[S2] Eps 37 : Undead

Met mind disappointed to see his sister get eaten by monsters-eyed five, Malay was shouting woke up, he was trying to open his eyes and look around, in his mind any thought that he had been killed by these monsters, but the Malay did not believe it because he sees himself still alive and was in the hospital, but he realizes there is something strange conditions of space hospital is a little different with what he knows.

Then came a creature disembodied half human half animal said "congratulations you are selected to be the material of our experiment"

Malay was trying to escape.

"wait don't move, then your spirit is not stable, your body is also a new interact slowly."Said the man such a pig.

"for now get some rest, I'll explain the rest"

Malay was drugged with sleeping pills to calm himself.

A few hours have passed, the operation was successfully carried out, the body of the Malay was successfully in use, Malay was in the let it rest to calm his mind.

Meanwhile the Son has succeeded in killing the monster-eyed five he called back to Nature Sarpa and asked to become a teacher for aspiring Undead now.

Hear a discussion of the Son with Skyjin come Netolstill appear without cause terminate these negotiations.

"what do you mean you trust it all to a man of such abject" said Netolstill with a sense of annoyance.

"I'm just running the command from his majesty Prejin, who let the hell be here," said Skyjin feel upset with the presence of Netolstill.

See greeting Netolstill rejected outright, he was going to leave them, but after the departure of Netolstill, cometh the man without a face passing through the Son and Skyjin, go to the palace Jin.

To see people going with just Skyjin also ordered the troops to stop it.

Easily human the avoid attacks from each attack until he managed to escape and kick the gate of the king's chamber.

"who are you!"ask Prejin saw a man enter the room of the king with ease.

he opened her face veil and showed her face.

"how know me" said the man with a countenance terrible.

Then came Putra with Skyjin, with a sense of annoyed Putra immediately kicked the man, but his feet Putra stopped with his hands and then throws the Putra into the back of the room.

"to what do with me, Dnah" with restless Prejin smile.

"I don't have much Time, my brother will soon go down"

"wait you mean Dkah" asked Skyjin

"yes, that's it" Dnah anything goes, but the Putra was waiting for him outside the room and then tie it with a fire of purple.

"you need to know, your fire is not hot to me" easily untied the purple fire and then hit the face of the Putra up thrown away, with a sense of annoyed Putra trying to pursue

"stop it, you can't fight it," said Skyjin draw the hands of the Putra .

"why do you say so, not he also the Undead."

"what are you stupid, you are the Undead the first that we managed to create, he's a normal human, just different ways of birth"

"what do you mean"

"what about my offer earlier"

"if I pay more I just come" said Putra pulled his hand from the grip Skyjin go out leave the palace.

"how did your majesty?" asked Skyjin

"we let the first, if Dkah indeed be a threat to us, our new deal," said Prejin being confusion.


Name : Malay

Age : 22th

Status : Participant

Maya : controller


"What's true if I'm already dead?" asked the Malay

"yes, you can die again if you don't pass in the exam of the Undead later," said a doctor who was examining Malay.

"what must I do to survive?" asked the Malay who still do not believe in the existence of this all.

"through this exam, I hope you can pass, so no need to waste my hard work to take care of you"

"So yes, thank you for taking care of me"

"yes, same-same, if you already feel you can meet the others in the waiting room"

Malay also go out and see some other human beings 'are they also of the participants' said the Malay in his mind.

Malay was to approach them and say hello with a smile.

However they all ignored the greetings Malay.

Malay was sitting in a couch while you look around.

"wonderful room," said the Malay slowly feel amazed to see the grandeur of the waiting room.

"hello, my name is Sania, who are you" came a girl sitting close to me with sincere he asked my name.

"eeh, I'm Malay" he clasped my hand with full of glee.

"from now on, let's be friends we should help each other to live"

"yes, we should help each other fellow human beings"

Suddenly the other participants see the two of us

"much better don't mention the name of the man here"


"said it was very sensitive here, come with me" he pull my hand to go to the 2nd floor view overlooking the light that was dancing.

"how pretty, right"

That's what" stuck out his hand to the ceiling.

"if I may know Malay how did he die, if you do not want to tell you anything anyway," said Sania

"I saw my brother eating by monsters-eyed five, see that all my body move itself to save my sister, but I'm late, I was at a meal by it"

"So yeah, sorry for the story"

"no nothing really, it's all already happened"

"my death happened when I and my father and my mother was killed because jin lintah I wish my brother still welcome"

"so your family was killed all"

"after I lost consciousness, I still see my brother, but I don't know he managed to escape or not, the reason I'm struggling here because hope can meet up with my brother as he is alive or dead."

"open participants in the randomly-selected"

"yes it is, I can only hope"

"I'll help you if we successfully complete the exam of the Undead, we will go to the human world to find your brother"

"thank you, I'm sorry I can't help looking for your sister, what she might be Undead"

"I think not, in the view of his body which has been cut into pieces because of the monsters that, where possible parties here to do a troublesome thing like that"

"I'm sorry can't help"

"don't what, if I could meet with my parents later, it is already more than enough" said Malay with a smile.

Doctor jin also came up to us and asked us to rest and get in the exam tomorrow. [the other side]

"Putra! Hey from where?" asked Surya.

"buy a snack, why are you here"

"I was assigned to be a teacher, do you also"

"yes, that's how"

"now where are you going"

"go home to sleep, tomorrow have to wake up early because"

The next day the teachers had gathered in front of the Prejin, and perform homage, after it Skyjin gave us a file about the prospective participants of the Undead along with Maya.

"this, hold, I'm going to buy ice cream"

"don't you read"

"no need to"

"later hours 69,00 you should immediately encounter the class you know" said Skyjin

Putra was leaving the event to find the ice cream

"hey Putra look not"

"yes.. yes.."

Putra was late towards the waiting room to pick up students, because of this long queue when buying ice cream

"where ya room" after glancing at each waiting room he finally found.

Because of the long wait for the disciples to feel annoyed and make a trap to trap their teachers.

Then came Putra who was to open the door, when the door is open comes the 3 chairs flew towards Putra , seeing one of his students laugh Putra has avoided it and then threw it to the pupil.

The student was angry and trying to hit Putra , see of her, the ice cream Putra was dropped, Putra was angry and then suffocating pupil while holding the embers of purple "if you like looking for trouble, and I will bring problems to you"

The students fell silent, looking at the reaction of Putra who is so angry, Malay was trying to remember the face of Putra because he doesn't feel foreign to see it.

With tearful Sania embraced Putra , the Son did not remember it and then make a throw Sania forward.

"why are you so cruel on him, I think you're a good person, because once saved I"

"what do you mean, stop babbling that is not clear, quick follow me"

With fear they follow Putra go to the front.

To be continued....