Before and After

In those days there was nothing like digital devices, everything was manual. For example, if we wanted to get the information we don't use the internet we open large textbooks to read, or if we wanted to communicate we don't use phones or laptops, we write letters or go through face-to-face communication. When technology was introduced, it made work easier for us and also made the world a better place to live and also a horrible place to stay in. You might wonder how? read on to find out.

Golden was a tall figured boy who had high hair, a fair complexion, had beauty spots, and a very brilliant boy. He was a well-known person in Areamia, a local town in Marley because of his looks and smarts; he was an eighth-grader in Miscreant High School, born into the family of Mr. and Mrs. Okeke.

It was an early Monday morning when Golden stood up to go get ready for school, When he was ready he trekked quickly because his school was far from his home, on his way to school he met his best friend Udoh, who was an average height boy, dark-skinned and brilliant "Good Morning Udoh" Golden greeted, 'Good morning my dear friend, were you able to do the homework Mr. Dane gave us?', he asked "I had to read all the textbooks my father had before I could get the answer "he replied "Please can you help me with mine when we reach school' he requested "Sure, let's go to school quick before assembly starts I don't want to be late "said Golden, they both agreed and rushed.

Golden rushed to school then helped Udoh with his Homework after that they went separate ways, the school moved fast and eventually school ended, Golden went home exhausted and forgot to say bye to his friend Udoh, when he got home he did his homework then went straight to the kitchen to make food and eat, on his way going there he met his older sister Adora who had an endomorph figure and full heart lips asked Golden "Have you heard?", "Heard what?" he responded "There are devices they are using abroad that are very fine, they said they would soon send some into Marley" she informed "Which device oh you mean those things that use electricity?" he asked "Yes, they would be shipped to Marley next month," she said smiling largely "Wow I can't believe that," he said surprised. I can't wait for the devices it would be so exciting to see and use.

*Next Month*

Golden was in assembly; they were all seated down in the assembly hall waiting for their honorable principal, named Mrs. Goma, a tall lady with a body of a goddess who was very understanding and sometimes strict, to come up and start talking. Their principal came up the stage and started speaking "Good morning my dear students, I hope your weekend was splendid, You all know what devices are? she asked, all the students echoed "Yes" "Ok, you might know that those devices are going to be shipped to Marley and schools here..." she said and paused for a moment, "well we have gotten our own devices called a laptop, it's a Microsoft 10 laptop" excitement filled the students of miscreant high school and they screamed in excitement after the announcement all students went to their classroom.


It was lunchtime, the school administrators called the class of Year 8 Sunflower into the hall room where all of them would be assigned a laptop each. The face of all the students in the hall was beaming like sunlight. They taught them how to use the laptop and the basics and told them the consequences and benefits and they should not use the laptop for the wrong use.

Golden brought his medium-size laptop and showed his sister, Adora, she was amazed. They started using it and downloading games and apps he was going to use for school, after having fun with the laptop he charged then got ready for bed.

In the morning Golden took his laptop and put it in his school bag then got ready for school, after getting ready for school he went to school and on his way, he met his classmate Emmanuel who was skinny, medium height and rough, he always made trouble and Golden didn't like his presence , He looked at Emmaunel's hand and was surprised at the expensive watch he was wearing he then proceeded to ask "Where did you get thiswatch you are wearing?" "You wouldn't understand if i told you'' he replied Golden was curious of how he got the watch and continued asking where he got it from and all the responses were no, Golden gave up because there was no point.These continued for days,weeks ,months , Emmanuel and his friend group bought more new things every week by week , Golden so curious kept on asking and where they got the things from to himself.

Golden had upcoming exams and a particular fee was needed to pay and his parents didn't have money at that moment because their business was having some financial problems and don't have money to barley feed the family , Golden sat down thinking how he would help his parents with because he didn't want to repeat Grade 8 , he thought of going to Udoh to ask him and his parent to help him but his parents didn't like both of them being friends so he sat down and thought again and idea came Emmanuel! , he stood up with great speed and were his slippers sand trekked to Emmanuel's place of residence

Golden reached his destination and knocked on Emmanuel's door and waiting for a response , someone opened the door thinking it was going to be Emmanuel he was met with his mother , his mother said "Hey there who are looking for?", she asked Golden replied ''I'm here to look for Emanuel , i'm one of his classmates from school'' ''Oh!, well it's nice to meet you , he is in his room on his laptop"she responded.After the short conversation they had while Emmanuel's mum was leading Golden to his room,they had finally reached their desired destination,golden knocked at the door and Emmanuel opened it and wore a shocked expression on his face he proceeded to ask ''What are you doing here?'' ''I'm her to ask for help from you"" he responded "Help for what?"Emmanuel asked"To get money to pay for my exam fees , since i see you and friends with new expensive things every week , i would love to join you people to get my own cash for my own needs " he responded so quickly "It's too risky , you can't do it" he said unsure "I will do it please I need your help"Golden pleaded while kneeling down with his teary eyes, Emmanuel seeing him in his state accepted to help him and told him to get up.