The past(Teddy bear)...

"I'm sorry."

Frank's face changed from a curious one to a confused one.

Frank: For what?

"For calling you dad, it's because... I don't want Hannah's dad to think wrong about you."

Frank: What do you mean by that?

"You said yourself that you have 2 daughters, if I called you Frank then it would look like you're lying, I don't Hannah's dad to look you in that way."

I kept my face down and my voice was a bit shaky, I know I shouldn't have called him that, but I don't give any reasons for Mr. Henry to think about Frank in a wrong way, not even for a second.

Frank released a big sigh, his voice became soft like always.

Frank: And I was right all along, I do have 2 daughters. So, you called me 'dad' just because you don't want to humiliate me in front of Henry?