[S2] Eps 29 : Farewell


"What do you think about him" while viewing footage of human life, said the fate.

Come to Sang Kehidupan with the human form entered the Hall Altarisk.

"early on I was curious about how you choose who is worthy of life"

Said Sang Kematian against Sang Kehidupan.

"what do you think about that boy" said sang kehidupan to all Sang those the who are in Altarisk, then glanced Vilan.

"is that an justified action" said Vilan who feel compassion.

"anyway she does not feel the pain" said Sang Takdir.

"he wasn't feel, but he did not show it"

"what if the prove to that boy, to determine its position" said Sang Penentu while holding the shoulder Vilan.

While Sang other agreed and mutually guess the cycle will happen to the boy, but Vilan feel upset to see the actions of The he decided to defend the Boy later in the day.

(Arda-The Earth)

Formerly Arif questioned Mahaguru about the task itself as D7, but the Mahaguru did not answer, Arif was asked the other things on the Mahaguru.

"all right, if not responsibility, I will find out for yourself, but how can a book sakti that can show everything that happens."

"because that makes the book a man who wrote it based on what he knows," said Mahaguru , Arif was confusion about what was said by Mahaguru .

The storm, the wind subsided, they decided to rest while waiting for the next day.

After seeing Sir Rex Nagisa go to the bottom to find the book, but he was found by guards.

Nagisa also said the reason honestly, and then the guard asked Nagisa to be quiet for a moment, after inspection through the sight Nagisa take the book, but the guard forbid bring the book, Nagisa else read it in there, but every page not written anything he tried to ask the guard about the contents of the book, but there is no reaction, Nagisa was putting the book then went to see Mr. Rex and ask him a question.

"if indeed look no posts, means You are not elected by the book."

"then who elected"

"D3 and D6 was selected by the book"

"how can my brother elected by the book, how about You"

"I was not elected also, as far as I know those books are choosing who the owner is"

Nagisa went to his room and think "if not men, what makes it was elected" by running to and fro.

The next day Arif began his training with Mahaguru originated from the master of martial arts techniques Tapakkan, Tepian, and Silat eyes.

Then continue to deepen the understanding of the soul and existence.

After that yes increase the power of the elements alone, sometimes he also fight with mahaguru as a trial of his new power.

5 years have passed Arif has mastered all the things that can be taught by mahaguru

Meanwhile, Nagisa has decided to re-locate the grand Master of which was delayed.

"I go first, I leave the Academy to you"

"yes, carefully" said Sir Rex.

With weary because of the throw mahaguru Arif asked for a short break.


"what is this" Arif was open it.

"drink it to keep your body if your strength exceeds the limit of your body"

"thank you"

"there's one last thing I'm gonna teach you"

"all right, let's start"

"but are you ready to die for me"

"I mean, the risk of death."

"you don't I will kill"


"what you don't mind to die"

"I've been dead as much as 3x"

"crazy you yes"

"if I could go back."

"you heard it right" said mahaguru , instantly there came a Time Portal, and come out Sang Waktu.

"actually, what do you have planned, mahaguru ," said Sang Waktu.

Meanwhile in Altarisk all the Sang was surprised to see the existence of Sang Waktu are in there, they also consider The Time of the treason of his position and his duties.

"you can trust this boy" said the mahaguru.

"why should I believe him"

"because he is beyond reason, and it is impossible for the limited human will be everything, as long as I trained him, I know it."

"I can't believe him"

"then what if we prove"

Sang Waktu was approaching Arif and whispered to him

"prove it to me, do with your own way, I've let you"

Arif can only be silent to hear the speech of Sang Waktu.

Slowly Sang Waktu went, mahaguru asked Arif to get ready

"where are we going"

"follow me"

Quickly Great do the displacement between mountain to mountain.

After the pass through the mountains that long.

They both rested for a moment in the cave.


[ ~ Name : Catly ~ ]

{ ~ Age : 1000+ ~ }

{ ~ Status : being ~ }

{ ~ Strength : The Portal ~ }


Mahaguru was asked Arif to submit his life to him.

"Gladly" said Arif looking forward to this that occurs.

Meanwhile in Altarisk the the feel strange to see the reaction of Arif.

"I already allow you to determine who is worthy of life,��� said Sang Kehidupan view Arif from Altarisk along with the All Sang other.

Vilan also requested to The other to give an opportunity to Arif.

"why, do you know" said Sang Takdir.

"no, but he seems different with the other"

Sang Waktu has arrived in Altarisk, while the other stared with a sneer.

"you hate humans, why defend him," said Sang Kematian.

"he's different, and he can be expected" said Sang Waktu walking towards his room "if you don't believe, you prove yourself"

Vilan was scaled along with The Life, tangible human being and appears suddenly in front of them both.

"long yes," said Mahaguru.

"I've let you," said Sang Kehidupan.

"I'm Vilan I fully expect you," said Vilan while patting the shoulders of the Wise, and then they both go by slowly drifting into light.

Mahaguru also gave praise to the Wise saying "how can you master the permission of the third Sang, completely beyond reason"

With a full sense of pride Arif smiled, then said "please kill me"

"are you ready, become victims", said Mahaguru.

"ready" the Great sage was approached Arif then hugged him while saying

"believe in yourself"

get killed Arif with his own hands.

After completion of the kill, Mahaguru washed his hands in the rain water drip, while waiting for Skyjin and Prejin came to see him.

With full respect Great respect for the sacrifice of Arif, and come both of them take the Roh of a Wise and body Wise for autopsy as the trial of the Undead first.

Mahaguru also has made an agreement with the nation of jin of the Project of the Undead, and hope there are no obstacles.

After that Mahaguru went out to check the weather, after the rain subsides, Mahaguru walked back to his cabin, to settle the affairs of the main.

Sang Waktu to prepare the next plan associated with imaging, slowly he will be using Arif as the object of the experiment and will make a huge impact for Alam Donya, but he ambition is not profitable itself, but also will benefit the charles to achieve his dream when he was asked to mention his dream at the Academy .

To be continued...