The work that doesn't suit qualification...

The next day, the 5th of February. Shin woke up, did her workout, got ready for work, and made breakfast for both of them. Elizabeth woke up and got ready. They both started having breakfast. 

Elizabeth: I saw you started workout again.

"A bit, it felt like ages ago. Moreover, I've to be fit."

Elizabeth: The old Shin's back.

"Is she?"

Elizabeth: Yeah. So, you have to find out what your job is.

"Yeah, head of security sounds good but don't know the department. I'm excited and tensed about it."

Elizabeth: Must be a high positioned one.

"One way to know."

They both completed breakfast and went to the cafe. Elizabeth turned on Charlie & Delta, gave commands to them and they both started off to the military base. Shin got off from the car.

Shin: Bye El.

Elizabeth: Good luck with the work. Bye.

She said with a smile and got off from there. Shin entered the building and went straight to the reception.