
Ladies are changing gentlemen!

Angelica did not know how much time had passed but when she woke up, the sun had set and the sky had darkened. She opened her eyes and listened. She could hear the sounds of music from somewhere.

"The ball may have already started," Lica decided.

She sat on the bed and lost in thoughts. She had no desire to go to this ball but for some reason she was afraid to leave Swein with the Princess alone. Since she was free, the Princess had been prettier. She had long blond hair, going down with marvelous curls; she was well-built with sparkling blue eyes. Angelica remembered Swein holding the Princess's hand and some unpleasant feelings haunted her.

"Am I jealous?" flashed through her mind. "Perhaps, I should go..."

Lica called the servant, who was waiting outside, and asked him where she could get a dress.

"Her Highness told me about you," the servant said. "Follow me!"

He led the girl through the corridors to the spacious room with lots of wardrobes.

"Choose whatever you like!" the servant pointed to the wardrobes.

Angelica opened one and just confused. There were so many dresses of any colors and any style that she couldn't chose anything.

"Tell me," Lica asked suddenly, "and what color is Her Majesty's wearing today?"

"White made of the best lace," the servant replied.

"She looks like a bride!" the girl smiled to herself. "Oh, Your Highness, Your Highness! It was Edward who loved white but Swein's favorite is dark blue..."

She turned to the servant and said:

"Do you have any dark blue dresses?"

He hesitated a little but then remembered:

"Yes, there is one! But the Princess has never worn it, so first we must find it!"

"Excellent! Could you look for it, please!"

Angelica sat down on the armchair in the middle of the room and the servant began to open every wardrobe. About an hour later, he finally exclaimed:

"Yeah! That's it! But do not you think that it is too dark for the ball?"

Lica looked at the dress and said with satisfaction:

"No! It is exactly what I wanted!"

She went behind the screen and put on the dress. Then she let her hair and went to the mirror.

"How is it?" she asked amazed servant.

"Brilliant!" he said admiringly.

"Now find me matching shoes and hurry up!" the girl gave the order.

The servant immediately rushed to do that.

In fifteen minutes Angelica came out of the room ready. She was going on the balcony upstairs and looked down at the dance hall. Lica immediately noticed Swein and the Princess, dancing in the center of the room. The Prince almost never took his eyes from the beauty. Angelica froze. She was standing and watching as one dance was replaced by another and Swein and the Princess did not stop.

"Well, it seems a bit steep!" she thought irritably. "I must do something!"

And she went down the stairs.

At this time the music stopped and the emcee announced that for the next dance ladies would invite gentlemen.

"That's good!" Lica thought.

She came into the hall but saw the Princess had already held the Prince's hand.

"Damn it!" Angelica cursed. "I am really jealous! But who? Edward or Swein? Or both of them?"

She looked around and saw a good looking young man near her. The girl stepped up to him and said:

"Can I invite you to dance?"

The young man looked at Lica with delight and gave her his hand.

They were the second pair after Swein and the Princess. The Prince accidentally turned around and saw Angelica. She was so beautiful that he could not miss it. But he just smiled and turned his full attention to the Princess. At this time, the emcee said:

"Ladies are changing gentlemen!"

And the Princess, laughing, stole Lica's partner and the girl stayed with the Prince.

"You look great!" Swein said cold.

"Yeah," Angelica nodded. "But you are always caring for the Princess!"

"Have you forgotten she's my fiancée," the Prince smiled.

"Ex-fiancée! And she is not yours but Edward's!"

"It's not important!" the Prince quipped.

At this moment the music stopped and Swein led Lica to the chairs. Then he went back to Princess again.

Angelica was so angry that ran out of the hall and went to her room. On the way she came into the dressing room and put on her old clothes and hung the blue dress in the wardrobe.

In the room she sat down on the windowsill staring up at the starry sky. Then she went to bed and did not notice as she fell asleep.