
In the kingdom of Princess

In a couple of days Swein finally recovered and they were ready to go.

"Just remember, without this book I can do nothing!" the witch told them.

The Prince and Lica said goodbye to her and Elsa, went for the Book of Destiny.

"Tell me, Angelica," the young man said suddenly, "you said that you had already been in the Wizard's catacombs. What had you been doing there?"

"We had been saving the Princess; Gosh, what else?"

"I thought that it had been Edward's mission!" Swein chuckled. "Well, in any case, it will be much easier for us."

"In what way?"

"We'll go to the rescued Princess and question her about everything; otherwise we will seek the Book of Destiny all our life."

"But it is not right... Edward and Princess were engaged."

"Were they? That's interesting! How much I have missed being dead... So it's even better! Let's go! I know the enchanted path that will lead us right to the kingdom of the Princess."

And Swein turned his horse to the Valley of Oblivion.

"Just follow me in the tracks. Otherwise you risk getting a completely different place!" the Prince shouted.

The girl did so. She saw Swein's horse perfectly well and tailed him. After about half an hour heavy fog suddenly covered them.

"What is it?" Lica asked.

"The path!" the Prince answered. "Do not worry, I've grown up here and I have all the paths at my fingertips."

"Actually, you're not in your body now to talk about 'your fingertips'!" - Angelica quipped.

The Prince burst of laughing.

"You are right!" he shouted going on.

After a couple of hours the fog was getting thawing and the riders came to a wonderful valley. It was already dusk. The first stars had appeared in the sky.

"It seems to be the Kingdom of the Princess!" Swein said. "I was lucky that we had not come in the day light. And here is the palace over there!"

The Prince pointed forward. Far ahead where the valley ended there was the beautiful white stone palace.

"So what are we waiting for?" Lica asked. "Go!"

And she pulled the reins. The Prince followed her. Soon the riders arrived at the gate of the palace. The guards were watching it.

"Immediately tell the Princess that Prince Edward and Angelica are here," Swein said, jumping out of his horse.

The girl had hoped that he would help her but the Prince even did not look back. She flushed with anger but said nothing and did it herself. The Prince walked quickly and Lica had nothing to do but to follow him. They were taken to a small room and in fifteen minutes the Princess came to them.

"Oh, God!" she said, waving her hands. "Edward, Angelica! What a meeting! I am so happy!"

Swein came up to the Princess, dropped to one knee and kissed her hand. Then he stood up and holding her hand, said with a languid voice:

"Good evening! We have not seen each other for a long time! And you are getting more beautiful!"

Lica was as surprised that stood frozen. If she had not known Swein, she would be able to swear that the Prince had fallen in love with the Princess; he was looking at her in such way!

"Oh, Edward, you look great too!" she blushed.

Then the Princess pulled her hand away from Edward's and went to Angelica.

"My dear," she said, "I am so grateful to you! If not you, I'd have still been in the dungeons of the Wizard! I did not have time to thank you but now I am going to correct my mistake and I thank you with all my heart!"

The Princess bent into a bow in front of Lica.

"Your Highness, not at all," the girl was taken aback. "You shouldn't! I'm really embarrassed!"

The Princess stood up, smiled and said:

"Now you're tired of the way... first you'll have dinner and then you will be taken to your rooms, where you can have a rest. And tomorrow I am going to organize a ball in your honor!"

"But..." Angelica and Swein tried to say something.

However, the Princess had already called her servants and given them the orders.

"We'll need a little patience," the Prince whispered to Lica's ear.

She nodded and went obediently to her room.

In the morning there was a knock at Lica's door.

"Come in!" she said.

It was the Princess.

"Dear, Angelica!" she said. "I hope you can help me to get everything ready for the ball! Edward cannot stand sunlight and I cannot do it by myself."

The girl nodded.

"Then get dressed and go out, I'll be waiting for you in the hall!"

The Princess went out and Angelica got up reluctantly and put on her clothes. Then she went to the Princess.

When they started preparations for the ball Lica realized that being the Princess or Queen is not so easy. In the evening she was exhausted.

"Honey, you should go and have a rest!" the Princess said. "We have to dance all night. So you must go to your room. When you are all right, choose any of my dresses and get down to the ballroom!"

The girl did not mind and went to her room. She came in and looked in the mirror. She saw a slim girl in jeans and a pullover, with black eyes in a pale face.

"Well, it is clear now why Swein is always flirting with the Princess!" Angelica said aloud. "Unfortunately now, I really look awful."

She lay down the bed and fell asleep.