The past(biological parents)...


I asked with a questioning look, really I wasn't sure what she was talking about.

Hannah rolled her and said with a pissed-off voice.

Hannah: The incident with Uncle Frank. It's okkay if you both are acting like friends rather than Father and daughter, but calling your dad by name isn't good.

"Oh, about that... it's..."

Hannah: Come straight to the point, you know I hate it when people talk like this.

"He isn't my father."

Hannah's eyes widened, jaw dropped. She was quite shocked.

Hannah: What!!!

"Frank isn't my father."

Hannah: But, a week ago he said you're his daughter?

"Yeah, it's a long story."

Hannah: We have the whole night to talk and I'm a pretty good listener.

"You won't leave me without it I won't spill the truth right?"

Hannah: Yes, there's a reason why people call you smart.

"Fine, it's just Frank isn't my biological father, he is the father figure and he raised me."