The past(El's break-up and Liam's worry)...

"It's because of my watch. It scans every human who's in front of me. It scanned her too. I read the information and remembered that she's allergic to the vanilla syrup so I don't serve that."

I said showing my watch to her.

Elizabeth: Isn't that watch great babe?

Ashley: So it scans everyone? What about me then?

"It scanned you too, here you can see your health, you're allergic to peanuts and corn."

Ashley: Sounds good, can I get my drink? I'm a bit thirsty.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. Please take a seat, I'll bring your order."

They both went and sat at the table, I served their order. They were so in love, I know Elizabeth's a happy and free woman but she looks happier when she's with Ashley. Elizabeth dropped Ashley after they had their drinks. It was night and Elizabeth came to the room.

Elizabeth: Hey I'm back.

"Right on time. I made dinner."

Elizabeth: Thanks I'm starving.