The past(the end of Maxxine and dream of memories)...

The 2nd year got completed and Patrick graduated with a good score. He was the reason why for me to live, he stood there when I was having a hard time, when I was addicted to pills, when I was afraid of going to the cemetery, for every step he was with by my side. 

Today is his graduation. Graduation is the only day when a student can go to other departments and roam in the whole university and the previously graduated students will also come to attend their juniors graduation ceremony. I went to the biochemistry department and saw Patrick along with a group of guys.

I didn't inform him that I was coming, I wanted to surprise him. I was walking towards him when I saw a girl came in front of him with shyness and blush all over her face. I went near to listen to what they were talking to.

Girl: Hey Patrick, congratulations on graduating.

Patrick: Thank you Maxxine. Congratulations on your graduation too.

Oh, so her name is Maxxine.