The past(the best dads)...

Headmaster: Your daughters beat some girls now they are in hospital.

Frank and Hannah's dad: WHAT!!!!

Frank and Hannah's dad turned back and saw our faces, we were still with our faces down.

Hannah's dad: Teddy bear, look at me, what happened?

Hannah made eye contact with her dad, her dad wasn't angry he was concerned and desperate to know what happened.

Hannah: Dad, it wasn't our fault, we were just defending ourselves, moreover, they were the ones who started the fight.

Hannah's dad: Then tell me what happened.

Hannah: We both were in our class, we had our lunch and were studying what was taught in the previous class, then 2 girls came and called Shin as a weirdo and were taunting her about the way she behaves and were saying she is the worst in the whole school and she was closing her self with Shin calling her by names. So, I pushed her and warned her not to call my best friend names, then those girls got angry and started the fight.