The past(Liam found the one)...

"Sorry, I wasn't in the right mind. You don't know how much I suffered. Previously I used to get a nightmare of Frank killing my parents now I get two. I get frequent nose bleeds, the symptoms of brain hemorrhage are showing up. H-Hannah, the cafe reminds me of Hannah and Patrick and all of my past."

I said with a stuttering voice and tears rolling down my cheek. Liam hugged me tight and started consoling, I hugged him back and let out all the sorrow. I didn't know how long I cried.

Liam: Feeling better?

"I don't know. "

I said leaning on his shoulder. He kept his hand on my hair and started caressing it.

Liam: Why didn't you text me? I was worried sick.

"I'm sorry. Please don't be angry."

I said in a quiet tone.

Liam: Angry? There's no chance I get angry with you. It's just I was worried about you. So, worried that there was a point I thought of leaving my job and coming home cos they weren't giving me leaves.