An hour later, in another room. A bald man with an eye-patch on his left eye was sitting behind a desk facing Bill. Beside Bill is a redhead with a voluptuous sexy body. Of course, Bill or Arthur know them well. He just met them before he assumed the identity of Bill Monroe. What he doesn't know is how Fury and Natasha Romanov was called here? Even if Coulson translated the text in his room, that would only give him an identity of a weak banished disciple whose memories are erased. That is barely a level 7 information. Nowhere near the needed level to summon Fury, let alone, Natasha.
Although he didn't expect to meet them this early, seeing Natasha seat beside him gave him another idea. Maybe he can use this other identity to have a relationship with her. With a thought, he activated one of his artifacts and summoned his strongest golem. This golem is built using vibranium stolen from Wakanda. He dressed it up with his wizard robes and exposed parts with a strong illusion spell. He made sure that the golem is exuding a killing aura before speaking through it.
"Who are you and what have you done with my…" the golem pretending to be a wizard stopped mid-sentence and looked straight at Natasha and then exclaimed: "So that's it. You finally found your true love. I approve. She looks angelic and tough. Good eye Bill."
The wizard then looked at Fury. "It looks like you need to receive a good dowry four your daughter. Come." The golem motioned with his hands and together with Fury, Natasha and Bill, they teleported to Africa, right next to the dome protecting the wizard tower.
The golem pressed on the tree and a small opening on the dome appeared, revealing the inside of the dome. Fury, Natasha and Bill entered while staring at a vast expanse of land filled with grapes that is exuding strong vitality. All three of them are mesmerized by the gigantic tower in the middle. They wanted to enter but they can't take another step. Natasha was the first to discover that they can retreat without a problem. Their movement is only limited to a one-meter space beside the tree.
"Sorry about that." The wizard turned to them and added, "You don't have the right to enter the premises. You can only go until here because of the dowry." After saying that, Arthur made the golem waved its hands and a rock golem hurried over.
"This is Soldier One. He will give you the dowry whenever you visit. 10 healing runes and a choice between 10 invisibility runes or 10 protection runes." The wizard said to Fury as he tossed a special ring artifact. "This will let you teleport to the tree and back to the paired ring which I left at the table where I found you all. Soldier One will attend to you every time you visit. Just leave the wedding invitation to Soldier One. Bye." A puff of smoke and Arthur sent the golem back into the tower.
Fury and Natasha is still looking around even if they cannot take another step. They saw a Golden golem flying towards them. It stopped in front of Bill and threw a fireball and left. Soldier One took one blue colored jewel from its pouch and broke it in front of Bill.
The golden golem ignored Natasha pointing a gun at it. Fury observed the effects of the jewel on the injury that Bill sustained. Soldier One then carried Bill back to the tree and told Fury and Natasha to visit after six months. Before Fury can say something, a pouch landed in front of them and the dome disappeared. Natasha walked forward and touched the dome. The dome felt like glass. Its more like a physical shield than an energy shield. Either way, Fury and Natasha discovered one of the powers hiding on earth.
Fury put on the ring and fiddled with it for a while. He did not see any switch on it even after checking for a while. Without a clue to using the ring, he took out a satellite phone. That is when Soldier One returned and tossed a piece of parchment. There are only three sentences written in it. How to use the artifact. (Which is basically, close your eyes and think of the tree or the paired ring.) A warning that those found within a meter around the user of the artifact will be brought along. And how to charge it. Simply leave it in the sun for a few days.
Fury read the parchment and stood between Natasha and Bill. They arrived back in the room and found Phil Coulson busy ordering a few other agents to scan every inch of the room. Fury ordered Coulson to carry bill to a vacant room to rest and motioned Natasha to follow him. They entered one conference room where Fury stopped and looked at Natasha.
"Could you tell me what is it with you and how can you attract such characters. First the black merchant and next a banished disciple. Whats next? The god of thunder?" Fury observed Natasha closely.
"Even if ask me that. I don't know," was all Natasha could say. She had an idea why Chris liked her. They were together for six months and even flirted a little. But Bill does not even like her. It was all the misunderstanding of his master. How could she know that that is how they would act around her?
They stood in silence for a few minutes until Fury took out the pouch. He checked the contents and found twenty jewels with ten having the color blue and the rest are gray colored. He took two blue and two gray colored jewels and tossed them to Natasha and left the room.
While Natasha is figuring out how she will deal with the missing Chris or with Bill and his master, Bill is awake and is pondering on some things. He didn't really want to expose the tower but somehow, he ended up doing so. He thought for a while and chalked it up to frustration due to his desire for one Natasha Romanov. Because he can become an official wizard and become an immortal. He started thinking that he can have everything. And not being able to get Natasha is getting to him. He fears the day that he would use spells to control Natasha.
Arthur wanted to abandon his personas or fake identities but he can't. There is still a small chance that he can have a relationship with Natasha. That small hope is keeping him from any logical choices. What will he do next? Would he even help Natasha awaken and recruit her as an apprentice mage? An apprentice mage recruiting someone to be an apprentice mage. That is something that is not permitted by their school. Not to mention that Natasha might become an official wizard faster than Arthur. Then he will become the biggest joke across thousands of dimensions.
He never expected to live in marvel world. Now that he is living here, he wanted to obtain his dream. Something he only dreamed about for some time. You can't actually fault him for trying.
Bill calmed down after thinking about it all night. He would take things slow. Chris and Bill would go on missions with Natasha and try to get close to her as much as possible. If that wouldn't work then that's that. He will keep his promise as Chris to help out every now and then. As Bill, he would be there to provide support.
The avengers would encounter many troubles and Arthur wanted to help them. Unlike some fanfictions where the MC became the core of Avengers, Arthur wanted to part of the group that helps out the Avengers. He will give Fury an army so that they can fight back in the war in New York and the war in the age of Ultron. Besides increasing SHIELDs capabilities would enable them to save more people.
Arthur have a complete copy of the formula for the super soldier serum. He has made a hundred thousand vials of it. As for the radioactive spider that bit spiderman, it has laid eggs days ago and now, there are thousands of tiny little radioactive spiders crawling around in a sealed room. There are also the various techniques he inherited from his master. The one they use on regular people to turn them into a fighting force for the wizards. Enhancement through runes, potions, artifacts and one-time use scrolls. If he gives his all in creating an army then he could go to war with Asgard anytime. His actual problem right now is how much should he give to SHIELD.
When he saw Captain America and stole three identities, he did that to increase his wealth and to create more orphanages. He picked up talented orphans and enhanced their bodies through runes and gave them some training in combat and other skills. After captain America got frozen, Arthur put these fighters in stasis. He plans to wake them up at the same time as captain America. Ten thousand fighters at captain America's level would be an incredible fighting force in the upcoming wars.
Nick Fury tested the jewels or runes as the master called it. He understood its potential and feared the threat that the group behind that mysterious tower posed to the world. It comforted him a little knowing that they are a group that preferred to stay out of the limelight. He started investigating them. he does not know anything right now but eventually he will know enough to determine if they are friend or foe. As for agent Romanov, it wouldn't hurt to let her do missions with Bill. If Chris is dissatisfied then he has to come out of hiding.
A report just arrived while he was fiddling with the runes and making plans. It seems that Colonel James Rhodes has found Tony Stark. Its time for Phil Coulson to meet with another billionaire. Agent Romanov has returned to her assignment as Pepper Potts assistant. Bill does not need to cure Tony Stark right away. Fury needs to test the extent of Bills abilities while checking where his allegiance lies.