Koro finally managed to break free from the marvel cinematic universe. Its too bad that a few avengers had to die. That doesn't bother Koro at all. Because in marvel universe heroes and villains somehow find a way to survive. That movie has its own rules.
He thought that he would die in the void. He failed to become a true sorcerer and his lifespan will soon end. He didn't even manage to gather enough energy to go back to his original earth. Whatever energy the wizard tower gathered was all used to remove the marvel universes influence on him. He might have escaped one dimension but now all he is looking forward to is to find an ordinary dimension where he can die.
Another problem is that he now has a mana vessel. The magic circle is expending more energy just to keep the chaotic mana from entering into his mana vessel. Koro decided to risk it and with Milly's help, they controlled the magic circle to move to one direction even if such actions would burn energy faster. Hopefully they discover a dimension, a clean one not a corrupted one, and make one last attempt. Koro wanted to die peacefully but Milly wanted to keep on trying.
They arrived at a mist cloud that seemed endless from where they are standing. The magic circle didn't react to it and they were able to enter the mist without encountering any sort of trouble. Milly observed that there are continents and islands freely floating in the middle of the mist sea. Whoever the people that live there, they can control whether the mist would leave the land alone or not.
Koro flew down to an island with one dragon playing around tossing fireballs left and right and then flying to catch them. The dragon saw hm and moved closer. "Oh, a human." The dragon says before it moved one claw as if beckoning something to come over.
A small piece of the mist came and the dragon ate it. Afterwards, the dragon changed into a human. "Its been so long since I tried living as a human. Hmm, strange. Your body is human, albeit modified but your soul has some sort of seal. Interesting."
"Seal?" Koro was alarmed. He did not see Milly's shocked face when the dragon said those words.
"Who are you? What is this place?" he asked the dragon for himself and for Milly. That's what Koro thought.
"Definitely an outsider. Wait. Let me check." Again, the dragon who is now in a human body, beckoned the mist and swallowed it. "One or two thousand years should be enough."
The dragon/human closed its eyes then began to laugh. "Hahaha! That was some funny sh….stuff. You never hit it off with Natasha. Well, she is out of your league anyway. That's the rule. I'm not sure but there must be a rule like that because everybody else seems to be following it."
Seeing Koro look dazed and confused the dragon started explaining. "This territory is the sea of mist. Not a very nice name but its wonderful to be here. The mist makes almost all of our whims become a reality. That is how I was able to transform into a human and easily read your memories."
"That is amazing. Can I use the mist too?" He asks excitedly. If he can use the mist then he can become a higher ranked wizard and return home. Then he could whatever he wants. As a high-ranking wizard, he can freely move between dimensions.
The dragon/human looked at Koro before agreeing. "Your soul has a seal in it. That may affect your use of the mist. I need to remove the seal first."
"That's enough child." A booming voice echoed everywhere.
Perhaps the dragon was not intimated because he was easily able to look at the person speaking or shouting and said, "Dad. What are you doing here? Have you come to play?"
The person didn't answer. He just took some mist and crushed them in his palm. Instantly a bearded old man in a sorcerer robe working. Koro recognized it as his master. He was about to speak but what he heard the other person say shocked him.
"Merlin, one of your toys entered the mist sea. Make sure it does not happen again." The person then turned around and left with his son.
Merlin looked at Koro, "I guess its time you learned the truth." After saying those words, Merlin took a small amount of mist and crushed it in his palm. Instantly, he and Koro were transported back to the tower. Specifically, the treasury at the top of Merlin's wizard tower.
"Milly, move away." As soon as Merlin said those words, Milly who was in the form of a little fairy grew to the height of a human, turned corporeal and took a few steps back while holding a blanket.
"Let's start by saying that everything that you know about me, Milly and this world isn't real." Merlin looked at Koro as he continued. "Its true that you came from an earth with no mana or magic. Your soul along with a few others travelled the void and found yourself in the mist. Where my family took care of you all."
Koro just looked at his master. This was the first time he heard his masters name. There were also many things that confuses him. Seeing his master about to explain things, Koro did not want to interrupt him.
"My son and daughter gave you all another body to inhabit. Although she simply created a golem. That should have been enough for someone who was suffering from the effects of the void for the past hundred years."
"We didn't know then that you will never be content with anything. First you asked for your original bodies. Then you asked to be able to use the mist and live in mist sea. Because of how happy my children are for having new friends, my wife and I gave in." Merlin stopped for a while because he was holding in his anguish. Koro could see that and he kept his mouth shut. Despite having many questions.
"Since you are not originally from the mist sea, there is a certain incompatibility with the mist and you can only harness a little bit of its power. You people, were greedy for what we have. Food, clothing, shelter, anything that we might want or need can be obtained by taking a small portion of mist. You wanted the mist. And you wanted it all for yourselves." Marlin's anger cannot be hidden now. His voice cracked as he speaks, his eyes red and his hand was curled into a fist.
"Although you were once mortals, seeing such power in front of you, you and your people thought of a way to obtain everything for yourself. You convinced my children to turn themselves into golems who would obey your every command."
"They promised to become golems and obey your commands for a trillion years. They did that because you promised them that you would allow them to visit your world for doing that. When they told us about your deception, it was too late. They have to fulfill their promise or become unwelcome in the mist sea."
Merlin looked at Koro and then at Milly. "Do you know what you have done? You made my children suffer for a Trillion years. I vowed to let you suffer far worse for those trillion years."
A single tap at the forehead of Koro and Milly allowed them to view the air. A large continent that is divided into two can be seen. On the other side can be seen a pair of golden golems and billions of insect monsters attacking the other half of the continent.
What Koro knew as one whole world was, in reality just one big island. At the east side of the island can be seen two towers with a few houses near them. At the west side of the island, one can see two golems rearing insect eggs. The insects would feed on food created by the golems. They mature in just a few hours and go and attack the village.
Merlin explained that this island is his own version of hell. The souls of Koro and his cohorts would be placed in artificially created clones. They will be weak mortals who could only tremble at the insects and cry for help from the wizards hiding in the tower. This is the first stage. To experience fear and weakness.
Their soul would be placed in another clone after it is killed and eaten by insects. This would happen over and over so that they can accumulate the experience. Then they would be stored in the tower in soul form where the accumulated experience will be slowly absorbed by them. It would feel like reincarnating over and over into a life of fear and pain that would end with being eaten. This will happen in a day or two and would repeat many times.
After they have enjoyed phase one for a period of time. They would be sent to the golems who will place them in a random egg. They would then experience being in the backseat of the insect's mind. They can never control the insect. They can only feel its mad instincts to eat and eat and eat. At this time, they knew that the people they are eating are their people. After all the humans are eaten, the insects will attack and eat each other. When the insects they are living in, dies, they will be placed in another insect egg. They would get to enjoy phase two for a period of time.
Phase three is when Merlin will choose one and seal their memories. Letting it live as an apprentice wizard. Then giving them the tools needed to escape and explore. This time the setting Merlin gave was of one who wants to go home. Koro faithfully followed the setting and was unluckily swallowed in the marvel cinematic universe when doctor strange released a concentrated amount of energy from the time stone.
Most of the time, those who are in phase three would live exemplary lives, using their powers for good and living honest lives. Merlin would them find a partner in whatever dimension they managed to escape to. Give them some time to fall in love. This is where they would fully understand love, freedom and life. Then Merlin would swoop in and go to phase four. Phase four is when merlin explains everything and sends them into a clone to start experiencing phase one.
Koro asks what or who is Milly. Merlin explained that Milly is Koro's daughter without any seals on her memories. Her task is to either help Koro or guide him to make mistakes. Her actions will be reviewed and depending on how much trouble she got you into, her mother which is your wife will get a few months of freedom.
"It is your daughters' job to keep you alive. If your soul ever gets destroyed or merges with another soul then your punishment would be given to your wife and daughter. That means they would get another trillion years of vacation in this hell." Merlin laughed a little as he looks at Koro.
Koro didn't know what to say. He hoped that none of what his master said is true. He is Koro apprentice wizard of the highest rank and last disciple to Great Wizard Rapo not Merlin. His master loved him and would die for him. He also loves his master.
Koro is so confused. Merlin who he knows as Wizard Rapo said things which he does not and can not believe to be true. He does not believe that Milly is his daughter or that he is married. He also cannot believe that he did something to Merlin's children. It doesn't feel right. If all he had to go through is the memories that he currently has then he is not a bad person. Even when he was Arthur Black, he was not inclined to use the money nor is he greedy for anything.
He wanted someone to tell him that this is just a dream. He looked once more at his master who started to unseal his memories. Pain the likes he never knew came with the memories. He tried to ignore the pain by trying to ascertain how much time passed as his memories return.
Memories from several lives enter his mind and cause him pain throughout the process of unsealing his memories. He once lived as a holy man, a leader with integrity, a good father to orphans, a friend, an uncle, a teacher, etc. He realized that every time he was became an apprentice and escapes, he always creates a reason for himself on why he can't be a hero. Its as if he was afraid to become one. Its because he knows deep down that he cannot save himself and his family. How can be somebody else's hero?