[S2] Eps 36 : End of Myself

My name is Malay I'm a college Student in a reputable university in malang, on my day off my family decided for a family holiday, with the full spirit of our holiday together to the Surabaya tourist attractions that provide an.

"let's all go to bed" said mother told us to go to sleep.

We also entered our room each for the immediately bertidur welcome tomorrow.

The next morning I was sound asleep, and not forget that today is the day away from home, my sister was entering my room and then woke me up vigorously.

"sis!, sister! Fast wake up" full of the spirit woke me up.

With a sense of tired and sleepy I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, after washing face I went to the kitchen to get a drink.

After drinking a glass of milk, I saw my mother with my father has packed up.

"why are you not bathing?" asked dad

"where are you going dad?"asked me back.

"quick shower" said the mother while throwing a tablespoon to me.

Suddenly I remembered that now is the day of the visit, I was immediately showered last, and hurried grooming and then set up clothes into my bag.

With the rush I forget my phone, after locking the door we entered the car, where dad has been waiting for quite a long time in the car, after entering the car we were off to the tourist attractions.


Name : Malay

Age : 22th

Status : Human


We also stopped at a convenience store to buy snacks for the sake of eliminating boredom in the car, after refueling we went back to the road while singing in the car, after passing the border we entered the toll road, with extensive road we see the house-the house looks small from the top.

"watch his head" said the mother advising us playing the car window.

After passing through the toll road we arrived in Surabaya, the sight of the building looming makes us wonder, we also saw clumps of mud lapindo is so vast stretches submerge the homes, the sight made me realize that life is only temporary.

After passing a few bends we arrived to the tourist attractions, we carefully down the car then go to the hotel lobby to book a room.

"2 room ma'am" said the Father who was ordering, I was with my sister looking at this beautiful monument in the waiting room which is so beautiful.

My mom called us and said

"this is your room keys, do not lose this key" with full of enthusiasm we went towards our room.

"wait" said the father calling us

"later, when finished packing, we wait here"

"ok" said we eagerly went to our room.


Name : Putra

Age : 24th

Status : Undead


After opening the door we entered, my sister immediately jump to the mattress that is filled with tenderness, with full delight I lay my bag and then find the my smartphone

but still not found

"come on Sister, hurry"


go ahead, sis following," said myself.

With panic I looked here and there but still don't tertemukan with the restless me down the stairs and met my mother's father.

"why the long face"

"my phone is lost"

"what not to miss in the house" said my mother trying to cheer me up.

"may I not forget"

For the sake of avoiding kemurunganku dad took us to the playground and then across from the hotel, we crossed the street and came in pool play, the father was buy a ticket and ask us to wait.

"this is the ticket, don't run away-run away" said the father with a full smile.

We both enjoy rides such water, after that we swim with mom and dad was calling us to take a picture together at the top of the fountain pond, a smile was imprinted in the photo.

Everyday this becomes a pleasure for me during my life.

After having fun in the water we went to the zoo a variety of animals have been our visit, we also had to ride a horse and get around with horses.

The evening arrived we were soon in the shower, then eat together in the middle of the welcome fireworks in the evening.

After a day of fun was we were exhausted and went back to the hotel to treat fatigue us.

Once in the room I was lying straight to bed, my sister was locking the door of the room and sleep next to me.

The next day the tired feeling we have been treated by the deep sleep that we enjoy in the evening, we went to the dining room to eat together.

"what message, sir?" asked the waiter

"family package 1" said the father

"well, we will serve immediately," the servant went to fetch our order, with a delicious taste we eat it together.

The abdomen was successfully resolved in the morning, we decided to climb the mountains behind the hotel.

The preparations have been prepared, we were up the mountains with the together, the day came, we arrived at the peak of while consuming our provisions, with full spirit we were shouting together at the top of the mountains.

After a rest we went down the mountains with the slowly arriving at the hotel we were given a hot shower, a sauna, hear the words of free father and mother immediately went to these baths.

I with my sister went out of the hotel a walk in the woods next door, when I went into the hotel to order a drink, my sister disappeared, I went into the woods and see my sister walk past the boundary line, I crossed the line of the barrier.

Suddenly I was shocked to see my sister get eaten by the creature eyed the five I immediately ran back but the creature saw me, and chased me, with toned I ran while crying to see my sister get eaten by such creatures, because of the haste I tripped over a tree root and fell, the creature was staring with empty eyes, then pulled my hair.

And bite my neck, also licking my face, from a distance a man comes up to me with the rest of my strength, I hold the feet of the creature saying "run away.."I was unconscious because of blood loss, the man was leaving over my dead body and then chase the creature.

I also felt the darkness that evenly empty and slowly falling to the bottom of all the memory is visible at a glance kind of reminded me of those happy memories began to me was born, until yesterday, I was sorry for failing to save my sister, and make my family worry.

Because they feel compassion, Putra went back to take the dead body and followed the smell of the creature, but on the way he met a boy who looked stronger, he was left of the corpse to the boy, saying "little child girls are beyond help, but this woman probably helped" the boy brings a dead woman in a hotel.

When the father and mother out heard there are 2 children inedible beasts, all of a sudden panic look Malay lying helpless, Malay was in the run to the nearest hospital.

Police also intervened to seek the brother, In the seconds of death Malay, he was struck and utters his final words "I'm sorry I not saved his life" remark is to prove that the brother had perished.

A surprise was in use with high voltage, to sustain the heart of the Malay, but fate said no, Malay was not saved, the bodies of the Malay brought back and buried in the vicinity of his place of residence, friends and relatives come to pray for him at the time of his burial.

Deep in the tomb Malay looks fit and healthy he went to the giant gate that shows 2 different paths.

Before he stepped in he was met by the angel of death that greeted him "don't go first, there are already memesanmu" Malay was silent and then unconscious, he was trying to open the eyes slowly with shine lights that scorching make the eyes Malay glistening see the surrounding circumstances.

"good riddance already up"

Suddenly the Malay was surprised to see the circumstances surrounding the hospital, which he see much different with the hospital which he know.

Then came a creature disembodied half human half animal said "congratulations you are selected to be the material of our experiment"

Malay was trying to escape.

"wait don't move, then your spirit is not stable, your body is also a new interact slowly."Said the man such a pig.

"for now get some rest, I'll explain the rest"

Malay was drugged with sleeping pills to calm himself.

To be continued...