Chapter 6 -The War

Arthur went back to base and was deployed to the front lines. He realized that he is still inexperienced. In the future there will be more danger. He can't fight with a full body shield all the time. Relying on spells as an apprentice wizard is ok. But if he wants to hide his identity as a wizard then he needs to be able to act without much reliance from spells. He needs to hone his fighting instincts for battle. This time he will try to survive in the war without relying on magic. Well, maybe a little. If he becomes a general then he can be in a better position to help out.

It doesn't really seem that he can stop using spells. He can only hope to try.

Arthur kept tabs on Captain America. Since his level is too low, he needs lots of achievements to rise up quickly. This is where his luck shined. Its not really luck as it is a series of spells that allowed him his achievements. Scans to know the movements of the enemy. Petrify spells to keep spies from killing themselves and some more spells.

Arthur led many successful attacks and captured many soldiers. Accidents started happening in the battlefield and all of them favorable to Arthur and his men. Enemy ambush is easily discovered because snakes started attacking them, accidental fire, confidential and sensitive documents that are discovered in the hands of captured soldiers. Many other lucky happenings made the career of Arthur climb.

When Captain America started going on missions, Arthur's rank was equal to Captain. His constant victories against extremely dangerous missions have opened up an opportunity for him. Certain intelligence agencies started giving him missions that made him feel like he is being trained to be the next Nick Fury. Arthur welcomed all the secret missions. Infiltrating an enemy base to search for information, allies or target for elimination. He completed all missions until he was sent as Captain America's backup in another mission.

This excited Arthur. Ever since Captain America was released from his sing and dance performance duties, he began making waves. Mission after mission would be completed easily and many allies and fellow soldiers were rescued successfully. The only way Arthur could keep up is by taking full advantage of his spells and artifacts.

While captain rogers were busy doing dangerous missions and making impossible rescues left and right. Arthur was also busy with his own almost mission impossible missions. Aside from that he kept in touch with all of the orphanages and made deals with the new graduates. He wanted to establish his own supply chain by capitalizing on his spells to build secret supply relay stations and hiring trusted orphans in delivering supplies to aid him and captain America.

Those supply relay stations have several arrays to protect it and also preserve the food and other resources. Special artifacts would be needed to enter it. This way, Arthur was able to ensure that medicine, food, weapons and ammunition are always available for his use or when it is needed by Captain America.

Many orphans volunteered to help and most of them were given the task to man the secret supply relay points. Through them Arthur was able to ensure that supplies are delivered, support arrive on time, there are enough doctors and nurses whenever the captain brings back rescued soldiers, etc.

Everything that Arthur had done to support the captain was known only to the orphans. Arthur used his own money and even hired many mercenaries and foreign personnel. As for the things Arthur did to increase my chances for promotion, he caught spies and impressed onto his superiors his sniping skills. His skills made him a personal favorite for protecting the VIPs. Arthur displayed talent in identifying a spy from a crowd and even kill a squad of mercenaries before they can get close.

From what Arthur remembered in the movie, Hank Pym and his wife were involved with many missions but none were ever shown in the movie except the last one where his wife went subatomic. I can probably join them during missions. If I am lucky, I can also team up with Nick fury, Hawkeye and Black Widow.

Arthur secretly placed trackers to captain America and bucky. He wants to get a hold of the tesseract for a few decades and learn its secrets. As for bucky, as long as Arthur can track him, then he can know every hydra base that he visits. Stealing copies of their research on super soldier serum and brainwashing techniques.

When captain America disappeared in his last mission I went ahead and took the tesseract. Its unlimited power would help me create artifacts and maybe it can even power my magic circle. Even if I can't use it for my magic circle, I hope that I can use it to protect a few of my territories from the magicians in this timeline.

After getting the tesseract Arthur started on his plans to become a bigshot in the military. Eliminating competition and making sure no one hinders his promotion. He even stole three more identities to increase his wealth and power. One identity in England, one in China and one in Japan. Arthur spent one day each for these three identities and four days as a member of the military in America.

While playing around with the tesseract and three more identities, Arthur also invested in stark industries. He did not want to get in touch with stark industries while captain America is active. But after the captain was iced, Arthur stared investing big time in stark industries. This is also one of the reasons why he was on the track to become a general in less than 20 years. He could have become the youngest general in history.

Arthur wanted to place more personnel in various departments of the military before he assumes office as a general. He just wants to give most orphans some sort of power and form a secret group. Just in case that his experiments with the tesseract bears fruit and the dragon hearts were fully charged then he can leave without worry. The secret group that he created can become some sort of support for SHIELD.

For years it seems that the magic circle would be able to absorb the power of the tesseract and convert it to mana. But every time it absorbs the energy it would just spit it out. Arthur remembered learning that the infinity stones only work in their universe. Maybe planning to use the energy to travel to another dimension is a complete waste of time. But energy should be useful and after conversion should enable me to travel dimensions. Is this another one of those inviolable laws?

Arthur managed to snag the formula for Pym particles and even got himself a copy of the blueprint for the suit. Now he can create and use Hank Pym's technology but his interest lies more in creating a spell that would allow me the same set of skills. Although spell creation isn't his strongest suit but there's nothing wrong with trying. He is also willing to invest the time to create that spell. A spell to control his size from subatomic to gigantic would be nice. That will keep me busy for some time.