Saved by a hair's breadth


Penguin is not a psychopathic villain like the clown-face or hay-man. He is a villain but so am I. At least he hasn't raped young girls like the Joker or killed pregnant women like the scarecrow. He still has some moral codes which is rare for a villain. 

"But this game of tag is still as interesting as ever." I mumbled looking at Catwoman running away from the Batman and his sidekick. 

I think he is not his sidekick anymore. He became a leader… 

"Eh, who cares. Everyone will remember him as the sidekick no matter what." But it looks like everyone has improved. 

I watched the event live from the top of the tallest building. 

"*Sigh* No matter how much time passes. Some things never change." 

Bruce had the same past as me. Watching our parents getting murdered in front of our eyes… but both of us walked down different paths. 

He chose to be a hero and I decided to play the villain. 

"But, I wonder how things would have turned out… if I would have chosen to be the hero." I laughed at my own words. "Me, hero? I sound idiotic." 

But maybe it was the way in which we grew up… that set us on different paths. 

He grew up with a silver- no... A golden spoon in his mouth. While I didn't even have enough food to eat, forget about spoons. 

I had to steal from a young age and my parent's murder made things worse. 


Huh? Another spatial disturbance. Is it her again? Guess, I will have to go and check.

[[Zatanna Zatara]]

These demons have been spawning way too frequently. And the magic circles prove that they are set up by someone, but who?

"Need any help?" I know that voice. 

"Yes, please." I didn't look around. I already know who it is. "Didn't expect to see you this soon." 

He laughed. "Me neither. But I am not complaining. I consider it to be my good luck, getting to meet such a beautiful lady again." 

I rolled my eyes at his word. "Of course, you are." 

"NOISOLPXE" I said blasting off a demon. "A little help?" 

"Of course!" He said and exploded three demons without even chanting.

"You definitely are something." He chuckled.

"We should focus." He snapped his fingers and another seven demons exploded. "We need to erase the magic circle." 

I nodded. "I can do that." I looked at him. "As long as you can hold these bastards." 

He smiled. "Of course." He pointed towards the circle. "Go, I will cover you."

I did as told and flew towards the magic circle. I didn't have to worry about those pesky demons as Blake was pretty good at giving cover.


The moment that I cast the spell, the magic circle vanished. 

But sadly the demons didn't. "There are too many spawns. What do we do?" 

"Watch." Huh?

He raised his hand and a black orb appeared above the demons. "Begone!" 

The orb sucked the demons inside... and once there were none left, the orb vanished. 

This happened way too fast for me to react. 

"How did yo- No nevermind." He chuckled at my reaction. "But what are you doing here… again?" 

"I felt a spatial rift and so I came here to check… again." He sighed. "I am quite sensitive to these things. And trust me. It's a pain."

"I can understand. Magic is quite sensitive as well." 

He nodded. "So… arcade?" I giggled. 

"Of course."

[Next day]


I don't have any classes today, so I am quite free. And I don't have much to do either so maybe I should visit the amusement park. Been ages since I last went here.

Last night at the arcade made me remember the fun times.

I was about to leave for the park when I saw someone… that I didn't want to meet anytime soon. 

"I told you that we should have gone to see a movie, Red." 

No, I don't mean the blond bombshell with the crazy makeup. I mean the certain redheaded woman walking behind her. 

Should I talk to her? Nah, it's been too long. 

I was about to teleport away… but it looks like my luck ran out. 

"No Har-" She turned around to look at the blonde woman but her eyes ended up falling on me. 

Now, I am a hundred percent sure that she would not have known my identity. After all, I have changed a lot over the years.

But the portal that was in front of me attracted her attention. 

Fuck! I am an idiot! I should have used instant teleportation instead of spatial teleportation. 

But as they say, panic makes you take the worst decisions. 

Now. There are two options. Run away like a bitch… or face her like a man.

Before I could answer, the blonde trailed Pamela's line of vision and saw me. Then she looked at Pamela and rolled her eyes. "Ogle men later, we will be late otherwise."

"Y-Yeah." She nodded. "Let's go."

Wait? She didn't recognize me? 

They didn't wait there and rushed towards the way to the park. 

How didn't she recognize me? 

Wait… I am not the only metahuman who can create portals in this world! There are far too many to count. So it makes sense. 

"Well, at least that saves me from needless drama… for now." And definitely abort mission amusement park.

"Professor?" Well, it looks like I spoke too soon. 

I turned around to find my curious redheaded student standing right behind me. 

"Ah, Miss Gordon. It's a pleasant surprise to meet you here." Barbara Gordon nodded her head. 

I am meeting way too many people since last night.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, professor." Neither did I.

"I am still trying to figure out the answer to your question." My eyes were dragged to the blonde girl standing next to the redhead. "It's a very difficult question." She paused and looked at Barbara. "Well, I already got the answer but Barbara said that it was wrong and the answer cannot be that simple… So, I am still brainstorming." 

 "Oh? You said you found an answer?" She nodded. 

"Might be wrong, but I think that I know that answer."

"Very well, then. If you can give the correct answer. I will let you eat anything at any store." I highly doubt that any of them would be able to answer. "But, I don't think that I have got your name?" 

"Ah, sorry." She gave a slight bow. "It's Kara, Kara Kent."  

"Alright then, Kara and Barbara. Let's go to the nearest coffee shop." I looked at Kara. "And if you two can give the correct answer. Everything will be on me."

Kara's eyes shone and even Barbara had a glint in her eyes.

Let's see what your answers are… Supergirl and Batgirl.