The Unexpected...

They got married and the newly weds went to another house. Jacob bought a house for Elizabeth. I stayed in the room at the cafe for some months and shifted to an apartment later. The year passed by, the love between Elizabeth and Jacob was strong. I saw myself and Patrick, I always think will me and Patrick be this happy if we got married?

The question never leaves my brain. Jacob loved her so much he always calls her Liz. And Elizabeth she turned the staff room into a lab. She never changes. It was Sunday afternoon and Elizabeth was with me working at the cafe.

"Why do you come here to work on Sunday's?. You should spend your free time with your husband."

Elizabeth: He's busy with his office work and I came here to work too.

"In the cafe?"

Elizabeth: At the lab. I've work to do.

"Why don't you let me take a look at the lab?"

Elizabeth: You'll see it when it's the right time.

"You say it every time."