The past(The unbreakable promise)...

I woke up the next day and saw Patrick cooking breakfast for me. I went and hugged him back. He gasped with my sudden action.

"Now you know why I gasp every time you do this?"

Patrick: Slept well?

He said with a smile.

"Yeah, I slept well after a long time. I feel good."

Patrick: Why did you wake up suddenly at night?

He said continuing his cooking.

"I had a dream."

Patrick: Hannah's one?


Patrick: I'm worried about your health, that dream may be good for you but it's not good for your brain.

"It's fine, the dream's not gonna come again."

Patrick suddenly turned towards me, it made me bump into his chest.

Patrick: What really?

"Ouch, yes I won't be coming again."

I said rubbing my nose. He hugged me tightly.

"Pratick, I can't breathe."

Patrick: Sorry, sorry. I'm so happy today.

"So am I."