

Lilly is a 16 year old girl who has long curly black hair, brown eyes and enjoyed her stay in Florida because she was very popular, had a lot of friends who where so loyal and were always there for her and went to a college which she loved but everything changed when she had to move from Florida to New York City because of her parents job. At her new university, she has to share rooms with a cool rich spoiled teenage called Olivia, will they be able to cope?..... Keep reading to find out what happens next, please make sure to comment and vote.


Lily's POV

" Lilly, wake up!", my mum says.

" Ugh!! Yes!!!!!", I reply.

I hate waking up early on weekends, for goodness sake it's weekends!!, we are supposed to rest on weekends but my in my family they take weekends as an opportunity to do what we couldn't do on weekdays.

" Wake up, remember we are moving, you all packed your things yesterday remember?" My mum replies

Wait I did?

" Yeah I remember," I said itching my hair

" Good then wake up, dress your bed, take a bath, do your hair, makeup under and do it fast cause I am giving you only thirty minutes to do all of this"my mum retorted.

" Thirty Minutes!!!!! to do all of that?!! Why should I dress my bed? We are moving!!!!" I exclaimed

" Wait so are you saying that we should leave your room messy?" My mum asked confused

" Umm.... yes because we are moving, let the family moving in here arrange the room they are going to sleep in," I answered.

" When we moved in here wasn't the place neat?" My mum asked " Please please please we don't have time for this, because of this i give you 20 mins unless we will leave you here " my mum shot back.

I dressed my bed, took my bath and looked at myself in the mirror, and found out that my hair was a mess

I don't know how my mum expects me to do all of thin under 20 mins, now I have only 10 minutes left but it is worth a try.

"Lilly!!!, Hurry Up!!" my mum called out

" Coming!!", I answered

I changed into a black top and a blue jean skirt with black sunglasses black and white sneaker and a black handbag and i was ready

I went downstairs for breakfast and found out that everyone was ready.

" What took you so long?" My mum asked

" Sorry but my hair was tangled" I answered

" As always," Mia says

" Shut up, it's not like you dress yourself up" I shot back

" Ok Ok no fighting, please, today, everyone is supposed to be happy, we are moving to New York!"

" I am not happy, leaving my friends, my school, My church, Everything!!!!" I replied as I bust out in tears.

" Aww don't cry, you will make new friends," I said as she rubbed my back

" How are you sure? You don't know the future, or do you?" I asked

" No!" my mum laughed, " But I promise you, you will make new friends okay?"

" Okay" i stammered

" This is nice, family bonding time but i really think we should hurry, we don't wanna miss our flight or do you?" My dad quickly said

My mum exclaimed " Oh My God, I forgot about that!"

My dad started laughing but my mum actually mad me feel better, I will miss everyone though.

We put our things in the car and drove to the airport. before we left i was like goodbye, house, goodbye room, goodbye everything, goodbye school and everything I was going to miss, I didn't know how New York will be like but hey it can't be that bad right??


Still Lily's POV

When We arrived at the airport, I was so scared, I felt like crying, my mum noticed my change of face so she started to rub my back.

"It is Ok, New York is a great place, you will love it, am so sorry you have to go through this because of us." My mum said trying to comfort me

" No mum it is not your fault, it is for the family" I responded

My mum smiled.

Elisabeth's P.O.V

I feel so bad for my daughter, I know how much she loved Florida,her friends, her popularity, he school but her have to do this because of our jobs, I just wish there was a way to make her feel better and not remember Florida anymore. I know how she feels, it happened to me and that is why I want to make sure she feels better

Lilly's P.O.V

I wish I could stay in Florida but because of my parents job we are moving, I know it is for the family. When we entered the Airport, I saw that there was a long line, I was like what??

" That's not where we are", My mum said

I had a sigh of relief, "oh ok"

We did everything we e supposed to do entered the plane and we were ready to take off.

I was so sad, looking out the window, I put on my earpiece . " Goodbye Florida",I said to myself and I wanted to cry but I held it.

"It is Okay Lilly, you will love New York and your new school too", My mum said

" New School??!!!" I exclaimed

" Yes, of course, wait, did you think you will stay at home and drop out of school?" My mum asked

" No! You and dad said that I will be doing online classes!" I said wanting to cry

" We can't spend that much money on data, do you know how much that will be?" My mum asked

" But....but.... mum...."I stammered

I couldn't finish my sentence, I just burst out in tears.

"This isn't fair, does that mean that I will never see my friends again?, My school? everything?" I asked forcing myself to talk

" I am afraid so but you will never know, you might see them again" My mum answered

" Oh..o..o.ok" I stammered, felling like the world has fallen apart

We finally arrived in New York, got to admit, New York is beautiful.

" Mum, can we have a tour? I want to see the Statue of Liberty!" Mia asked excitedly

Jason replied " Yeah, let us do that"

" Chill, we just arrived, " My mum said laughing

" Wow, this is amazing," I said surprisingly

" I told you you were going to love it" My mum replied giving me the i told you so look

" Yeah, yeah so where are we gonna stay?" I asked curious

" Oh yeah that is a surprise, you are going to love it." My dad said excitedly then her looked at my mum.

" Ummm... ok?" I said suspiciously

We drove for like 30 minutes then when we reached our destination, my mum told us to close our eyes unless it will no longer be a surprise. We walked for like a minute, I was really scared because I thought I will trip and fall but i didn't and when i opened my eyes, I saw a huge mansion.Our Jaws Dropped

"Whoa" we all exclaimed"

" We knew you all where going to miss Florida, so we decided to pay for a house that is really special to you all" my dad explained

" We don't have to go and see the Statue of Liberty again, this is way better than the statue of Liberty!!" Mia exclaimed

" Shall we?" My mum asked

" Yes we shall!" Jason replied and ran inside.

This is amazing i thing I am going to enjoy my new life in New York.

" Lilly get ready because Tomorrow we are going to your new college to get everything you will need " I hear my mum say

" Oh....Ok" I replied

I am so scared, I don't know what to do, new university, new people, new roommates, new everything!. I hope this will be good

" Time to show you all your rooms" Dad said

We entered the mansion, and wow, it was fabulous, it has a swimming pool, a lot of rooms, lights, chandeliers, a good kitchen and we all had our personal rooms! yes!! , I don't have to share rooms with these kids again.

" No noise, have a good night sleep, you have a big day tomorrow," my mum told me

" Ok Mum, I will." I assured her

" Good, don't be scared okay?" she told me

" I won't " i replied

This day went well . Let me see if tomorrow will be better


New city, New home, everything wasn't as bad as I thought it will be and surprisingly my hair wasn't tangled today, probably because I was sleeping on a very good pillow, then I heard a knock on my door.

" Yes come in," I said

Then my mum came in

" Remember Lilly.."My mum tried to remind me but I cut her off by saying

" Yeah Yeah I remember, I have to go to my new college to get all the things i will need and you and dad will not tolerate bad character cause you trained me well and I should show that to the whole university. Also, I shouldn't join cult or smoke or become and drug addict or go to clubs or get drunk or sneak out of college"

" Well then, since you know everything, I shouldn't say anything again right?" my mum asked chuckling

" yeah" I answered

" Get ready" My mum added

" Ok, Oh mum which university am I going to?" I asked her

" Oh I forgot about that, you will be going to Columbia University" She answered

" OMG Columbia?!" I exclaimed

" Yes, do you like it?" She asked

" I love it!" I jumped out of bed and gave her a hug, she laughed and left my room.

Why was I scared before? This is going to be fun!!

Rushed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, did my hair did my makeup and changed into this

And yes, I chose the New York Girl hoodie cause I moved into New York. I rushed downstairs for breakfast and i found out we were having cereal. Yes !! I love Cereal and it was my favourite cereal, Oreos. I love everything Oreos cause I love Chocolate

When I finished eating, I found out that my mum was driving me, I was so happy. I love it when my mum drives me, she is a woman and we talk about girly stuff like boys, fashion, e.t.c

I hopped into my mum's Lexus and yes my mum has her own Lexus

We drove for like an hour listening to music and talking about my new university, we finally reached my new college and it was huuge!!!

" Mum, I am scared, like really scared. I know no one, no one knows me. Will it not be weird and embarrassing if everyone looks at me? Imagine if I get bullied in front of a cute boy....." I asked my mum but I got cut off by my mum.

" Lilly!!" she exclaimed

" Yes" I answered

" Don't be scared, everything is going to be ok. Got it? Plus, when you where in Florida, this is how you acted on the first day of school but it turned out awesome. Right?" She replied

" Wait so are you saying that it is going to be ok?" I asked her

" I didn't say that but calm down" She replied

" Oh ok." I said trying to calm down.

We came down from the car, entered inside the university gate and Oh My God, Larger than I thought it was!

" Oh..... My..... God." I exclaimed

" Huge huh?" My mum asked

" Duh?!!" I exclaimed

My mum laughed then we entered into the admin's office, the admin dressed classy, well... classy for an admin wearing black crazy jeans, a white t shirt with words written on it, a leather jacket, a black hat, black sunglasses, bland handbag and black and white sneakers. Now that's what you call fashion.

" Oh hii, Mrs Elisabeth Williams, right?" The admin asked

" That's me" My mum answered looking at me

" My name is Mrs Naomi Scott, well, Isn't it the Pretty Miss Lilly, Hello" She said bringing out her hand.

Pretty, maybe she just said that because she wanted me to like the school.

"Lilly" My mum called me, she snapped me put of my thoughts

" Oh, sorry, Hi, Pardon My rudeness, I was thinking" I replied shaking her hands

She started laughing.

" Please sit" She said.

I got more and more scared, I have messed up even when I have not met the students yet.

This is going to be terrible.

We stayed in the office for like an hour, she was telling us all about the school, the rules, blah blah blah. I got so bored that I wanted to come out of the admins's office

" ummm can I go go have a look around like...." I said but got cut off by the admin

" I know you are bored, too much rules and yes you can leave, I was even about to tell you to excuse us for a while, I want to talk to you mum privately" she said

" Ohh umm ok" I replied looking at my mum

Immediately I came out of the admin's office, I bumped into a girl wearing should I say an oversized t-shirt with the words Bad Ass Girls Club, Black sunglasses, Gold hoop earrings, Silver necklace and had straight brown hair on. Now that is some real bad ass.

And her two friends, The first one wore a yellow oversized t shirt, blue jean jacket had brunette short hair with black high heel boots

The second one dyed her hair white, wore yellow sunglasses, silver hoop earrings, an oversized yellow t-shirt that has the word OVERDRESSED written on it and black leather shiny jeans.

I am so happy that she knew she overdressed but hat wasn't the problem, the problem same when one ear of the boss' Gold hoop earrings fell off, that was when I knew I was in trouble.

" Ouch!, What is wrong with you?! Are you blind or what?!" The girl asked with anger.

" I.....I....I...." I got cut of by the third girl

" I what!!??" she exclaimed

" I am so..sorry, it was a mistake, I didn't see you all coming...." I got cut off by the second girl

Can these people let me finish?

" Common Olivia, this girl is so.. so.." She got of by the first girl who I think is the boss and the so called Olivia. She came closer to me like real close, I was shaking, what will she do to me?

"Anna chill " She told the second girl then she turned to me

" Are you new in this school? She asked me

" Umm.. yes" I answered

I don't know how I even answered that question, I was shaking.

" Well darling whatever look you where going for, you missed." She lashed out

( Lash Out: To critisize someone or something angrily.Now let the story continue😊😊)

Her friends started to laugh

" Wha..wha..what do you mean?" I asked her stammering

" I mean you look stupid!" She exclaimed jumping down my throat.

( Jumping down someone's throat : To suddenly speak very angrily to someone in a way that seems unfair. We learn something New Everyday. Story Time!😊😊)

I wanted to cry, I was holding my tears but I couldn't hold it, a drop of tear ran down my cheek, then Olivia cleaned it, look at her hand then showed it to her friends.

" What is this?! Awww, little baby wanna cry .Ha! do you think I care?" She said

" Umm.." I said stammering

" Name?" She asked

"" I answered still stammering

" Don't you have a surname? " She asked me raising her voice

" Lilly Will..... Williams" I answered shaking, I was sweating

" Even the name is stupid, ugh, what is good or fashionable about you?" She asked

I put my face down.

" Lilly Williams ! Ha!! What a name." The second girl said mocking me

Then they left, I can't believe I got all of that even before I became a student of that school. I started to cry, I quickly opened the door so that I wouldn't bump into anyone again. When I entered, my mum was about to pay for my school fees, I ran to her collected and collected the phone crying.

" Mum don't pay for my school fees because I am not going to this school" I exclaimed

" Lilly, stop that, give me my phone back! " My mum scolded. She know I was crying because didn't look at my face, she looked at me then froze

" Lilly, what's wrong why are you crying?" My mum asked

I looked at the admin, she looked at me. Then my mum looked at the admin

" Umm, Mrs Naomi, can you please excuse us for a minute so that we can talk privately?"

" Sure and whatever happened Lilly, don't worry, I will be there for you." She said leaving

" What?" I asked

" Yes, I know you are crying because of Olivia and her gang right?" She asked

" Yes, how.. how did you know?" I asked cleaning my tears

" Well, those three have made a lot of students cry on the first day and the school or teacher can't do anything because of their parents." She said

" What can the parents do?" My mum asked

" Well, Olivia's parents are super rich so she bribes the owner of the school with their money"

" What?!" My mum exclaimed

" Yes so any mess up, we are fired, and this is the only job I have, if I get fired, I have no other source of income. Can you believe Jennifer one of her friends dyed her hair white and we are not allowed to do anything?" Mrs Naomi said

" Wow! But this is the only good school I know there is..." I cut my mum off

" What?" I said looking at her.

" Yes Lilly, no matter how the bullies bully you, they offer very good education here" My mum replied.

" Lilly don't worry, I will be there for you no matter what." Mrs Naomi told me.

" But if you will get fired how will you be there for me?" I asked Mrs Naomi

" I have my ways, I did the same for a girl who is now a doctor and I can do the same for you." Mrs Naomi replied.

My mum looked at me

" Can I now pay your schools fees?" My mum asked me

" Yes but it is only because of Mrs Naomi" I answered

Mrs Naomi started to laugh.

We finished in the admin's office, we left and I bumped into Olivia again

" Good day ma'am, you look beautiful" Olivia said looking at my mum

What did she just say, did she just greet? She is a real pretender!

" Hii, Thank you soo much" My mum answered then she looked at me, " Lilly greet your new friend!"

New friend?!!

"Hi" I said looking down.

" Hi, bye got to go, hoping to see you Lilly in this university" Olivia said smiling then she left.

" You see, you already have a friend, at first I thought she was spoiled from her dressing but she is humble, you could use a girl like her"

" What?!!...." I exclaimed but I got cut off by my mother.

" I know you don't want to accept that I am right so no more talking, let's go home" she said

" What?! No mum I...." I wanted to protest but she interrupted me.

" I said no more talking. I am not mad at you but later you can thank me for bringing you to this school." My mum said.

This is terrible, I have not started my school and I already hate it.

What's worse? My mum thinks Olivia is a good girl.

I just went to my room and put my head on the pillow and started to cry, why is this happening to me? My pillow is now wet. I hate m life. I remember when I was happy that I was going to Columbia University but now, I regret saying I loved it.