Chapter 18 – Politicians love Psychics

Various governments protested at the takeover of the energy sector, creation of an armada of spaceships and various actions of Avengers, SHIELD and the two biggest industries on earth, Stark and Black Industries. But when various posts appeared in the social media, all government officials stopped their protests. The post said that telepaths would visit each government and ascertain the motives behind every government official. They tried to employ hackers and groups to create dummy accounts to try to sway the publics opinion against mutants and telepaths.

How could professor X allow that to happen? Using the mind stone, he connected the minds of the politicians to the citizens. Such that every citizen can read the mind of the politician. After a few politicians became an example of what happens when they attack mutants, those that were against the law that is beneficial to mutants started to backtrack. They are now in full support of mutants.

SHIELD did not stop the professor. They have no problem with his actions as long as they plan to use their powers to help against the upcoming alien threats. The few agents they sent to various planets have determined the strength of Thanos and his army.

It took a year before they were able to build diplomatic relations with xandar. That is when they learned that Peter Quill and his friends turned over the Power Stone to the Nova Corp in xandar. This is where Fury thought is the best place for war. Xandar will be attacked by Thanos to get the Power stone. Asgard is to powerful for Thanos at the moment. He needs an infinity stone to be able to destroy it.

Tony Stark asked to borrow the mind stone. He and Bruce wanted to create the ultimate artificial intelligence because JARVIS alone is not enough to manage everything. Professor X agreed but the wizard came and asked them to take many safeguards in their project.

First the project must be done in another planet and the technology used must never be able to connect to earth or any other machine while the project is ongoing.

Second, Beast, Spider-man and a few other geniuses must be added to the project. Tony and Bruce have no objection and actually welcomed these geniuses.

Last, the artificial intelligence must be made with core laws which is to never wipe out the human race and it would help empower humans as well as itself.

Tony Stark agreed with the first core law although he doubted that an A.I. would think that wiping out humans is a way of helping humans. As for the second core law, he said that he would talk about it with the other geniuses.

When the project is about to be completed, Bruce rode on a Quinjet back to earth. He wanted to visit the Wizard in the hopes of studying the space stone. SHIELD records state that the Tesseract is giving out gamma radiations. He is hoping that studying the space stone will help him master Hulk better. While on route, he was unable to control his emotions and Hulk comes out. Just like in the movies, Hulk was lost in space.

Natasha tracked down the document that contains the trigger words to activate Bucky's brainwashing. Although professor X has long removed the brainwashing of Bucky, Fury has been sending agents all over the world to destroy every trace of hydra especially information that mention brainwashing.

Her search led her to a hydra facility in Siberia where five other winter soldiers are frozen. These guys were sent to professor X for reconditioning of the mind. Natasha searched the base and found the video of Bucky killing Starks parents and sent it to Nick Fury. Fury gathered Captain America and Iron Man together and showed them the video.

Tony Stark was devastated and left immediately. Although he is enraged, he knew that he cannot capture Bucky without fighting Captain America. To be able to do what he wants, he needs his full army. He returns to try and take control of Ultron. Wizard who is monitoring Tony Stark at this time invites him for tea. Tony, who is getting ready for a world war, was convinced by Pepper to spend one day with the Wizard. He can even borrow an infinity stone if he is so intent in going to war.

Howard Stark who secretly connected with JARVIS and Ultron got hold of Tony's Iron Man technology and built a better Iron Man suit using the blueprints from Tony Stark and Wakanda tech. Howard as a genius himself built two armors. One for his wife and one for himself. He wanted to surprise Tony when he visits.

Tony arrives in his Iron Man suit and just as he was about to land, he was hit by an energy blast from two humanoid robots. The fight was settled easily because Howards armor is more advanced than Tony's but seconds later an army of a hundred Iron Man armors appeared. They are followed by space ships piloted by super soldiers and dozens of Quinjets. Portals also appeared from the New York Sanctum and the X-mansion as masters of the mystic arts and the X-men entered the fray. Even Wakanda sent ships to assist what appears to be a war.

Just as everyone was gearing towards a massive battle, Howard Stark took off his helmet and commanded the army of Iron Man to stand down. He flew down to Tony Stark and offered his hand. Tony hugged his father and cried. Part of his thinking that this is all an illusion by the wizard and part of him is wishing that this is all true. Tony hugged his mother and howled for a few minutes.

Howard, while still hugging his son, welcomed everybody and motioned for one of the golems to bring everyone in. Just as the golem nodded, Fury arrived in a Quinjet with Captain America, Natasha Romanov and Bucky. Clint, Melinda May and Hawkeye arrived in another Quinjet. Captain America was happy that his friend Howard is alive. He wanted to talk to Howard but he did not want to break Tony's time with his parents.