Problem of love

There were two best friends named Kiki and Mila who did almost everything together .Kiki was a tall gall , dark in complexion , beautiful body structure, she was a true black beauty queen she is intelligent and one of the top student while Mila on the other was beautiful as her and an average student.But Mila was secretly jealous of kiki because she thought kiki was better than her

Kiki and Mila came to school the same , they met each other in the school hall where they were each talking about each others weekend until Evans walked by them who surprisingly was Mila's crush. Evans is one of the most popular players in basketball in school , he has the height of Lebron James and is very fashionable , his dad owns one of the biggest companies in New York .Enough of Evans let's get back tot he story Evans walked passe the two best friends and made approximately 1.5 seconds of eye contact with Kiki ,Evans came back to meet them walking and asked how they were and asked for Kiki's phone number and also asked wether they could meet up, but because Kiki knew that Evans was Mila's crush she didn't want trouble and declined the request of hanging out with him , Mila saw what happened right infront of her eyes and started to get angry and walked away , Kiki noticed that her mood changed and went after Mila she kept up with Mila's fast pace and tried to grab her attention , when she finally grabbed Mila's attention , i think that was the biggest mistake that Kiki ever made today , Mila turned too look at her with an angry face and Kiki asked her why she was mad , Mila screamed at her What do you want from me , why are you such a sl*t and a wh*re is what came out from her mouth , it already created a crowd around them Kiki also got angry , and when Kiki got angry she did things that she will later regret , she stormed out of the crowd looking for Evans , while Mila was behind knowing that Kiki was going to do something dangerous , when Kiki has finally met Evans she dragged him in a for a kiss , Everyone around them were cheering as for Kiki's soon to be ex best friend was screaming at the top of the longs