Chapter 13 - DeadPool and Ivan

Arthur went to a bar to meet a local mercenary, Wade Wilson. He will become Deadpool after the cruel tortures he receives from Ajax in a project known as Weapon X. at this time, he is yet to meet join the project. Wade was recently made aware that he has cancer and is looking for ways to cure it. But he needs money. This is the right opportunity.

Arthur used his identity as Arthur Black and offered Wade Wilson several missions. Each mission gives out different rewards depending on Wade's approach. Defeat a gang would give him 10,000 dollars. Do it without using guns: 20,000. Do it without breaking bones: 30,000. Mess up a drug deal using only an umbrella: 250,000.

Wade noticed that the more danger he placed himself in, the more money the old man would give him. So, he became more daring. In just four days, he almost died several dozen times just to earn more money. On the fifth day he asked the old man for 3 million dollars if he can catch a drug lord single handedly, even if he has not slept the past three days. Half before he attacks and the other half when he succeeds. Even if he dies trying, 1,5 million dollars is good enough for his love, Vanessa to live in comfort for years.

Arthur doubled the amount if wade would make sure that he would not injure the drug lord. Wade immediately agreed. Arthurs plan is to make sure Wade face as many dangerous situations as possible to trigger his mutant gene. That way he will not have that iconic Deadpool face that you want to hide behind a mask.

The only problem is that Wade is very good at his job. The only way he can be in danger is if he places himself in danger. It took several months of crazy missions before his mutation was triggered. After he became Deadpool, Arthur sent Fury all information about Wade Wilson. Its time for him to join SHIELD.

Because Natasha is busy with Bill and Tony, the other super soldiers only got to train with Clint, Melinda May and Coulson. Fury followed Arthurs advice and didn't send them on missions until their training is finished.

Meanwhile, Arthur set up a plan to help Fury discover that Alexander Pierce is a secret agent of Hydra. He used the death of an old soldier to send information on a recently discovered safehouse of Dr. Abraham Erskine. The soldier apologized to Arthur for keeping it a secret for years. Now that he is about to die, he wanted to make amends and send the information to Arthur. Since Arthur is retired, the information was sent to Nick Fury. But hydra agents hiding in SHIELD intercepted it and gave the information to Alexander Pierce. He didn't know that Fury, Arthur and Iron Man was watching him through a spy camera that Arthur placed secretly using magic.

Nick Fury, upon knowing that SHIELD is full of Hydra spies, made some calls to his most trusted agents. He will start the investigation and proceed with cleanup. Iron Man agreed to have all the super soldiers make their appearance when they begin to eliminate Hydra in SHIELD.

Spider-man was busy dealing with a large lizard. Agent Romanov and Clint are on standby with Bill to help out when the spider is no longer able to control the situation. They observed and were impressed with the spider. Both Natasha and Clint gave the ok in recruiting him to the avenger's initiative.

Tony, Bill and Natasha were inseparable for the following days. That's why when Tony went to a Grand Prix to race, they came along. That is where Ivan Vanko appeared. He walked in the middle of the live racetrack confident in dealing with one Tony Stark who is not wearing his armor. But before he was able to power up his whips, Bill sent him several air bullets. Bill set up the strength of the air bullets to be as strong as a punch. He kept the barrage of shots going even when Ivan was down.

Ivan rolled to the side and started his arc reactor and brought his whips in front of him. His left hand made a continuous circular motion and the power and heat from it was enough to disperse the weak air bullet attacks. While his actions were able to negate the air bullets, it gave Tony enough time to escape.

Tony Stark got a call from Natasha; she took the box from Happy and rushed to deliver it to Tony Stark. She reached Tony Stark just as Ivan powered his arc reactor. Stepping on the gas, Natasha picked up speed and hit Ivan, throwing him to the guardrail. Then she gave the box to Tony and drove the car to hit Ivan a second time.

Ivan was battered at this time. He did not expect his surprise attack to fail. He thought that Tony would beg in front of him as he kills him. Ivan knew that as the only other person to build a miniature arc reactor, the government wouldn't rush to execute him. A deal could be made. But first Tony needs to die.

After he finally destroyed the car, he saw the driver go out and point a gun at him. She shot accurately, hitting the joints in his simple armor. Tony Stark who is now in full armor walked confidently and grabbed the whip, ignoring the surge of power it releases. A few well-placed punches and the bad guy went down. At the same time, Iron Man ripped the arc reactor from Ivan's chest.

Bill called Natasha to ask her to secretly place a tracker on Ivan. Tony would never disclose the secret on his miniature arc reactor. While Ivan could only build his own. Knowing the blueprints of how to build an arc reactor would benefit shield greatly. Tony would never share that, so their best bet is to steal it from Ivan. Natasha agreed and called Fury, who sent agents to Ivan's place of residence in Russia. Coulson was ordered to infiltrate the medical staff and implant a tracker inside Ivan's body.

The police arrive a few minutes later. They made sure that the fight is over before coming. Then they dragged Ivan to prison. The villain made threats and said that he made god bleed. Now, people's faith on Iron Man will fall and the wolves will hunt him down. His parting message was to tell tony how painful his death by palladium poisoning would be.

Tony Stark ignored him. Feeling grateful for Bill for curing him and attacking Ivan early. If not for Bill's immediate attacks then Ivan could have been able to kill many civilians in his quest to kill Iron Man.

Later, Justin hammer, staged Ivan's death and gets him to build armored suits. Because Tony stark is cured, the event that made Rhodes steal an Iron Man suit didn't happen. Bill followed Tony closely to make sure no accidents happen. Every time Rhodes visits, Bill would mess with his attempts to try flying in an iron man suit.