
[Tin Roof Club]

[Blake Hardy]

Selina was out on one of her 'missions' and Waylon was out looking for some arms.

"Guess, it's just me tonight." 

Now, I could go and check on the new heroes and villains of Gotham, which I definitely need to do. As part of the villains… or at least an ex-member, I should know about them.

Maybe, I can start from here… the tin roof club.

"It's so much easier to do this when you know at least someone within the room." But sadly, I knew none of them.

Oh, no wait. I know one of them. 

A short chubby man sitting at the corner with a long crooked nose and a monocle was one of the only villains that I know under this roof. 

I didn't have many interactions with him in the past but I barely interacted with anyone, so it doesn't mean much. 

Not bothering to think about the past, I walked towards him. 

[[Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot]]

Eighty million… Eighty million! I lost eighty million because of that accursed bat. There are countless criminals that murder people and rape women. And he comes after me? 

If only one we had someone as strong as Steppenwolf with us.

"You seem tense." *Tsk* Another one of those condescending wannabe supervillains. 

Looking up, I saw a brown-haired man who had a smile on his face. 

Of course. He came here to insult me on my looks. All the villains who are even a tad bit decent looking do that.

"What do you want?" I have no time to waste on some young man with dreams to become a supervillain.

His smile grew bigger. "You haven't changed penguin, you haven't changed." 

He's way of addressing me shows that he knows me. But I don't remember him at all.

If I knew him and somehow forgot... I should act a little humble. "Sorry, but I don't think that I remember you, my friend." No need to release my anger on another.

"Understandable, I haven't been here for a long time." So he is indeed from Gotham, or he at least used to live or visit this place in the past. "But what has gotten you so angry?" 

What else? Of course, it's the bat!

No… Calm down, Oswald, calm down.

"*Sigh* It's the bat. He ruined my plans once again and this time it made me lose over eighty million." He frowned. 

"What got him to hunt you?" 

"My business deal somehow made the Wayne industries lose a few million and somehow the bat took notice of it. I strongly believe that there is someone within the Wayne industries that knows that bat." I said which made him sigh.

"The Wayne's huh?" He sighed. "Of course, he would notice." He said the last part in a barely audible voice but before I could ask, a bald guy screamed making us turn our heads.


"What the-" The young man looked at the source with frowning eyes. 

"Scarecrow." I mumbled. 

"That stinky one is still alive, huh?" He shook his head and started walking towards the screaming man. 

"H-Hey young man. You shouldn't antagonize him." Antagonizing the scarecrow is a very bad idea. 

"Don't worry, I can deal with it."

[[Jonathan Crane]]

This bald moron should have listened to his underling. But his pride made him mess with me.

"You should have listened to your dogs. You should never fight the scarecrow." I released the hallucinating gases which made him scream in horror. They were barely at grade two, but it was enough to scare him senseless.


I stopped as I felt that the gases being sucked in by a certain force that I wasn't able to see. 

"*Sigh* I see that you are still using the disgusting gases." The voice drew my attention to a tall brown-haired man standing to the left with a certain tiny black orb floating above his hand. "And they are still as pathetic as ever."

His condescending tone made me grit my teeth. But actions speak louder than words. Without delay, I used one of my strongest nightmare gas on him.

He raised an eyebrow. "You never learn, do you?" 

Just like before the gas was sucked in by the tiny black orb. 

I was about to throw in a poison gas bomb... But I was stopped by his comment. "I wouldn't dare to do that if I were you." 

"What do-" I stopped midtrack when I felt a cold sensation around my right arm. 

"The moment you throw the grenade will also be the moment that your arms get chopped and thrown into Antarctica." I look up and find a spherical portal above my hand. 

T-That's a spatial rift! 

"Who are you!" I remember this ability! 

He cracked a smile. "So you don't remember, aye?" The bomb vanished from my hand and appeared in his hand. "Seven years ago, I told you to not play with grenades. But it looks like you didn't listen." 

The grenade disintegrated in his hand. "H-How?"

"Doesn't matter how I did that. But remember that if I ever find you throwing grenades or using your gas in public." His voice deepened and eyes darkened. "I will rip you apart and throw your body into space." 

This ability! No doubt, it's him!

"Now." He flicked his arm. "Get lost." My vision blurred.

[[Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot]]

"That was?!" There is no doubt. It's him!

"*Chuckle* My control has improved." He turned around. "So, I haven't asked you yet. But how are you, old man?" 

He has changed. 

"Other than the bat being a nuisance… I am well." He truly has changed, and I don't just mean physically. "I thought that you died. But then again, you are worse than a cockroach when it comes to that topic."

He chuckled. "I would rather enjoy my youth than think about death, Oswald." He looked around. "But it's good to find someone other than Cat and Croc that I know." 

I nodded. "Indeed." A smile appeared on my face. "And welcome back… Void."

Looks like things are going to get interesting from now on.