He was sitting while thinking "oh yeah, Sir Rex talk what yes.."

He also took some of the books on the shelf and then find the small book, he opened it and contain the records of D6, with full of passion Nagisa read her sister's note, because the room is a room Vilan earlier, when reading the next page Nagisa suddenly cried to see the contents of the note.

Most of the pages he has read, and understand the intent of her brother who left to himself.

He would go out and look for Mr. Rex asked him to tell me the history of the book sakti the reason those books should download.


[ ~ Name : Sir Rex ~ ]

{ ~ Age : 45th in his time ~ }

{ ~ Status : Human non natives ~ }

{ ~ Strength : the changed of ~ }


Arriving at the nearest village for shelter from the wind Master also rent a room for Arif and himself.

"before I teach you about my powers, when you know the origin of your position as a D7," said Mahaguru fishing interests Arif.

"know from where that I D7" said Arif was Surprised to hear the speech of Mahaguru

"your eyes show it to me"

"well what is my job as a D7"

"in the world there are 10 books powerful, but not known of its existence, and is still a mystery, but D3 managed to get one of the to 10 of the book, and it was named Matralis, the book contains about the happenings around the world, actually find one is a good luck because to 10 of the book related to each other."

"so as Matralis already in get, to get the other books very easily so"

"yes, because in every book show each other the existence of other books, but to understand the puzzle was difficult, but with the Matralis, we can search for it because according to its function to know everything that happens."

"means to live browse the book born to look where, so right"

"that's right, but not everyone can hold the book"

"why ?"

"because the book is exactly that choose their owners"

"it's just a book"

"the book of life, but not had been living"

"and now the book was no where"

"I don't know, D3 was the one who knew it"

"so the reason Mahaguru traveled to look for that book yes"

"no, I'm just curious about isine Donya"

"then what relation to my position as D7"

Of yore when the Pre-War toward Pra-War ..................................

The seizure of the throne, war between regions, that's how humans, no matter how many times you guys keep defending you guys keep errors due to......................

You've been dared to do a mistake since the beginning you created, originated when man first unconsciously against the command, and continue to man the two directly opposing the orders, but why..............

The creator still forgive you by giving the opportunity

to the time for you guys, you should be aware of and take advantage of the opportunity to atone for your mistakes but why are you guys still don't realize or acknowledge that it is your fault since 2 the first man in down to now.....................................

So how do you make it up, have you ever thought about it, why trouble to admit it......................................

If you do not dare to admit why you did it, not deliberately, is that how you think, then where is that on purpose.................

You think just by asking sorry all finished......................

If it is so why not use it in yourselves, there are still many who do not accept the sayings'm sorry and then you asked with a sorry will solve everything...........................

For hina yes... you guys, no wonder the demon is reluctant due respect to you guys, don't right the demon, the fellow you are reluctant mutual respect.......................

Then you want to what, settle down and accept it sure can................

If you realize and dare to be responsible, surely you will not feel things like this, and anyway the penalties for you just down and realize the mistake, that's it, how hard can it be if from the first you atone for your mistakes, maybe you already feel the happiness more than you imagine, yes but it all depends on yourself, still want to keep it or change it's your choice............................

To be continued....