
[[Kara Zor-El]]

"This is boring." Barbs was guarding the vault and here… I had to stand outside. *Sigh* Never expected being a superhero would be this boring.

Getting bored from waiting… I decided to pray.

*Whistle* *Whistle* Let them come soon so that I can go back to playing video games.


Annnnnnd looks like my prayer was heard… just not in the way I wanted it to.

"Kara come in! Quick!" 


[[Barbara Gordon]]

"Ouch! That bastard is as bad with teleportations as before." My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets looking at the Killer croc who was on the ground. 

"It's not his fault that you are bad with aerodynamics." Of course, next to him stood the Catwoman. 

But looking at them… I had only one question…

"How did you get inside?!?!"

My question drew both of their attention to me.

"*Tsk* Of course, the bat would send his sidekick."

This caused a tick mark to appear on my forehead. I was not his sidekick… Dick was… and that was long back.

The Cat looked at me and smirked. "Ah~ Where's the batsy? Or did he send you alone?" 

She was taunting me. I knew it… but I have to keep calm. 

The croc didn't seem bothered with my presence. He smirked and punched the vault. 


"It is tougher than I thought." My eyes widened at the big dent that appeared on the door of the vault.

"Kara come in! Quick!" Her voice immediately came from the other side.


"Hoo~ She seems to have a companion." Catwoman was acting a little out of character. She would immediately try to get the cash and run away if she knew that I had a partner… But she seems oddly confident.

"Croc… Open the vault, I will deal with her." The Croc nodded and she rushed towards me.

She is extremely fast and if not for my reflexes… Her nails would have definitely cut me.

"So the bat did train you." 

I didn't reply but threw a kick… but she dodged. 

The Croc was unfazed by any of this and instead, he was busy with bursting the vault open.


"Without the bat, it won't be much of a problem." That irked me. Am I really that weak in her eyes?

Out of fury, I jumped and threw another kick, followed by a punch. Which she dodged pretty easily.


I was in a pinch here until… 

"Barbs!" There you go!

"Get the Croc, I will deal with the cat." She nods and darts towards the Killer Croc.

Cat had a teasing smirk on her face. "You should focus on our fight, junior bat." 


She was strong and fast and I couldn't find any flaw in her martial arts.


At least someone is winning. I saw the Killer Croc being thrown a few meters away by Kara.

But that happiness didn't last long…







"I always told you to be careful of your surroundings… Croc." My blood ran cold when I heard that chilling voice.

I turned around to look at the source of the voice… and the masked person scared me.

Why… Because he teleported!


This guy is hopeless. He is strong no doubt… but he tends to overlook his surroundings.

"If you do-"

I felt a punch flying towards me… and passing through me. 

The girl who threw the punch had her eyes opened as wide as a saucer.

"Interrupting someone mid-speech is not a good thing… little girl." She got her bearings back pretty fast as she attacked me again… Just to fail miserably.

Looking at their horrified faces is always fun… But I am here to help these two and not to enjoy. 

I lightly poked her on the stomach which threw her a few meters away from me.

How did I do it? Of course with my powers!

At least with the help of one of my powers.

Everyone in the room looked surprised including Croc… and it takes a lot to impress this big guy.

"How di- No… Don't even answer." Selina shook her head but the girl next to her was a different case.

"W-Who are you?" 

Do I really need to give an introduction after all these years? 

"Who I am is not important, little girl." She didn't seem very happy with my way of addressing her. "But what I can do is extremely important."

I flicked my finger which caused the entire vault to vanish. 

Everyone's eyes widened, including Selina. 

Understandable… After all, I was not this good at using my powers all those years ago.

Looked at their surprised faces, I shook my head.

"Since we are done here... maybe we should go?" My question woke all of them up from their stupor.

Selina was the first to answer. "Y-Yeah." She was shocked but her expression was the classic. 'You will tell me everything when we get back, mister!" one… Not that I cared, but she looked funny.

But of course… The little heroine wasn't going to let us go that easily. "S-Stop! What did you do with the vault?!?!"

I chuckled at her question. 

"You do know that villains don't answer the questions." But a few flashbacks hit me. "Except for some really stupid ones."

"*Giggle* He is not someone you can win against, Batgirl."

Wait? Batgirl? 

Now that I look at her… Oh my god!

"Please tell me that the moron Bat didn't take any stupid sidekicks."

But looking at her costume… I think he did.

"I am not a sidekick!" She nearly screamed. "Supergirl, take care of the other two. I will deal with him."

Wait… Supergirl? As in Superman? What the fuck happened when I was out?!?

The girl in question nods and darts towards Selina and Waylon. While the little bat rushes towards me. 

Can't they see that their physical attacks don't hit me?


This… is… getting annoying. Yeah... I get annoyed and bored extremely fast.

"Alright! I have had enough!" My sudden outburst made all of them flinch.

"Tell the bat that I was bored so I came to help these two. I have retired, he doesn't need to worry about me." I adjusted the white eye mask. "I hope that we won't meet again."

With a flick of my finger both of them vanished.

[Moments later]

"Alright, I sent them back to their headquarters… We should get going as well." 

Croc stood there in silence but Selina spoke up. "Why… Didn't you teleport the vault directly instead of coming here and messing with the kids?"

A smirk appeared on my face. "Because that would have been boring… And the 'Void' never does anything boring."